Custom Query (55 matches)


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Status: closed (55 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#124 Grub 1.98 clfs-commits@… task blocker CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#139 Kernel broken on Alpha clfs-commits@… defect blocker CLFS Standard GIT invalid
#207 xz-4.999.8beta 64bit build fails (common.h line 101) clfs-commits@… defect blocker CLFS Standard GIT worksforme
#232 Binutils 2.19.51 fails to compile under CLFS SVN clfs-commits@… task blocker CLFS Standard GIT worksforme
#748 Add Pkg-Config clfs-commits@… task blocker CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#149 Cross silo build for pure 64bit Sparc V9 broken clfs-commits@… defect critical CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#870 7.4 does not create symbolic link clfs-commits@… defect critical CLFS Standard 1.2.0 fixed
#141 Coreutils 6.12 clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard 1.2.0 fixed
#159 gcc 4.3.1 Joe Ciccone task major CLFS Standard 1.2.0 fixed
#163 Build fail with jhalfs - linux-headers clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard 1.2.0 invalid
#165 SVN repo avaliability clfs-commits@… defect major CLFS Standard 1.2.0 invalid
#166 jhalfs install stopped in chroot/e2fsprogs clfs-commits@… defect major CLFS Standard 1.2.0 invalid
#172 Silo 1.4.14 clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#175 Kernel Joe Ciccone task major CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#176 Glibc 2.8 Joe Ciccone task major CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#178 file-4.23.tar.gz source, 4.24, and 4.25 clfs-commits@… defect major CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#179 File 4.25 Joe Ciccone task major CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#180 GCC 4.3.2 Joe Ciccone task major CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#181 Coreutils 6.12 - Install Problem Joe Ciccone task major CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#183 I think tree is now redundant ? Jim Gifford task major CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#184 Incomplete multiarch wrapper installation for libtool (x86_64) clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#189 Glibc 2.9 clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#191 New build method for CLFS? clfs-commits@… task major wontfix
#201 Perl plobrems and fixes clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#202 Use EXT3 instead of EXT2 clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard GIT invalid
#209 Glibc make check gives localedata errors clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#220 Dependency Information clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#223 Text for changing permissions for /tools clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#746 EGlibc Host Req GPerf? clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard GIT invalid
#857 x86-64 Pure 64 build Jonathan task major CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#863 PowerPC Mutilib Build clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#880 coreutils clfs-commits@… task major fixed
#888 1.2.0 MIPs 32bit book All Packages URLs wrong clfs-commits@… defect major CLFS Standard 1.2.0 fixed
#889 CLFS Book 1.2.0 MIPS 32bit patches URLs wrong clfs-commits@… defect major CLFS Standard 1.2.0 fixed
#890 1.2.0 MIPS 32bit book missing patch URL clfs-commits@… defect major CLFS Standard 1.2.0 fixed
#891 1.2.0 MIPS 32bit book eglibc-port-2.13x tarball URL wrong clfs-commits@… defect major CLFS Standard 1.2.0 fixed
#32 Rationale for including each package in the book (from LFS Trac) chris@… task minor CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#137 Perl 5.10.0 Joe Ciccone task minor CLFS Standard 1.2.0 fixed
#182 UTF-8 clfs-commits@… task minor CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#185 module-init-tools creates /share clfs-commits@… task minor CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#190 Command explanations needed for cross-tools Binutils and GCC clfs-commits@… task minor CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#205 Update Acknowledgements clfs-commits@… task minor CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#210 The way to use execvp in the multiarch_wrapper, in order to keep control over the processes. clfs-commits@… task minor CLFS Standard 1.2.0 fixed
#217 add CPPFLAGS and CXX to compile PPL Joe Ciccone defect minor CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#224 Inconisty with Util-linux-ng multilib clfs-commits@… defect minor CLFS Standard GIT wontfix
#233 6.14 coreutils-7.6 help2man: can't get `--help' info from clfs-commits@… defect minor CLFS Standard GIT invalid
#840 Glib Dependancy information clfs-commits@… task minor CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#877 ppl source package clfs-commits@… task minor CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#879 Util Linux 32bit logger should be removed clfs-commits@… task minor CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#136 Vim temp system clfs-commits@… feature request trivial CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#147 Netboot in book David feature request trivial CLFS Standard GIT wontfix
#148 Adding a text editor to tools part of book (optional section) David feature request trivial CLFS Standard 1.2.0 duplicate
#215 First build of GMP unnecessarily bloated clfs-commits@… task trivial CLFS Standard GIT fixed
#225 Spelling mistake in CLFS 1.1.0 Book clfs-commits@… defect trivial CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#235 For adding GMP 5 in the future until next PPL release clfs-commits@… defect trivial CLFS Standard GIT fixed
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