Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#183 closed task (fixed)

I think tree is now redundant ?

Reported by: ken Owned by: Jim Gifford
Priority: major Milestone: CLFS Standard 1.2.0
Component: BOOK Version: CLFS Standard GIT
Keywords: Cc:


My memory, which might be iffy, tells me that we build 'tree' so that failures in the udev testsuite get properly handled. But, we no longer run any tests on udev.

Maybe I'm wrong, or maybe the testsuite fell out by accident, or maybe there is some other reason to build tree ?

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Joe Ciccone, 16 years ago

It was on my list of stuff to remove. I just forgot to create a ticket for it. As far as I can tell udev was the only package that used it, and the new build system doesn't have any test suites yet.

comment:2 by Jonathan, 16 years ago

The book does not ask the reader to perform any tests. Running "make test-install" returns:

test -z "/etc/udev" || /bin/mkdir -p "/home/nate/src/udev-128/udev-test-install/etc/udev"
 /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 'udev.conf' '/home/nate/src/udev-128/udev-test-install/etc/udev/udev.conf'
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/nate/src/udev-128'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/nate/src/udev-128'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/nate/src/udev-128'
tree /home/nate/src/udev-128/udev-test-install/
make: tree: Command not found
make: *** [test-install] Error 127

The code from Makefile

716 test-install:
717         rm -rf $(PWD)/udev-test-install/
718         make DESTDIR=$(PWD)/udev-test-install install
719         tree $(PWD)/udev-test-install/

Tree was not installed on my system but we do not run any tests so in this sense Tree has become redundant. If you'd like me to remove it from the book just assign ticket to me.

comment:3 by Jonathan, 16 years ago

This is the output once tree is installed. At present Tree is redundant so I think it should either be removed from the book, OR udev's "make test-install" should be added to the udev final page if the reader wants to run the test.

tree /home/nate/src/udev-128/udev-test-install/
|-- etc
|   |-- scsi_id.config
|   `-- udev
|       |-- rules.d
|       `-- udev.conf
|-- lib
|   |-- ->
|   |--
|   |-- ->
|   |--
|   `-- udev
|       |-- ata_id
|       |-- cdrom_id
|       |-- collect
|       |-- create_floppy_devices
|       |-- edd_id
|       |--
|       |-- fstab_import
|       |-- path_id
|       |-- rule_generator.functions
|       |-- rules.d
|       |   |-- 50-udev-default.rules
|       |   |-- 60-cdrom_id.rules
|       |   |-- 60-persistent-input.rules
|       |   |-- 60-persistent-storage-tape.rules
|       |   |-- 60-persistent-storage.rules
|       |   |-- 60-persistent-v4l.rules
|       |   |-- 61-persistent-storage-edd.rules
|       |   |-- 75-cd-aliases-generator.rules
|       |   |-- 75-persistent-net-generator.rules
|       |   |-- 79-fstab_import.rules
|       |   |-- 80-drivers.rules
|       |   `-- 95-udev-late.rules
|       |-- scsi_id
|       |-- usb_id
|       |-- vol_id
|       |-- write_cd_rules
|       `-- write_net_rules
|-- sbin
|   |-- udevadm
|   `-- udevd
`-- usr
    |-- include
    |   |-- libudev.h
    |   `-- libvolume_id.h
    |-- lib
    |   |-- -> ../../lib/
    |   |-- -> ../../lib/
    |   `-- pkgconfig
    |       |-- libudev.pc
    |       `-- libvolume_id.pc
    `-- share
        `-- man
            |-- man7
            |   `-- udev.7
            `-- man8
                |-- ata_id.8
                |-- cdrom_id.8
                |-- create_floppy_devices.8
                |-- edd_id.8
                |-- path_id.8
                |-- scsi_id.8
                |-- udevadm.8
                |-- udevd.8
                `-- vol_id.8

15 directories, 50 files

comment:4 by chris@…, 16 years ago

Owner: changed from clfs-commits@… to Jim Gifford

comment:5 by Jonathan, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Tree removed in r4148.

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