Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#1164 new task

IPutils s20161105

Reported by: William Harrington Owned by: clfs-commits@…
Priority: major Milestone: CLFS Standard 3.1.0
Component: BOOK Version: CLFS Standard GIT
Keywords: Cc: berzerkula@…, jonathan@…, chris@…, cross-lfs@…


Some added USE variables:

make USE_IDN=no USE_NETTLE=no USE_CRYPTO=no TARGETS="clockdiff ping rdisc tracepath traceroute6"

Could create a patch like our current version. Nothing from the previous IPutils version needs to apply.

Generate man-pages and create patch. Add attr, acl, libcap to sysvinit book.

Attachments (1)

iputils-s20161105-build-1.patch (156.3 KB ) - added by William Harrington 7 years ago.
Iputils patch to simplify installation

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

by William Harrington, 7 years ago

Iputils patch to simplify installation

comment:2 by William Harrington, 7 years ago

The patch has built man pages and documentation and affects the build variables:

  • USE_IDN=no (default yes)
  • USE_NETTLE=no (default yes)
  • USE_CRYPTO=no (default shared)


patch -Np1 -i ../iputils-s20161105-build-1.patch
make ping tracepath traceroute6 clockdiff rdisc

We may or may not want this layout and the 4711 permissions on ping and traceroute6. Was following Slackware's layout.


install -v -m4711 ping /bin
ln -sv ping /bin/ping4
ln -sv ping /bin/ping6
install -v -m755 clockdiff /usr/sbin
install -v -m755 rdisc /usr/sbin
install -v -m755 tracepath /usr/bin
install -v -m4711 traceroute6 /usr/bin

install -v -m644 doc/{clockdiff,ping,rdisc,tracepath,traceroute6}.8 /usr/share/man/man8
ln -sv ping.8 /usr/share/man/man8/ping6.8

install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/iputils-s20161105
install -v -m644 RELNOTES doc/*.html \
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