Custom Query (19 matches)


Show under each result:

Resolution: fixed (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#954 Migrate to GLIBC clfs-commits@… task critical BOOK CLFS Standard GIT
#957 Gettext 0.19 Bugs clfs-commits@… defect critical BOOK CLFS Standard GIT
#961 D-Bus 1.8.4 Announce with security fix clfs-commits@… task critical BOOK CLFS Sysroot GIT
#965 KMOD-18 bug fixes clfs-commits@… task critical BOOK CLFS Standard GIT
#966 Temp system GMP, MPFR, MPC, CLOOG, ISL switches clfs-commits@… task critical BOOK CLFS Standard GIT
#974 D-Bus 1.8.6 Security Fix chris@… task critical BOOK CLFS Standard GIT
#951 Replace Procps with Procps-ng clfs-commits@… feature request major BOOK CLFS Standard GIT
#953 Migrate to Systemd clfs-commits@… feature request major BOOK CLFS Standard GIT
#958 systemd-timesyncd daemon chris@… enhancement major BOOK CLFS Sysroot GIT
#967 KMOD 17 installs documentation clfs-commits@… defect major BOOK CLFS Standard GIT
#968 Systemd 213 and fsck -l chris@… task major BOOK CLFS Standard GIT
#955 Switch to Man-DB William Harrington task minor BOOK CLFS Standard GIT
#964 Use kernel patches for updates in kernel major/minor versions clfs-commits@… task minor BOOK CLFS Standard GIT
#972 Shadow 4.2.1 clfs-commits@… task minor BOOK CLFS Standard GIT
#962 Move Man-DB after Libpipeline clfs-commits@… task trivial BOOK CLFS Standard GIT
#963 Cross-tools Descriptions for File and M4 clfs-commits@… task trivial BOOK CLFS Sysroot GIT
#981 Separate USR and Systemd clfs-commits@… task trivial BOOK CLFS Standard GIT

Resolution: invalid (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#918 Alpha 64bit build clfs-commits@… task major BOOK CLFS Standard GIT

Resolution: duplicate (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#952 Migrating EGLIBC to GLIBC clfs-commits@… task critical BOOK CLFS Standard GIT
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.