Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#980 closed task (fixed)

Util-linux and systemd/libudev

Reported by: chris@… Owned by: clfs-commits@…
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: BOOK Version:
Keywords: Cc: berzerkula@…, jonathan@…, chris@…


Currently, the CLFS book has an installation of Util-linux early in the final-system, with a note saying that the user can reinstall it after systemd (or Eudev in the sysvinit book) to link against libudev. In ticket #976, blackadder mentioned possibly building it twice, or doing as LFS does and linking e2fsprogs and systemd to Util-linux libs in /tools.

Personally, I'd rather not link it to stuff in /tools - it might work fine, but it adds a bit more complication to the build. I'd suggest either keeping it as-is or adding a 2nd build to the book. Any other thoughts?

Change History (4)

comment:1 by William Harrington, 11 years ago

We may as well build it twice and give it full coverage for the system. It's that or keep the note for Util-Linux and edit the notes as required in the Systemd and Sysvinit books.

It would be a good idea to build a complete Util-Linux in Ch10. If we do that then would we name the chapters as Util-linux pass1 and Util-linux pass2?

comment:2 by Martin Ward, 11 years ago

That seems a good idea to build a pass1 with limited options, and then again as pass2 after systemd. Obviously things like python bindings, smack and bash completions should be avoided.

comment:3 by William Harrington, 10 years ago

I have a render for a proposal for this ticket. I plan to commit this if no issues are found in the next few days.

comment:4 by William Harrington, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Build a pass1 and have the enhanced additions with pass2.

Fixed at commit 10d030c65ecb4c4b7b5f99c5e6fb7d3a7450c090

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