Opened 13 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#896 closed task (fixed)

Iana numbers update patch

Reported by: William Harrington Owned by: clfs-commits@…
Priority: trivial Milestone:
Component: BOOK Version: CLFS Standard GIT
Keywords: Cc:


In the iana etc README it states to get the updated data run make get then make then run make test.


This process is not advised for unattended installations. See below. To fetch the latest data from the IANA run:

make get make make test # Visually inspect protocols and services because some errors # could produce a file that is valid but contains no records.

Beware that while test checks for invalid lines in the output files, it cannot check for applications that might be broken by changes made by the IANA or breakage that makes the file valid but not useful. In addition, there is generally little of interest in the IANA's changes unless you're trying to pick a port for new development in which case you're better off consulting the unfiltered files.

Do we need the patch and tell the user to update using the method in the README or keep the patch? We have to update the patch every time there are changes with the data.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by William Harrington, 13 years ago

Version: CLFS Standard GIT

comment:2 by William Harrington, 13 years ago

Also another issue is whether the host will have network connectivity or not. Make get will not work properly. How should we go about this?

comment:3 by William Harrington, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed


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