Opened 18 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#126 closed task (fixed)

Ncurses Host System Requirement

Reported by: Joe Ciccone Owned by: clfs-commits@…
Priority: major Milestone: CLFS Standard 1.1.0
Component: BOOK Version: CLFS Standard 1.1.0
Keywords: texinfo tputs ncurses Cc:


Texinfo needs Ncurses for the native part of its build. The menu for the linux kernel also requires a native Ncurses. Need to determine the minimum version required.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Joe Ciccone, 18 years ago

Milestone: CLFS Standard 1.1.0

comment:2 by chris@…, 18 years ago

Texinfo can be installed into the temp-system without ncurses - I believe the only thing in Texinfo that needs ncurses is the "info" program, and that isn't needed in /tools. We should be able to do "make -C lib && make -C makeinfo && make -C util" followed by either "make -C makeinfo install && make -C util install" or "cp makeinfo/makeinfo util/install-info /tools/bin". Of course, this is assuming that these are all that are needed in the temp-system, and I could very well be wrong...

comment:3 by Joe Ciccone, 17 years ago

I'm currently testing the following with Texinfo 4.11

make -C lib
make -C gnulib/lib
make -C makeinfo
make -C util

cp makeinfo/makeinfo util/instlal-info /tools/bin

comment:4 by Joe Ciccone, 17 years ago

Make that command:

cp -v makeinfo/makeinfo /tools/bin cp -v util/ginstall-info /tools/bin/install-info

comment:5 by Joe Ciccone, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

The host system requirements page was updated a while ago.

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