Opened 10 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#1019 closed task (fixed)

GCC 5.2

Reported by: William Harrington Owned by: clfs-commits@…
Priority: major Milestone: CLFS Standard 3.1.0
Component: BOOK Version: CLFS Standard GIT
Keywords: GCC 5.2 Cc: berzerkula@…, jonathan@…, chris@…

Description (last modified by William Harrington)

New Major Release 5.2


The Graphite framework for loop optimizations no longer requires the CLooG library, only ISL. The installation manual contains more information about requirements to build GCC.

There will be some configure changes and possibly toolchain changes. The patches for pure64bit and multilib will need to be edited.

Attachments (6)

gcc-5.1.0-pure64-1.patch (36.7 KB ) - added by William Harrington 10 years ago.
Pure64 bit patch for final system and 64bit builds. The layout of MIPS config has changed and needs a close look at those parts. Loongson and some other needs changed.
gcc-5.1.0-amd64-final-tests (70.5 KB ) - added by William Harrington 10 years ago.
Test resuilts of Ch10 Pure64 GCC AMD64
gcc-5.2.0-isl-1.patch (10.1 KB ) - added by William Harrington 10 years ago.
gcc-5.2.0-pure64_specs-1.patch (28.5 KB ) - added by William Harrington 10 years ago.
gcc-5.2.0-specs-1.patch (19.3 KB ) - added by William Harrington 9 years ago.
Specs patch for GCC 5.2.0
gcc-5.2.0-branch_update-1.patch.xz (197.3 KB ) - added by William Harrington 9 years ago.
A branch update patch for gcc 5.2 revision 229636

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (23)

comment:1 by William Harrington, 10 years ago

Version: CLFS Standard 3.1.0CLFS Standard GIT

comment:2 by William Harrington, 10 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:3 by William Harrington, 10 years ago

Work in progress

May want to disable bootstrap for each build. There are branch updates we will want to include. 5.2.0 is fine for a stable release but there are critical issues that we need to follow with each release as usual.

Section 5.13 GCC 5.2.0 static

AR=ar LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/cross-tools/lib" ../gcc-5.2.0/configure \
    --prefix=/cross-tools --build=${CLFS_HOST} --host=${CLFS_HOST} --target=${CLFS_TARGET} \
    --with-sysroot=${CLFS} --with-glibc-version=2.11 --with-local-prefix=/tools \
    --with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include --disable-nls --disable-shared \
    --with-mpfr=/cross-tools --with-gmp=/cross-tools --with-isl=/cross-tools \
    --with-mpc=/cross-tools -without-headers --with-newlib --disable-multilib \
    --disable-decimal-float --disable-threads --disable-libatomic --disable-libgomp \
    --disable-libitm --disable-libquadmath --disable-libsanitizer --disable-libssp \
    --disable-libvtv --disable-libcilkrts --disable-libstdc++-v3 --with-system-zlib \
    --enable-languages=c --enable-checking=release --disable-bootstrap

Section 5.15 GCC 5.2.0 Final:

AR=ar LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/cross-tools/lib" ../gcc-5.2.0/configure --prefix=/cross-tools \
    --build=${CLFS_HOST} --target=${CLFS_TARGET} --host=${CLFS_HOST} --with-sysroot=${CLFS} \
    --with-local-prefix=/tools --with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include --disable-nls \
    --disable-static --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-multilib --with-mpc=/cross-tools \
    --with-mpfr=/cross-tools --with-gmp=/cross-tools --with-isl=/cross-tools --with-system-zlib \
    --enable-checking=release --disable-bootstrap

Section 6.10 Temp System GCC 5.2.0:

cat gcc/limitx.h gcc/glimits.h gcc/limity.h > \
`dirname $($CLFS_TARGET-gcc -print-libgcc-file-name)`/include-fixed/limits.h
../gcc-5.2.0/configure --prefix=/tools --build=${CLFS_HOST} --host=${CLFS_TARGET} \
    --target=${CLFS_TARGET} --with-local-prefix=/tools --disable-multilib \
    --with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include --enable-languages=c,c++ \
    --disable-libstdcxx-pch --with-system-zlib --enable-checking=release \
    --enable-libstdcxx-time --disable-bootstrap

remove sed for LIBS and INC

Section 10.19 Final System GCC 5.2.0:

View for configure options
libstdcxx-time looks like auto is best for configure to use
precompiled libstdcxx pch header should probably keep that. Still undecided

SED=sed CC="gcc -isystem /usr/include" CXX="g++ -isystem /usr/include" \
LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath-link,/usr/lib:/lib" ../gcc-5.2.0/configure \
    --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-multilib \
    --with-system-zlib --enable-checking=release --disable-bootstrap

Add a compatibility symlink to enable building programs with Link Time Optimization (LTO)

install -v -dm755 /usr/lib/bfd-plugins
ln -sfv ../../libexec/gcc/$(gcc -dumpmachine)/5.1.0/ /usr/lib/bfd-plugins/
Last edited 9 years ago by William Harrington (previous) (diff)

by William Harrington, 10 years ago

Attachment: gcc-5.1.0-pure64-1.patch added

Pure64 bit patch for final system and 64bit builds. The layout of MIPS config has changed and needs a close look at those parts. Loongson and some other needs changed.

by William Harrington, 10 years ago

Attachment: gcc-5.1.0-amd64-final-tests added

Test resuilts of Ch10 Pure64 GCC AMD64

comment:4 by Martin Ward, 10 years ago

Agree on the bootstrap for the final version of the compiler, I have patches for the specs files also including mips etc, pure 64 works fine, but switched to a snapshot of gcc-5.1.1 as have noticed some regression when building packages. i kept the seds for LIBS and INC in temp gcc

by William Harrington, 10 years ago

Attachment: gcc-5.2.0-isl-1.patch added

by William Harrington, 10 years ago

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by William Harrington, 10 years ago

Replying to blackadder:

Agree on the bootstrap for the final version of the compiler, I have patches for the specs files also including mips etc, pure 64 works fine, but switched to a snapshot of gcc-5.1.1 as have noticed some regression when building packages. i kept the seds for LIBS and INC in temp gcc

The seds for LIBS and INC can be removed. They are no longer required.

comment:6 by William Harrington, 10 years ago

Here are my current build instructions for gcc 5.2.0 and Pure64 bit:

GCC 4.8.3 -> 5.2.0


Static ======

remove touch limits.h add --with-glibc-version=2.11 so GLIBC will detect and use ssp properly. GLIBC will then no longer need config.cache for ssp.

AR=ar LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/cross-tools/lib" ../gcc-5.2.0/configure --prefix=/cross-tools --build=${CLFS_HOST} --host=${CLFS_HOST} --target=${CLFS_TARGET} --with-sysroot=${CLFS} --with-glibc-version=2.11 --with-local-prefix=/tools --with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include --disable-nls --disable-shared --with-mpfr=/cross-tools --with-gmp=/cross-tools --with-isl=/cross-tools --with-mpc=/cross-tools -without-headers --with-newlib --disable-multilib --disable-decimal-float --disable-threads --disable-libatomic --disable-libgomp --disable-libitm --disable-libquadmath --disable-libsanitizer --disable-libssp --disable-libvtv --disable-libcilkrts --disable-libstdc++-v3 --with-system-zlib --enable-languages=c --enable-checking=release

Final =====

AR=ar LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/cross-tools/lib" ../gcc-5.2.0/configure --prefix=/cross-tools --build=${CLFS_HOST} --target=${CLFS_TARGET} --host=${CLFS_HOST} --with-sysroot=${CLFS} --with-local-prefix=/tools --with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include --disable-nls --disable-static --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-multilib --with-mpc=/cross-tools --with-mpfr=/cross-tools --with-gmp=/cross-tools --with-isl=/cross-tools --with-system-zlib --enable-checking=release

Temp ====

cat gcc/limitx.h gcc/glimits.h gcc/limity.h > dirname $($CLFS_TARGET-gcc -print-libgcc-file-name)/include-fixed/limits.h

../gcc-5.2.0/configure --prefix=/tools --build=${CLFS_HOST} --host=${CLFS_TARGET} --target=${CLFS_TARGET} --with-local-prefix=/tools --disable-multilib --with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-libstdcxx-pch --with-system-zlib --enable-checking=release --enable-libstdcxx-time

remove sed for LIBS and INC

Ch10 Final System I'm currently working with. I have this form my last build:

GCC 5.2.0 Final System

SED=sed CC="gcc -isystem /usr/include" CXX="g++ -isystem /usr/include" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath-link,/usr/lib:/lib" ../gcc-5.2.0/configure --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-multilib --with-system-zlib --enable-checking=release

install -v -dm755 /usr/lib/bfd-plugins ln -sfv ../../libexec/gcc/$(gcc -dumpmachine)/5.2.0/ /usr/lib/bfd-plugins/

Last edited 9 years ago by William Harrington (previous) (diff)

comment:7 by William Harrington, 10 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Summary: GCC 5.1GCC 5.2

comment:8 by William Harrington, 10 years ago

Keywords: 5.2 added; 5.1 removed

comment:9 by Martin Ward, 10 years ago

i tried that patch gcc-5.2.0-isl-1.patch (from gentoo, i believe) on a previous build, still had a few problems, reverting back to isl-0.14.1 allowed me to continue

my current build was


AR=ar LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/cross-tools/lib" ../gcc-5.2.0/configure --prefix=/cross-tools --build=${CLFS_HOST} --host=${CLFS_HOST} --target=${CLFS_TARGET} --with-sysroot=${CLFS} --with-local-prefix=/tools --with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include --disable-nls --disable-shared --with-gmp=/cross-tools --with-mpfr=/cross-tools --with-mpc=/cross-tools --without-headers --with-newlib --disable-decimal-float --disable-libgomp --disable-libssp --disable-threads --disable-multilib --disable-libatomic --disable-libitm --disable-libsanitizer --disable-libquadmath --disable-libvtv --disable-libcilkrts --disable-target-libiberty --disable-target-zlib --with-system-zlib --enable-languages=c --enable-checking=release --disable-werror --with-glibc-version=2.9 --disable-libmpx


AR=ar LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/cross-tools/lib" ../gcc-5.2.0/configure --prefix=/cross-tools --build=${CLFS_HOST} --target=${CLFS_TARGET} --host=${CLFS_HOST} --with-sysroot=${CLFS} --with-local-prefix=/tools --with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include --disable-nls --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-languages=c,c++ --enable-cxa_atexit --enable-c99 --enable-long-long --enable-threads=posix --disable-multilib --with-gmp=/cross-tools --with-mpc=/cross-tools --with-mpfr=/cross-tools --with-isl=/cross-tools --with-system-zlib --enable-checking=release --enable-libstdcxx-time --disable-werror


didn't construct the limits.h, as i believe it's not necessary, kept seds for LIBS and INCS(probably not necessary)

CC="${CC} ${BUILD64}" CXX="${CXX} ${BUILD64}" ../gcc-5.2.0/configure --prefix=/tools --build=${CLFS_HOST} --host=${CLFS_TARGET} --target=${CLFS_TARGET} --libexecdir=/tools/lib --with-local-prefix=/tools --enable-long-long --enable-c99 --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --disable-nls --enable-cxa_atexit --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-libstdcxx-pch --with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include --disable-multilib --with-gmp=/tools --with-mpfr=/tools --with-mpc=/tools --with-isl=/tools --with-system-zlib --disable-libssp --enable-checking=release --enable-libstdcxx-time --enable-install-libiberty --disable-werror

and chap 10

--enable-install-libiberty --disable-bootstrap

install -v -dm755 /usr/lib/bfd-plugins ln -sfv ../../lib/gcc/$(gcc -dumpmachine)/5.2.0/ /usr/lib/bfd-plugins/

i do build binutils with --enable-threads --enable-plugins --disable-werror though

in reply to:  9 ; comment:10 by William Harrington, 10 years ago

Replying to blackadder:

i tried that patch gcc-5.2.0-isl-1.patch (from gentoo, i believe) on a previous build, still had a few problems, reverting back to isl-0.14.1 allowed me to continue

I attached a patch to this ticket for isl-0.15 which uses the patches from the GCC mailing list regarding ISL 0.15. The gentoo patch didn't work here. They have included some extra things.

The patch takes care of issues at:


in reply to:  10 ; comment:11 by Martin Ward, 10 years ago

Replying to kb0iic:

Replying to blackadder:

i tried that patch gcc-5.2.0-isl-1.patch (from gentoo, i believe) on a previous build, still had a few problems, reverting back to isl-0.14.1 allowed me to continue

I attached a patch to this ticket for isl-0.15 which uses the patches from the GCC mailing list regarding ISL 0.15. The gentoo patch didn't work here. They have included some extra things.

The patch takes care of issues at:


I'm sure i used those but got a complaint about missing headers, but this was about a month ago

in reply to:  11 comment:12 by William Harrington, 9 years ago

Replying to blackadder:

I'm sure i used those but got a complaint about missing headers, but this was about a month ago

The current patch for ISL 0.15 takes care of that.

comment:13 by William Harrington, 9 years ago

Test results from vmware workstation 11 for pure64 bit build:

LAST_UPDATED: Obtained from SVN: tags/gcc_5_2_0_release revision 225865

Native configuration is x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

		=== g++ tests ===

Running target unix
XPASS: g++.dg/tls/thread_local-order2.C  -std=c++11 execution test
XPASS: g++.dg/tls/thread_local-order2.C  -std=c++14 execution test

		=== g++ Summary ===

# of expected passes		93499
# of unexpected successes	2
# of expected failures		339
# of unsupported tests		3695
/sources/gcc-build/gcc/testsuite/g++/../../xg++  version 5.2.0 (GCC) 

		=== gcc tests ===

Running target unix
ERROR: child killed: segmentation violation
ERROR: tcl error sourcing /sources/gcc-5.2.0/gcc/testsuite/gcc.misc-tests/linkage.exp.

		=== gcc Summary ===

# of expected passes		114869
# of expected failures		267
# of unsupported tests		1793
/sources/gcc-build/gcc/xgcc  version 5.2.0 (GCC) 

		=== libatomic tests ===

Running target unix

		=== libatomic Summary ===

# of expected passes		54
		=== libgomp tests ===

Running target unix

		=== libgomp Summary ===

# of expected passes		1666
# of unsupported tests		170
		=== libitm tests ===

Running target unix

		=== libitm Summary ===

# of expected passes		26
# of expected failures		3
# of unsupported tests		1
		=== libstdc++ tests ===

Running target unix

		=== libstdc++ Summary ===

# of expected passes		10342
# of expected failures		65
# of unsupported tests		237

Compiler version: 5.2.0 (GCC) 
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
configure flags: --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-multilib --with-system-zlib --enable-checking=release --disable-bootstrap
Mail -s "Results for 5.2.0 (GCC) testsuite on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/g++/g++.sum /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/g++/g++.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/gcc/gcc.sum /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/gcc/gcc.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libatomic/testsuite/libatomic.sum /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libatomic/testsuite/libatomic.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.sum /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libitm/testsuite/libitm.sum /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libitm/testsuite/libitm.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++.sum /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/g++/g++.log /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/g++/g++.log.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/gcc/gcc.log /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/gcc/gcc.log.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libatomic/testsuite/libatomic.log /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libatomic/testsuite/libatomic.log.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.log /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.log.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libitm/testsuite/libitm.log /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libitm/testsuite/libitm.log.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++.log /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++.log.sent &&

by William Harrington, 9 years ago

Attachment: gcc-5.2.0-specs-1.patch added

Specs patch for GCC 5.2.0

comment:14 by William Harrington, 9 years ago

Multilib GCC static:

AR=ar LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/cross-tools/lib" ../gcc-5.2.0/configure --prefix=/cross-tools \
    --build=${CLFS_HOST} --host=${CLFS_HOST} --target=${CLFS_TARGET} --with-sysroot=${CLFS} \
    --with-glibc-version=2.11 --with-local-prefix=/tools \
    --with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include --disable-nls --disable-shared \
    --with-mpfr=/cross-tools --with-gmp=/cross-tools --with-isl=/cross-tools \
    --with-mpc=/cross-tools -without-headers --with-newlib --disable-decimal-float \
    --disable-threads --disable-libatomic --disable-libgomp --disable-libitm \
    --disable-libquadmath --disable-libsanitizer --disable-libssp --disable-libvtv \
    --disable-libcilkrts --disable-libstdc++-v3 --with-system-zlib --enable-languages=c \
    --enable-checking=release --disable-bootstrap

Multilib GCC-Final

AR=ar LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/cross-tools/lib" ../gcc-5.2.0/configure --prefix=/cross-tools \
    --build=${CLFS_HOST} --target=${CLFS_TARGET} --host=${CLFS_HOST} --with-sysroot=${CLFS} \
    --with-local-prefix=/tools --with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include --disable-nls \
    --disable-static --enable-languages=c,c++ --with-mpc=/cross-tools --with-mpfr=/cross-tools \
    --with-gmp=/cross-tools --with-isl=/cross-tools --with-system-zlib --enable-checking=release \

Multilib GCC Temp-system:

../gcc-5.2.0/configure --prefix=/tools --libdir=/tools/lib64 --build=${CLFS_HOST} \
    --host=${CLFS_TARGET} --target=${CLFS_TARGET} --with-local-prefix=/tools \
    --with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include --enable-languages=c,c++ \
    --disable-libstdcxx-pch --with-system-zlib --enable-libstdcxx-time \
    --enable-checking=release --disable-bootstrap

Multilib GCC Final-System

SED=sed CC="gcc -isystem /usr/include ${BUILD64}" \
CXX="g++ -isystem /usr/include ${BUILD64}" \
LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath-link,/usr/lib64:/lib64:/usr/lib:/lib" ../gcc-5.2.0/configure \
    --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/lib64 --enable-languages=c,c++ \
    --with-system-zlib --enable-checking=release --disable-bootstrap --enable-install-libiberty

Multilib x86_64 test results:

cat <<'EOF' |
LAST_UPDATED: Obtained from SVN: tags/gcc_5_2_0_release revision 225865

Native configuration is x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

		=== g++ tests ===

Running target unix
XPASS: g++.dg/tls/thread_local-order2.C  -std=c++11 execution test
XPASS: g++.dg/tls/thread_local-order2.C  -std=c++14 execution test

		=== g++ Summary ===

# of expected passes		93499
# of unexpected successes	2
# of expected failures		339
# of unsupported tests		3695
/sources/gcc-build/gcc/testsuite/g++/../../xg++  version 5.2.0 (GCC) 

		=== gcc tests ===

Running target unix
FAIL: gcc.dg/plugin/finish_unit-test-1.c -fplugin=./ (test for excess errors)
FAIL: gcc.dg/plugin/ggcplug-test-1.c -fplugin=./ (test for excess errors)
FAIL: gcc.dg/plugin/one_time-test-1.c -fplugin=./ (test for excess errors)
FAIL: gcc.dg/plugin/self-assign-test-1.c -fplugin=./  (test for warnings, line 15)
FAIL: gcc.dg/plugin/self-assign-test-1.c -fplugin=./  (test for warnings, line 19)
FAIL: gcc.dg/plugin/self-assign-test-1.c -fplugin=./  (test for warnings, line 20)
FAIL: gcc.dg/plugin/self-assign-test-1.c -fplugin=./  (test for warnings, line 21)
FAIL: gcc.dg/plugin/self-assign-test-1.c -fplugin=./  (test for warnings, line 22)
FAIL: gcc.dg/plugin/self-assign-test-1.c -fplugin=./ (test for excess errors)
FAIL: gcc.dg/plugin/self-assign-test-2.c -fplugin=./ (test for excess errors)
FAIL: gcc.dg/plugin/sreal-test-1.c -fplugin=./ (test for excess errors)
FAIL: gcc.dg/plugin/start_unit-test-1.c -fplugin=./ (test for excess errors)
FAIL: gcc.dg/plugin/wide-int-test-1.c -fplugin=./ (test for excess errors)
ERROR: child killed: segmentation violation
ERROR: tcl error sourcing /sources/gcc-5.2.0/gcc/testsuite/gcc.misc-tests/linkage.exp.

		=== gcc Summary ===

# of expected passes		114066
# of unexpected failures	13
# of expected failures		267
# of unsupported tests		1791
/sources/gcc-build/gcc/xgcc  version 5.2.0 (GCC) 

		=== libatomic tests ===

Running target unix

		=== libatomic Summary ===

# of expected passes		54
		=== libgomp tests ===

Running target unix

		=== libgomp Summary ===

# of expected passes		1666
# of unsupported tests		170
		=== libitm tests ===

Running target unix

		=== libitm Summary ===

# of expected passes		26
# of expected failures		3
# of unsupported tests		1
		=== libstdc++ tests ===

Running target unix

		=== libstdc++ Summary ===

# of expected passes		10342
# of expected failures		65
# of unsupported tests		237

Compiler version: 5.2.0 (GCC) 
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
configure flags: --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/lib64 --enable-languages=c,c++ --with-system-zlib --enable-checking=release --disable-bootstrap --enable-install-libiberty
Mail -s "Results for 5.2.0 (GCC) testsuite on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/g++/g++.sum /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/g++/g++.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/gcc/gcc.sum /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/gcc/gcc.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libatomic/testsuite/libatomic.sum /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libatomic/testsuite/libatomic.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.sum /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libitm/testsuite/libitm.sum /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libitm/testsuite/libitm.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++.sum /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/g++/g++.log /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/g++/g++.log.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/gcc/gcc.log /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/gcc/gcc.log.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libatomic/testsuite/libatomic.log /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libatomic/testsuite/libatomic.log.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.log /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.log.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libitm/testsuite/libitm.log /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libitm/testsuite/libitm.log.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++.log /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++.log.sent &&

bfd plugins

install -v -dm755 /usr/lib64/bfd-plugins
ln -sfv ../../lib64/gcc/$(gcc -dumpmachine)/5.2.0/ /usr/lib64/bfd-plugins/
Last edited 9 years ago by chris@… (previous) (diff)

by William Harrington, 9 years ago

A branch update patch for gcc 5.2 revision 229636

comment:15 by William Harrington, 9 years ago

I have added a branch update patch for GCC. This also fixes issues with ISL 0.15 and the isl patch is no longer needed, at least it didn't apply any of the changes. I'm going to test the patch with the current multilib build I'm almost finished with.

comment:16 by William Harrington, 9 years ago

Test results for multilib and branch update patch

cat <<'EOF' |
LAST_UPDATED: Obtained from SVN: tags/gcc_5_2_0_release revision 225865

Native configuration is x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

                === g++ tests ===

Running target unix
XPASS: g++.dg/tls/thread_local-order2.C  -std=c++11 execution test
XPASS: g++.dg/tls/thread_local-order2.C  -std=c++14 execution test

                === g++ Summary ===

# of expected passes            93669
# of unexpected successes       2
# of expected failures          342
# of unsupported tests          3734
/sources/gcc-build/gcc/testsuite/g++/../../xg++  version 5.2.0 (GCC for Cross-LFS 

                === gcc tests ===

Running target unix

                === gcc Summary ===

# of expected passes            114788
# of expected failures          273
# of unsupported tests          1798
/sources/gcc-build/gcc/xgcc  version 5.2.0 (GCC for Cross-LFS 

                === libatomic tests ===

Running target unix

                === libatomic Summary ===

# of expected passes            54
                === libgomp tests ===

Running target unix

                === libgomp Summary ===

# of expected passes            1666
# of unsupported tests          170
                === libitm tests ===

Running target unix

                === libitm Summary ===

# of expected passes            26
# of expected failures          3
# of unsupported tests          1
                === libstdc++ tests ===

Running target unix
FAIL: experimental/filesystem/iterators/ execution test
FAIL: experimental/filesystem/iterators/ execution test

                === libstdc++ Summary ===

# of expected passes            10457
# of unexpected failures        2
# of expected failures          65
# of unsupported tests          237

Compiler version: 5.2.0 (GCC for Cross-LFS 
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
configure flags: --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/lib64 --enable-languages=c,c++ --with-system-zlib --enable-checking=release --disable-bootstrap --enable-install-libiberty
Mail -s "Results for 5.2.0 (GCC for Cross-LFS testsuite on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/g++/g++.sum /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/g++/g++.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/gcc/gcc.sum /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/gcc/gcc.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libatomic/testsuite/libatomic.sum /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libatomic/testsuite/libatomic.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.sum /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libitm/testsuite/libitm.sum /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libitm/testsuite/libitm.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++.sum /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++.sum.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/g++/g++.log /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/g++/g++.log.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/gcc/gcc.log /sources/gcc-build/./gcc/testsuite/gcc/gcc.log.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libatomic/testsuite/libatomic.log /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libatomic/testsuite/libatomic.log.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.log /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.log.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libitm/testsuite/libitm.log /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libitm/testsuite/libitm.log.sent &&
mv /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++.log /sources/gcc-build/./x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++.log.sent &&

comment:17 by William Harrington, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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