Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of TracRepositoryAdmin

Aug 24, 2024, 2:37:00 AM (8 weeks ago)



  • TracRepositoryAdmin

    v2 v3  
    44== Quick start #QuickStart
     6Trac is primarily used as an issue tracking and project planning system, but can also be used to connect to and maintain source code repositories. This page describes the guidelines and caveats when connecting Trac to a repository.
    67 * Enable the repository connector(s) for the version control system(s) that you will use.
    7  * Add repositories through the //Repositories// admin panel, with `trac-admin` or in the `[repositories]` section of [wiki:TracIni#repositories-section trac.ini].
    8  * Set up a call to `trac-admin $ENV changeset added $REPO $REV` in the post-commit hook of each repository. Additionally, add a call to `trac-admin $ENV changeset modified $REPO $REV` in the post-revprop-change hook of repositories allowing revision property changes.
    9  * Make sure the user under which your hooks are run has write access to the Trac environment, or use a tool like `sudo` to temporarily elevate privileges.
     8 * Add repositories through the //Repositories// admin page, using `trac-admin` or by editing the `[repositories]` section of [[wiki:TracIni#repositories-section|trac.ini]].
     9 * Synchronize the repositories with the cache, if using cached repositories.
     10 * Configure your repository hooks to synchronize the repository. Alternatively you can synchronize on every request or disable the use of cached repositories, both of which have performance drawbacks and reduced functionality, but are easier to configure.
    1112== Enabling the components
    13 Support for version control systems is provided by optional components distributed with Trac, which are disabled by default //(since 1.0)//. Subversion and Git must be explicitly enabled if you wish to use them.
    15 The version control systems can be enabled by adding the following to the `[components]` section of your [TracIni#components-section trac.ini], or enabling the components in the //Plugins// admin panel.
     14Support for version control systems is provided by optional components distributed with Trac, which are disabled by default. Subversion and Git must be explicitly enabled if you wish to use them.
     16The version control systems can be enabled by adding the following to the `[components]` section of your [TracIni#components-section trac.ini], or enabling the components through the //Plugins// admin page.
    2526== Specifying repositories #Repositories
    26 Trac supports multiple repositories per environment, and the repositories may be for different version control system types. Each repository must be defined in a repository configuration provider, the two supported by default are the [#ReposDatabase database store] and the [#ReposTracIni trac.ini configuration file]. A repository should not be defined in multiple configuration providers.
    28 It is possible to define aliases of repositories, that act as "pointers" to real repositories. This can be useful when renaming a repository, to avoid breaking links to the old name.
    30 A number of attributes can be associated with each repository. The attributes define the repository's location, type, name and how it is displayed in the source browser. The following attributes are supported:
     28Trac supports multiple repositories per environment, and the repositories may be for different version control systems. Each repository must be defined in a repository configuration provider. Repository providers included with Trac are the [#ReposDatabase database store], the [#ReposTracIni trac.ini configuration file] and the [#ReposGitWeb GitWeb configuration file]. Additional providers are available as plugins.
     30You can define your repositories through a mix of providers, but each repository should only be defined in a single provider. The repository names must be unique across all providers and duplicate names are discarded.
     32It is possible to define aliases of repositories that act as "pointers" to real repositories. This can be useful when renaming a repository, to avoid breaking links to the old name.
     34=== Default Repository
     36Trac's repositories are listed in the Repository Index when navigating to //Browse Source//. The default repository is displayed first, followed by the Repository Index. TracLinks without a repository name in the path specification (e.g. `[1]` rather than `[1/repos1]`) refer to the default repository. !TracLinks for repositories other than the default must include the repository name in the path specification.
     38From the Repository Admin page, the default repository is specified by leaving the //Name// attribute empty. From the command line, the default repository is specified using the string `(default)` or `""`. In TracIni, the default repository is specified by leaving the `{name}` empty for each `{name}.{attribute}` option (e.g. `.dir = /path/to/dir`).
     40=== Repository Attributes
     42A repository is defined through the attribute `name` and one of the `alias` or `dir` attributes, all other attributes are optional:
    3244||='''Attribute''' =||='''Description''' =||
    3345||`alias` ||\
    34 ||A repository having an `alias` attribute is an alias to a real repository. All TracLinks referencing the alias resolve to the aliased repository. Note that multiple indirection is not supported, so an alias must always point to a real repository. The `alias` and `dir` attributes are mutually exclusive. ||
     46||Defines an alias to a real repository. All TracLinks referencing the alias resolve to the aliased repository. Note that multiple indirection is not supported, so an alias must always point to a real repository. The `alias` and `dir` attributes are mutually exclusive. ||
     47|| `cached` ||\
     48|| For a version control system that support caching, specifies that repository caching should be used. Defaults to `true` for version control systems that support caching. ||
    3549||`description` ||\
    3650||The text specified in the `description` attribute is displayed below the top-level entry for the repository in the source browser. It supports WikiFormatting. ||
    3751||`dir` ||\
    38 ||The `dir` attribute specifies the location of the repository in the filesystem. It corresponds to the value previously specified in the option `[trac] repository_dir`. The `alias` and `dir` attributes are mutually exclusive. ||
    39 ||`hidden` ||When set to `true`, the repository is hidden from the repository index page in the source browser. Browsing the repository is still possible, and links referencing the repository remain valid. ||
    40 ||`sync_per_request`||When set to `true` the repository will be synced on every request. This is not recommended, instead a post-commit hook should be configured to provide [#ExplicitSync explicit synchronization] and `sync_per_request` should be set to `false`.||
    41 ||`type` ||The `type` attribute sets the type of version control system used by the repository. Trac supports Subversion and Git out-of-the-box, and plugins add support for many other systems. If `type` is not specified, it defaults to the value of the `[versioncontrol] default_repository_type` option. ||
    42 ||`url` ||The `url` attribute specifies the root URL to be used for checking out from the repository. When specified, a "Repository URL" link is added to the context navigation links in the source browser, that can be copied into the tool used for creating the working copy. ||
    44 A repository `name` and one of `alias` or `dir` attributes are mandatory. All others are optional.
    46 For some version control systems, it is possible to specify not only the path to the repository in the `dir` attribute, but also a ''scope'' within the repository. Trac will then only show information related to the files and changesets below that scope. The Subversion backend for Trac supports this. For other types, check the corresponding plugin's documentation.
    48 After adding a repository, the cache for that repository must be re-synchronized once with the `trac-admin $ENV repository resync` command.
    50  `repository resync <repos>`::
    51    Re-synchronize Trac with a repository.
     52|| Specifies the location of the repository in the filesystem. The `alias` and `dir` attributes are mutually exclusive. ||
     53||`hidden` ||\
     54|| When set to `true`, the repository is hidden from the repository index page in the source browser. Browsing the repository is still possible, and links referencing the repository remain valid. ||
     55||`name` ||\
     56|| Identifies the version control system used by the repository. This field is mandatory. ||
     58|| When set to `true` the repository will be synchronized on every request (implicit synchronization). This is generally not recommended. See [#Synchronization repository synchronization] for a comparison of explicit and implicit synchronization. The attribute defaults to `false`. ||
     59||`type` ||\
     60|| Specifies the version control system used by the repository. Trac provides support for Subversion and Git, and plugins add support for several other systems. If `type` is not specified, it defaults to the value of the `[versioncontrol]` [wiki:TracIni#versioncontrol-default_repository_type-option default_repository_type] option. ||
     61||`url` ||\
     62|| Specifies the root URL to be used for checking out from the repository. When specified, a "Repository URL" link is added to the context navigation links in the source browser, that can be copied into the tool used for creating the working copy. ||
     64Additional attributes may be available through plugins.
     66=== Scoped Repository
     68For some version control systems, it is possible to specify not only the path to the repository in the `dir` attribute, but also a ''scope'' within the repository. Trac will then only show information related to the files and changesets below that scope. The scope is specified by appending a path that is relative to the repository root. The Subversion backend for Trac supports this.
     70For example, assume a repository at filesystem path `/var/svn/repos1` with several directories at the root of the repository: `/proj1`, `/proj2`, etc. The following configuration would scope the repository to `/proj1`:
     72proj1.dir = /var/svn/repos1/proj1
     73proj1.type = svn
     76For other repository types, check the corresponding plugin's documentation.
     78=== In the database #ReposDatabase
     79Repositories can also be specified in the database, using either the //Repositories// admin page under //Version Control//, or the `trac-admin $ENV repository` commands.
     81The admin panel shows the list of all repositories defined in the Trac environment. It allows adding repositories and aliases, editing repository attributes and removing repositories. Note that repositories defined in `trac.ini` are displayed but cannot be edited.
     83The following [wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin] commands can be used to perform repository operations from the command line.
     85 `repository add <repos> <dir> [type]`::
     86   Add a repository `<repos>` located at `<dir>`, and optionally specify its type.
     88 `repository alias <name> <target>`::
     89   Create an alias `<name>` for the repository `<target>`.
     91 `repository remove <repos>`::
     92   Remove the repository `<repos>`.
     94 `repository set <repos> <key> <value>`::
     95   Set the attribute `<key>` to `<value>` for the repository `<repos>`.
     97Note that the default repository has an empty name, so it will need to be quoted when running `trac-admin` from a shell. Alternatively, the name `(default)` can be used instead, for example when running `trac-admin` in interactive mode.
    5499=== In `trac.ini` #ReposTracIni
    55100Repositories and repository attributes can be specified in the `[repositories]` section of [wiki:TracIni#repositories-section trac.ini]. Every attribute consists of a key structured as `{name}.{attribute}` and the corresponding value separated with an equal sign (`=`). The name of the default repository is empty.
    57 The main advantage of specifying repositories in `trac.ini` is that they can be inherited from a global configuration (see the [wiki:TracIni#GlobalConfiguration global configuration] section of TracIni). One drawback is that, due to limitations in the `ConfigParser` class used to parse `trac.ini`, the repository name is always all-lowercase.
     102The main advantage of specifying repositories in `trac.ini` is that they can be inherited from a [wiki:TracIni#GlobalConfiguration global configuration]. Cached repositories defined in `trac.ini` at the time of [TracEnvironment#SourceCodeRepository environment initialization] will be automatically synchronized if the repository's connector is enabled. One drawback is that due to limitations in the `ConfigParser` class used to parse `trac.ini`, the repository name is always lowercase.
    59104The following example defines two Subversion repositories named `project` and `lib`, and an alias to `project` as the default repository. This is a typical use case where a Trac environment previously had a single repository (the `project` repository), and was converted to multiple repositories. The alias ensures that links predating the change continue to resolve to the `project` repository.
    75120Note that `name.alias = target` makes `name` an alias for the `target` repo, not the other way around.
    77 === In the database #ReposDatabase
    78 Repositories can also be specified in the database, using either the "Repositories" admin panel under "Version Control", or the `trac-admin $ENV repository` commands.
    80 The admin panel shows the list of all repositories defined in the Trac environment. It allows adding repositories and aliases, editing repository attributes and removing repositories. Note that repositories defined in `trac.ini` are displayed but cannot be edited.
    82 The following [wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin] commands can be used to perform repository operations from the command line.
    84  `repository add <repos> <dir> [type]`::
    85    Add a repository `<repos>` located at `<dir>`, and optionally specify its type.
    87  `repository alias <name> <target>`::
    88    Create an alias `<name>` for the repository `<target>`.
    90  `repository remove <repos>`::
    91    Remove the repository `<repos>`.
    93  `repository set <repos> <key> <value>`::
    94    Set the attribute `<key>` to `<value>` for the repository `<repos>`.
    96 Note that the default repository has an empty name, so it will likely need to be quoted when running `trac-admin` from a shell. Alternatively, the name "`(default)`" can be used instead, for example when running `trac-admin` in interactive mode.
     122=== In !GitWeb #ReposGitWeb
     124[ GitWeb] is a CGI script that comes with Git for web-based visualization of repositories. Trac can read the gitweb-formatted `project.lists` file. The configuration is done through the `[gitweb-repositories]` section of [[TracIni#gitweb-repositories-section|trac.ini]].
    98126== Repository caching
    100 The Subversion and Git repository connectors support caching, which improves the performance browsing the repository, viewing logs and viewing changesets. Cached repositories must be [#Synchronization synchronized]; either explicit or implicit synchronization can be used. When searching changesets, only cached repositories are searched.
    102 Subversion repositories are cached unless the type is `direct-svnfs`. Git repositories are cached when `[git]` [wiki:TracIni#git-section cached_repository] is `true`.
     128Caching improves the performance browsing the repository, viewing logs and viewing changesets. Cached repositories must be [#Synchronization synchronized], using either explicit or implicit synchronization. When searching changesets, only cached repositories are searched.
     130The Subversion and Git backends support caching. The [trac:TracMercurial Mercurial plugin] does not yet support caching ([trac:#8417]). To disable caching, set the `cached` attribute to `false`.
     132After adding a cached repository, the cache must be populated with the `trac-admin $ENV repository resync` command.
     134 `repository resync <repos>`::
     135   Re-synchronize Trac with a repository.
    104137== Repository synchronization #Synchronization
    105 Prior to 0.12, Trac synchronized its cache with the repository on every HTTP request. This approach is not very efficient and not practical anymore with multiple repositories. For this reason, explicit synchronization through post-commit hooks was added.
    107 There is also new functionality in the form of a repository listener extension point ''(IRepositoryChangeListener)'' that is triggered by the post-commit hook when a changeset is added or modified, and can be used by plugins to perform actions on commit.
    109 === Mercurial Repositories
    110 Please note that at the time of writing, no initial resynchronization or any hooks are necessary for Mercurial repositories - see [trac:#9485] for more information.
     139Either explicit or implicit synchronization can be used. Implicit synchronization is easier to configure, but may result in noticeably worse performance. The changeset added and modified events can't be triggered with implicit synchronization, so the [#Automaticchangesetreferencesintickets commit ticket updater] won't be available.
    112141=== Explicit synchronization #ExplicitSync
    113 This is the preferred method of repository synchronization. It requires setting the `sync_per_request` attribute to `false`, and adding a call to `trac-admin` in the `post-commit` hook of each repository. Additionally, if a repository allows changing revision metadata, a call to `trac-admin` must be added to the `post-revprop-change` hook as well.
     143This is the preferred method of repository synchronization. It requires adding a call to `trac-admin` in the `post-commit` hook of each repository. Additionally, if a repository allows changing revision metadata, a call to `trac-admin` must be added to the `post-revprop-change` hook as well.
    115145 `changeset added <repos> <rev> [...]`::
    119149   Notify Trac that metadata on one or more changesets in a repository has been modified.
    121 The `<repos>` argument can be either a repository name (use "`(default)`" for the default repository) or the path to the repository.
    123 Note that you may have to set the environment variable `PYTHON_EGG_CACHE` to the same value as was used for the web server configuration before calling `trac-admin`, if you changed it from its default location. See [wiki:TracPlugins Trac Plugins] for more information.
     151The `<repos>` argument can be either a repository name (use `"(default)"` for the default repository) or the path to the repository.
     153Note that you may have to set the environment variable `PYTHON_EGG_CACHE` to the same value as was used for the web server configuration before calling `trac-admin`, if you changed it from its default location. See [wiki:TracPlugins#Settinguptheplugincache TracPlugins] for more information.
    125155==== Subversion
    127157===== Using `trac-svn-hook`
    129 In a Unix environment, the simplest way to configure explicit synchronization is by using the [trac:source:branches/1.2-stable/contrib/trac-svn-hook contrib/trac-svn-hook] script. `trac-svn-hook` starts `trac-admin` asynchronously to avoid slowing the commit and log editing operations. The script comes with a number of safety checks and usage advice. Output is written to a log file with prefix `svn-hooks-` in the environment `log` directory, which can make configuration issues easier to debug.
    131 There's no equivalent `trac-svn-hook.bat` for Windows yet, but the script can be run by Cygwin's bash.
    133 Follow the help in the documentation header of the script to configure `trac-svn-hook`. Configuring the hook environment variables is made easier in Subversion 1.8 by using the [ hook script environment] configuration. Rather than directly editing `trac-svn-hook` to set the environment variables, they can be configured through the repository `conf/hooks-env` file. Replace the [trac:source:branches/1.2-stable/contrib/trac-svn-hook@:65-67#L61 configuration section] with:
    134 {{{#!sh
    135 export PATH=$PYTHON_BIN:$PATH
    137 }}}
    138 and set the variables `TRAC_ENV`, `PYTHON_BIN` and `PYTHON_LIB` in the `hooks-env` file. Here is an example, using a Python virtual environment at `/usr/local/venv`:
     159In a Unix environment, the simplest way to configure explicit synchronization is by using the [trac:source:branches/1.4-stable/contrib/trac-svn-hook contrib/trac-svn-hook] script. `trac-svn-hook` starts `trac-admin` asynchronously to avoid slowing the commit and log editing operations. The script comes with a number of safety checks and usage advice. Output is written to a log file with prefix `svn-hooks-` in the environment `log` directory, which can make configuration issues easier to debug.
     161There's no equivalent `trac-svn-hook.bat` for Windows yet, but the script can be run by Cygwin's bash. The documentation header of `trac-svn-hook` contains a Cygwin configuration example.
     163Follow the help in the documentation header of the script to configure `trac-svn-hook`. You'll need to minimally set the `TRAC_ENV` variable, and may also need to set `TRAC_PATH` and `TRAC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH` for a non-standard installation or a virtual environment.
     165Configuring the hook environment variables is even easier in Subversion 1.8 and later using the [ hook script environment] configuration. Rather than directly editing `trac-svn-hook` to set the environment variables, or exporting them from the hook that invokes `trac-svn-hook`, they can be configured through the repository `conf/hooks-env` file.
     167Here is an example, using a Python virtual environment at `/usr/local/venv`:
    142 PYTHON_BIN=/usr/local/venv/bin
    143 PYTHON_LIB=/usr/local/venv/lib
    152180/usr/bin/trac-admin /path/to/env changeset added "$1" "$2"
    154 Note: Check with `whereis trac-admin`, whether `trac-admin` is really installed under `/usr/bin/` or maybe under `/usr/local/bin/` and adapt the path.
     182Adapt the path to the actual location of `trac-admin`.
    155183On Windows (`post-commit.cmd`):
    171199The Unix variants above assume that the user running the Subversion commit has write access to the Trac environment, which is the case in the standard configuration where both the repository and Trac are served by the web server. If you access the repository through another means, for example `svn+ssh://`, you may have to run `trac-admin` with different privileges, for example by using `sudo`.
    173 See the [ section about hooks] in the Subversion book for more information. Other repository types will require different hook setups.
     201See the [ section about hooks] in the Subversion book for more information. Other repository types will require different hook configuration.
    175203==== Git
    177 Git hooks can be used in the same way for explicit syncing of Git repositories.  If your git repository is one that gets committed to directly on the machine that hosts trac, add the following to the `hooks/post-commit` file in your git repo (note: this will do nothing if you only update the repo by pushing to it):
    178 {{{#!sh
    179 #!/bin/sh
    180 REV=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
    181 trac-admin /path/to/env changeset added <repos> $REV
    182 }}}
    184 Alternately, if your repository is one that only gets pushed to, add the following to the `hooks/post-receive` file in the repo:
    185 {{{#!sh
    186 #!/bin/sh
    187 tracenv=/path/to/env     # change with your Trac environment's path
    188 repos=                   # change with your repository's name
     205[ Git hooks] can be used in the same way for explicit syncing of Git repositories.
     207If your repository is one that only gets pushed to, add the following to the `hooks/post-receive` file in the repo:
     210tracenv=/path/to/env  # set to your Trac environment's path
     211repos=                # set to your repository's name
    189212while read oldrev newrev refname; do
    190213    if [ "$oldrev" = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ]; then
    198 The `<repos>` argument can be either a repository name (use "`(default)`" for the default repository) or the path to the repository.
     220The `repos` variable is the repository name (use `"(default)"` for the default repository).
     222Alternatively, if your git repository is one that gets committed to directly on the machine that hosts Trac, add the following to the `hooks/post-commit` file in your Git repository:
     225tracenv=/path/to/env  # set to your Trac environment's path
     226repos=                # set to your repository's name
     227REV=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
     228trac-admin "$tracenv" changeset added "$repos" $REV
     230The `post-commit` hook will do nothing if you only update the repository by pushing to it.
     232Be sure to set the hook scripts as executable.
    200234==== Mercurial
    218252=== Per-request synchronization #PerRequestSync
    219 If the post-commit hooks are not available, the environment can be set up for per-request synchronization. In that case, the `sync_per_request` attribute for each repository in the database and in [wiki:TracIni#trac-section trac.ini] must be set to `false`.
    221 Note that in this case, the changeset listener extension point is not called, and therefore plugins using it will not work correctly.
    223 == Automatic changeset references in tickets
    225 You can automatically add a reference to the changeset as a ticket comment whenever changes are committed to the repository. The description of the commit needs to contain one of the following formulas:
     253If the post-commit hooks are not available, the environment can be set up for per-request synchronization. The `sync_per_request` attribute for each repository in the database and in [wiki:TracIni#trac-section trac.ini] must be set to `true`.
     255Note that in this case, the changeset listener extension point is not called, and therefore plugins that depend on the changeset added and modified events won't work correctly. For example, automatic changeset references cannot be used with implicit synchronization.
     257== Automatic changeset references in tickets #CommitTicketUpdater
     259You can automatically add a reference to the changeset as a ticket comment whenever changes are committed to the repository. The description of the commit needs to contain one of the following patterns:
    226260 * '''`Refs #123`''' - to reference this changeset in `#123` ticket
    227261 * '''`Fixes #123`''' - to reference this changeset and close `#123` ticket with the default status ''fixed''
    229 This functionality requires installing a post-commit hook as described in [#ExplicitSync], and enabling the optional commit updater components by adding the following line to the `[components]` section of your [wiki:TracIni#components-section trac.ini], or enabling the components in the //Plugins// admin panel.
     263This functionality requires installing a post-commit hook as described in [#ExplicitSync explicit synchronization], and enabling the optional commit updater components through the //Plugins// admin panel or by adding the following line to the `[components]` section of your [wiki:TracIni#components-section trac.ini]:
    231265tracopt.ticket.commit_updater.* = enabled
    237271=== My trac-post-commit-hook doesn't work anymore #trac-post-commit-hook
    239 You must now use the optional components from `tracopt.ticket.commit_updater.*`, which you can activate through the Plugins panel in the Administrative part of the web interface, or by directly modifying the [TracIni#components-section "[components]"] section in the trac.ini. Be sure to use [#ExplicitSync explicit synchronization] as explained above.
     273You must now use the optional components from `tracopt.ticket.commit_updater.*`, which you can activate through the //Plugins// admin page, or by directly modifying the [TracIni#components-section "[components]"] section in the trac.ini. Be sure to use [#ExplicitSync explicit synchronization].
    241275See [trac:CommitTicketUpdater#Troubleshooting] for more troubleshooting tips.
     277=== Git control files missing
     279If your repository is not browsable and you find a message in the log that looks like:
     2812017-08-08 10:49:17,339 Trac[PyGIT] ERROR: GIT control files missing in '/path/to/git-repository'
     2822017-08-08 10:49:17,339 Trac[git_fs] ERROR: GitError: GIT control files not found, maybe wrong directory?
     285First check that the path to your repository is correct. If the path is correct, you may not have the permission to have the web server access the repository. You can use Git to verify the repository. On a Debian-like Linux OS, the following command should help:
     287$ sudo -u www-data git --git-dir=/path/to/git-repository fsck
     290On other platforms you may need to modify the command to use the user under which the webserver runs.