Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of TracInstall

Aug 24, 2024, 2:37:00 AM (8 weeks ago)



  • TracInstall

    v4 v5  
    1 = Trac Installation Guide for 1.2
     1= Trac Installation Guide for 1.5
    4 Trac is written in the Python programming language and needs a database, [ SQLite], [ PostgreSQL], or [ MySQL]. For HTML rendering, Trac uses the [ Genshi] templating system.
     4Trac is written in the Python programming language and needs a database, [ SQLite], [ PostgreSQL], or [ MySQL]. For HTML rendering, Trac uses the [ Jinja2] templating system, though Genshi templates are supported until Trac 1.5.1.
    66Trac can also be localized, and there is probably a translation available in your language. If you want to use the Trac interface in other languages, then make sure you have installed the optional package [#OtherPythonPackages Babel]. Pay attention to the extra steps for localization support in the [#InstallingTrac Installing Trac] section below. Lacking Babel, you will only get the default English version.
    8 If you're interested in contributing new translations for other languages or enhancing the existing translations, then please have a look at [trac:wiki:TracL10N TracL10N].
    10 What follows are generic instructions for installing and setting up Trac. While you may find instructions for installing Trac on specific systems at [trac:TracInstallPlatforms TracInstallPlatforms], please '''first read through these general instructions''' to get a good understanding of the tasks involved.
     8If you're interested in contributing new translations for other languages or enhancing the existing translations, please have a look at [trac:wiki:TracL10N TracL10N].
     10These are generic instructions for installing and setting up Trac. While you may find instructions for installing Trac on specific systems at [trac:TracInstallPlatforms TracInstallPlatforms], please '''first read through these general instructions''' to get a good understanding of the tasks involved.
    1212[[PageOutline(2-3,Installation Steps,inline)]]
    1414== Dependencies
    1515=== Mandatory Dependencies
    1617To install Trac, the following software packages must be installed:
    18  * [ Python], version >= 2.6 and < 3.0
    19    (note that we dropped the support for Python 2.5 in this release)
    20  * [ setuptools], version >= 0.6
    21  * [ Genshi], version >= 0.6
    23 You also need a database system and the corresponding python bindings. The database can be either SQLite, PostgreSQL or MySQL.
     19 * [ Python], version >= 3.5
     20 * [ setuptools], version > 5.6
     21 * [ Jinja2], version >= 2.9.3
     23You also need a database system and the corresponding Python bindings. The database can be either SQLite, PostgreSQL or MySQL.
    2525==== For the SQLite database #ForSQLite
    27 As you must be using Python 2.6 or 2.7, you already have the SQLite database bindings bundled with the standard distribution of Python (the `sqlite3` module).
    29 Optionally, you may install a newer version of [ pysqlite] than the one provided by the Python distribution. See [trac:PySqlite#ThePysqlite2bindings PySqlite] for details.
     27You already have the SQLite database bindings bundled with the standard distribution of Python (the `sqlite3` module).
     29Optionally, you may install a newer version of [ pysqlite] than the one provided by the Python distribution. See [trac:PySqlite#ThePysqlite2bindings PySqlite] for details.
    3131==== For the PostgreSQL database #ForPostgreSQL
    3333You need to install the database and its Python bindings:
    34  * [ PostgreSQL], version 8.0 or later
    35  * [ psycopg2], version 2.0 or later
     34 * [ PostgreSQL], version 9.1 or later
     35 * [ psycopg2], version 2.5 or later
    3737See [trac:DatabaseBackend#Postgresql DatabaseBackend] for details.
    3939==== For the MySQL database #ForMySQL
    41 Trac works well with MySQL, provided you follow the guidelines:
    43  * [ MySQL], version 5.0 or later
    44  * [ MySQLdb], version 1.2.2 or later
     41Trac works well with MySQL, provided you use the following:
     43 * [ MySQL], version 5.0 or later
     44 * [ PyMySQL]
    4646Given the caveats and known issues surrounding MySQL, read carefully the [trac:MySqlDb] page before creating the database.
    5050==== Subversion
    52 [ Subversion], 1.6.x or later and the '''''corresponding''''' Python bindings.
    54 There are [ pre-compiled SWIG bindings] available for various platforms. (Good luck finding precompiled SWIG bindings for any Windows package at that listing. [trac:TracSubversion] points you to [ Alagazam], which works for me under Python 2.6.)
    56 For troubleshooting information, see the [trac:TracSubversion#Troubleshooting TracSubversion] page.
     52[ Subversion], 1.14.x or later and the '''corresponding''' Python bindings.
     54There are [ pre-compiled SWIG bindings] available for various platforms. See [trac:TracSubversion#GettingSubversion getting Subversion] for more information.
    5856{{{#!div style="border: 1pt dotted; margin: 1em"
    60 * Trac '''doesn't''' use [ PySVN], nor does it work yet with the newer `ctype`-style bindings.
    61 * If using Subversion, Trac must be installed on the '''same machine'''. Remote repositories are currently [trac:ticket:493 not supported].
    62 }}}
     58* Trac '''doesn't''' use [ PySVN], nor does it work yet with the newer `ctype`-style bindings.
     59* If using Subversion, Trac must be installed on the '''same machine'''. Remote repositories are [trac:ticket:493 not supported].
     62For troubleshooting information, see the [trac:TracSubversion#Troubleshooting TracSubversion] page.
    6464==== Git
    66 [ Git] 1.5.6 or later is supported. More information is available on the [trac:TracGit] page.
     66[ Git] 1.5.6 or later is supported. More information is available on the [trac:TracGit] page.
    6868==== Other Version Control Systems
    7272==== Web Server
    7374A web server is optional because Trac is shipped with a server included, see the [#RunningtheStandaloneServer Running the Standalone Server] section below.
    7576Alternatively you can configure Trac to run in any of the following environments:
    76  * [ Apache] with
    77   * [ mod_wsgi], see [wiki:TracModWSGI] and [ ModWSGI IntegrationWithTrac].
    78   * [ mod_python 3.5.0], see TracModPython
    79  * a [ FastCGI]-capable web server (see TracFastCgi)
    80  * an [ AJP]-capable web
    81    server (see [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp TracOnWindowsIisAjp])
     77 * [ Apache] with
     78   - [ mod_wsgi], see [wiki:TracModWSGI] and
     79     [ ModWSGI IntegrationWithTrac].
     80   - [ mod_python 3.5.0], see TracModPython
     81 * a [ FastCGI]-capable web server (see TracFastCgi)
     82 * an [ AJP]-capable web server (see [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp TracOnWindowsIisAjp])
    8283 * Microsoft IIS with FastCGI and a FastCGI-to-WSGI gateway (see [trac:CookBook/Installation/TracOnWindowsIisWfastcgi IIS with FastCGI])
    83  * a CGI-capable web server (see TracCgi), '''but usage of Trac as a cgi script
    84    is highly discouraged''', better use one of the previous options.
     84 * a CGI-capable web server (see TracCgi), '''but usage of Trac as a cgi script is highly discouraged''', better use one of the previous options.
    8786==== Other Python Packages
    89  * [ Babel], version 0.9.6 or >= 1.3,
    90    needed for localization support
    91  * [ docutils], version >= 0.3.9
    92    for WikiRestructuredText.
    93  * [ Pygments] for
    94    [TracSyntaxColoring syntax highlighting].
    95  * [ pytz] to get a complete list of time zones,
    96    otherwise Trac will fall back on a shorter list from
    97    an internal time zone implementation.
     88 * [ Babel], version >= 2.2, needed for localization support
     89 * [ pytz] to get a complete list of time zones, otherwise Trac will fall back on a shorter list from an internal time zone implementation. Installing Babel will install pytz.
     90 * [ docutils], version >= 0.14, for WikiRestructuredText.
     91 * [ Pygments], version >= 1.0, for [TracSyntaxColoring syntax highlighting].
     92 * [ Textile], version >= 2.3, for rendering the [ Textile markup language].
     93 * [ passlib] on Windows to decode [TracStandalone#BasicAuthorization:Usingahtpasswdpasswordfile htpasswd formats] other than `SHA-1`.
     94 * [ pyreadline] on Windows for trac-admin [TracAdmin#InteractiveMode command completion].
    9996{{{#!div style="border: 1pt dotted; margin: 1em"
    109106It is assumed throughout this guide that you have elevated permissions as the `root` user or by prefixing commands with `sudo`. The umask `0002` should be used for a typical installation on a Unix-based platform.
    111 === Using `easy_install`
    112 Trac can be installed from PyPI or the Subversion repository using [ setuptools].
    114 A few examples:
    116  - Install the latest stable version of Trac:
    117  {{{#!sh
    118 $ easy_install Trac
    119 }}}
    120  - Install latest development version:
    121  {{{#!sh
    122 $ easy_install
    123 }}}
    124    Note that in this case you won't have the possibility to run a localized version of Trac;
    125    either use a released version or install from source
    127 More information can be found on the [trac:wiki:setuptools setuptools] page.
    129 {{{#!div style="border: 1pt dotted; margin: 1em"
    130 **Setuptools Warning:** If the version of your setuptools is in the range 5.4 through 5.6, the environment variable `PKG_RESOURCES_CACHE_ZIP_MANIFESTS` must be set in order to avoid significant performance degradation. More information may be found in [#DeployingTrac Deploying Trac].
    131 }}}
    133108=== Using `pip`
    134 'pip' is an easy_install replacement that is very useful to quickly install python packages.
    135 To get a Trac installation up and running in less than 5 minutes:
    137 Assuming you want to have your entire pip installation in `/opt/user/trac`
    139  {{{#!sh
    140 $ pip install trac psycopg2
    141 }}}
    142 or
    143  {{{#!sh
    144 $ pip install trac mysql-python
    145 }}}
    147 Make sure your OS specific headers are available for pip to automatically build PostgreSQL (`libpq-dev`) or MySQL (`libmysqlclient-dev`) bindings.
    149 pip will automatically resolve all dependencies (like Genshi, pygments, etc.), download the latest packages from and create a self contained installation in `/opt/user/trac`.
    151 All commands (`tracd`, `trac-admin`) are available in `/opt/user/trac/bin`. This can also be leveraged for `mod_python` (using `PythonHandler` directive) and `mod_wsgi` (using `WSGIDaemonProcess` directive)
    153 Additionally, you can install several Trac plugins (listed [ here]) through pip.
    155 === From source
    156 Using the python-typical setup at the top of the source directory also works. You can obtain the source for a .tar.gz or .zip file corresponding to a release (e.g. `Trac-1.0.tar.gz`) from the [trac:TracDownload] page, or you can get the source directly from the repository. See [trac:TracRepositories#OfficialSubversionrepository TracRepositories] for details.
    158 {{{#!sh
    159 $ python ./ install
    160 }}}
    162 ''You will need root permissions or equivalent for this step.''
    164 This will byte-compile the Python source code and install it as an .egg file or folder in the `site-packages` directory
    165 of your Python installation. The .egg will also contain all other resources needed by standard Trac, such as `htdocs` and `templates`.
    167 If you install from source and want to make Trac available in other languages, make sure Babel is installed. Only then, perform the `install` (or simply redo the `install` once again afterwards if you realize Babel was not yet installed):
    168 {{{#!sh
    169 $ python ./ install
    170 }}}
    171 Alternatively, you can run `bdist_egg` and copy the .egg from `dist/` to the place of your choice, or you can create a Windows installer (`bdist_wininst`).
     110`pip` is the modern Python package manager and is included in Python distributions. `pip` will automatically resolve the //required// dependencies (Jinja2 and setuptools) and download the latest packages from
     112You can also install directly from a source package. You can obtain the source in a tar or zip from the [trac:TracDownload] page. After extracting the archive, change to the directory containing `` and run:
     115$ pip install .
     118`pip` supports numerous other install mechanisms. It can be passed the URL of an archive or other download location. Here are some examples:
     120* Install the latest development version from a tar archive:
     122$ pip install
     124* Install the unreleased 1.4-stable from subversion:
     126$ pip install svn+
     128* Install the latest development preview (//not recommended for production installs//):
     130$ pip install --find-links= Trac
     133The optional dependencies can be installed from PyPI using `pip`:
     135$ pip install babel docutils pygments textile
     138The optional dependencies can alternatively be
     139specified using the `extras` keys in the setup file:
     141$ pip install Trac[babel,rest,pygments,textile]
     144`rest` is the extra that installs the `docutils`
     147Include `mysql` or `psycopg2-binary` in the
     148list if using the MySQL or PostgreSQL database.
     150Additionally, you can install several Trac plugins from PyPI (listed [ here]) using pip. See TracPlugins for more information.
    173152=== Using installer
    177156=== Using package manager
    179 Trac may be available in your platform's package repository. Note however, that the version provided by your package manager may not be the latest release.
    181 === Advanced `easy_install` Options
    183 To install Trac to a custom location, or find out about other advanced installation options, run:
    184 {{{#!sh
    185 $ easy_install --help
    186 }}}
    188 Also see [ Installing Python Modules] for detailed information.
    190 Specifically, you might be interested in:
    191 {{{#!sh
    192 $ easy_install --prefix=/path/to/installdir
    193 }}}
    194 or, if installing Trac on a Mac OS X system:
    195 {{{#!sh
    196 $ easy_install --prefix=/usr/local --install-dir=/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages
    197 }}}
    199 {{{#!div style="border: 1pt dotted; margin: 1em"
    200 **Mac OS X Note:** On Mac OS X 10.6,  running `easy_install trac` will install into `/usr/local` and `/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages` by default.
    202 The `tracd` and `trac-admin` commands will be placed in `/usr/local/bin` and will install the Trac libraries and dependencies into `/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages`, which is Apple's preferred location for third-party Python application installations.
    203 }}}
     158Trac may be available in your platform's package repository. However, your package manager may not provide the latest release of Trac.
    205160== Creating a Project Environment
    214 You will be prompted for the information needed to create the environment: the name of the project and the [TracEnvironment#DatabaseConnectionStrings database connection string]. If you're not sure what to specify for any of these options, just press `<Enter>` to use the default value.
     169[TracAdmin trac-admin] will prompt you for the information it needs to create the environment: the name of the project and the [TracEnvironment#DatabaseConnectionStrings database connection string]. If you're not sure what to specify for any of these options, just press `<Enter>` to use the default value.
    216171Using the default database connection string will always work as long as you have SQLite installed. For the other [trac:DatabaseBackend database backends] you should plan ahead and already have a database ready to use at this point.
    218173Also note that the values you specify here can be changed later using TracAdmin or directly editing the [TracIni conf/trac.ini] configuration file.
    220 {{{#!div style="border: 1pt dotted; margin: 1em"
    221 **Filesystem Warning:** When selecting the location of your environment, make sure that the filesystem on which the environment directory resides supports sub-second timestamps (i.e. **not** `ext2` or `ext3` on Linux, or HFS+ on OSX), as the modification time of the `conf/trac.ini` file will be monitored to decide whether an environment restart is needed or not. A too coarse-grained timestamp resolution may result in inconsistencies in Trac < 1.0.2. The best advice is to opt for a platform with sub-second timestamp resolution, regardless of the Trac version.
    222 }}}
    224175Finally, make sure the user account under which the web front-end runs will have '''write permissions''' to the environment directory and all the files inside. This will be the case if you run `trac-admin ... initenv` as this user. If not, you should set the correct user afterwards. For example on Linux, with the web server running as user `apache` and group `apache`, enter:
    235186== Deploying Trac
    237 {{{#!div style="border: 1pt dotted; margin: 1em"
    238 **Setuptools Warning:** If the version of your setuptools is in the range 5.4 through 5.6, the environment variable `PKG_RESOURCES_CACHE_ZIP_MANIFESTS` must be set in order to avoid significant performance degradation.
    240 If running `tracd`, the environment variable can be set system-wide or for just the user that runs the `tracd` process. There are several ways to accomplish this in addition to what is discussed here, and depending on the distribution of your OS.
    242 To be effective system-wide a shell script with the `export` statement may be added to `/etc/profile.d`. To be effective for a user session the `export` statement may be added to `~/.profile`.
    243 {{{#!sh
    245 }}}
    247 Alternatively, the variable can be set in the shell before executing `tracd`:
    248 {{{#!sh
    249 $ PKG_RESOURCES_CACHE_ZIP_MANIFESTS=1 tracd --port 8000 /path/to/myproject
    250 }}}
    252 If running the Apache web server, !Ubuntu/Debian users should add the `export` statement to `/etc/apache2/envvars`. !RedHat/CentOS/Fedora should can add the `export` statement to `/etc/sysconfig/httpd`.
    253 }}}
    255188=== Running the Standalone Server
    262 Then, fire up a browser and visit `http://localhost:8000/`. You should get a simple listing of all environments that `tracd` knows about. Follow the link to the environment you just created, and you should see Trac in action. If you only plan on managing a single project with Trac you can have the standalone server skip the environment list by starting it like this:
     195Then, open a browser and visit `http://localhost:8000/`. You should get a simple listing of all environments that `tracd` knows about. Follow the link to the environment you just created, and you should see Trac in action. If you only plan on managing a single project with Trac you can have the standalone server skip the environment list by starting it like this:
    264197$ tracd -s --port 8000 /path/to/myproject
    267200=== Running Trac on a Web Server
    269 Trac provides various options for connecting to a "real" web server: 
     202Trac provides various options for connecting to a "real" web server:
    270203 - [TracFastCgi FastCGI]
    271  - [wiki:TracModWSGI Apache with mod_wsgi] 
     204 - [wiki:TracModWSGI Apache with mod_wsgi]
    272205 - [TracModPython Apache with mod_python]
    273206 - [TracCgi CGI] //(should not be used, as the performance is far from optimal)//
    275 Trac also supports [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp AJP] which may be your choice if you want to connect to IIS. Other deployment scenarios are possible: [trac:TracNginxRecipe nginx], [ uwsgi], [trac:TracOnWindowsIisIsapi Isapi-wsgi] etc.
     208Trac also supports [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp AJP] which may be your choice if you want to connect to IIS. Other deployment scenarios are possible: [trac:TracNginxRecipe nginx], [ uwsgi], [trac:TracOnWindowsIisIsapi Isapi-wsgi] etc.
    277210==== Generating the Trac cgi-bin directory #cgi-bin
    296229Without additional configuration, Trac will handle requests for static resources such as stylesheets and images. For anything other than a TracStandalone deployment, this is not optimal as the web server can be set up to directly serve the static resources. For CGI setup, this is '''highly undesirable''' as it causes abysmal performance.
    298 Web servers such as [ Apache] allow you to create //Aliases// to resources, giving them a virtual URL that doesn't necessarily reflect their location on the file system. We can map requests for static resources directly to directories on the file system, to avoid Trac processing the requests.
     231Web servers such as [ Apache] allow you to create //Aliases// to resources, giving them a virtual URL that doesn't necessarily reflect their location on the file system. We can map requests for static resources directly to directories on the file system, to avoid Trac processing the requests.
    300233There are two primary URL paths for static resources: `/chrome/common` and `/chrome/site`. Plugins can add their own resources, usually accessible at the `/chrome/<plugin>` path.
    320253Assuming the deployment has been done this way:
    322 $ trac-admin /var/trac/<project> deploy /var/www
     255$ trac-admin /var/trac/<project> deploy /var/www/trac
    325258Add the following snippet to Apache configuration, changing paths to match your deployment. The snippet must be placed ''before'' the `ScriptAlias` or `WSGIScriptAlias` directive, because those directives map all requests to the Trac application:
    327 Alias /trac/chrome /path/to/trac/htdocs
    329 <Directory "/path/to/www/trac/htdocs">
     260Alias /trac/chrome /var/www/trac/htdocs
     262<Directory "/var/www/trac/htdocs">
    330263  # For Apache 2.2
    331264  <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
    366 Another alternative to aliasing `/trac/chrome/common` is having Trac generate direct links for those static resources (and only those), using the [TracIni#trac-section htdocs_location] configuration setting:
     299Another alternative to aliasing `/trac/chrome/common` is having Trac generate direct links for those static resources (and only those), using the [TracIni#trac-htdocs_location-option trac.htdocs_location] configuration setting:
    379 ==== Setting up the Plugin Cache #egg-cache
     312==== Setting up the Plugin Cache
    381314Some Python plugins need to be extracted to a cache directory. By default the cache resides in the home directory of the current user. When running Trac on a Web Server as a dedicated user (which is highly recommended) who has no home directory, this might prevent the plugins from starting. To override the cache location you can set the `PYTHON_EGG_CACHE` environment variable. Refer to your server documentation for detailed instructions on how to set environment variables.
    383 If you setup hook scripts that call Trac, such as the Subversion post-commit hook script provided in the `/contrib` directory, make sure you define the `PYTHON_EGG_CACHE` environment variable within these scripts as well.
    385316== Configuring Authentication
    387 Trac uses HTTP authentication. You'll need to configure your webserver to request authentication when the `.../login` URL is hit (the virtual path of the "login" button). Trac will automatically pick the `REMOTE_USER` variable up after you provide your credentials. Therefore, all user management goes through your web server configuration. Please consult the documentation of your web server for more info.
    389 The process of adding, removing, and configuring user accounts for authentication depends on the specific way you run Trac. 
     318Trac uses HTTP authentication. You'll need to configure your web server to request authentication when the `.../login` URL is hit (the virtual path of the "login" button). Trac will automatically pick the `REMOTE_USER` variable up after you provide your credentials. Therefore, all user management goes through your web server configuration. Please consult the documentation of your web server for more info.
     320The process of adding, removing, and configuring user accounts for authentication depends on the specific way you run Trac.
    391322Please refer to one of the following sections:
    406337== Configuring Trac
     339Configuration options are documented on the TracIni page.
    408341TracRepositoryAdmin provides information on configuring version control repositories for your project.
     343In addition to the optional version control backends, Trac provides several optional features that are disabled by default:
     344* [TracFineGrainedPermissions#AuthzPolicy Fine-grained permission policy]
     345* [TracPermissions#CreatingNewPrivileges Custom permissions]
     346* [TracTickets#deleter Ticket deletion]
     347* [TracTickets#cloner Ticket cloning]
     348* [TracRepositoryAdmin#CommitTicketUpdater Ticket changeset references]
    410350== Using Trac
    421 See also: [trac:TracInstallPlatforms TracInstallPlatforms], TracGuide, TracUpgrade, TracPermissions
     361See also: [trac:TracInstallPlatforms TracInstallPlatforms], TracGuide, TracUpgrade