Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of TracBrowser

Aug 24, 2024, 2:37:00 AM (8 weeks ago)



  • TracBrowser

    v4 v5  
    55The Trac repository browser can be used to browse specific revisions of directories and files stored in the repositories associated with the Trac environment.
    7 At the top-level of the repository browser is the '''Repository Index''', listing all the configured repositories. 
     7At the top-level of the repository browser is the '''Repository Index''', listing all the configured repositories.
    88Each repository has a name which is used as a path prefix in a "virtual" file hierarchy encompassing all the available repositories.
    99One of the repositories can be configured with an empty name; this is the default repository. When such a default repository is present, its top-level files and directories are also listed, in a '''Default Repository''' section placed before the repository index. If the default repository is the only repository associated with the Trac environment, then the '''Repository Index''' will be omitted.
    1111Directory entries are displayed in a list with sortable columns. The list entries can be sorted by ''Name'', ''Size'', ''Age''/''Date'' or ''Author'' by clicking on the column headers. The third sortable column is labeled //Age// when the //Time format// [/prefs/localization preference] is //Relative// and //Date// when the //Time format// is //Absolute//. The sort order can be reversed by clicking on a given column header again.
    13 The browser can be used to navigate through the directory structure by clicking on the directory names. 
    14 Clicking on a file name will show the contents of the file. 
     13The browser can be used to navigate through the directory structure by clicking on the directory names.
     14Clicking on a file name will show the contents of the file.
    1515Clicking on the revision number of a file or directory will take you to the TracRevisionLog for that file.
    1616Note that there's also a ''Revision Log'' navigation link that will do the same for the path currently being examined.
    2222The color bar next to the ''Age''/''Date'' column gives a visual indication of the age of the last change to a file or directory, following the convention that '''[[span(style=color:#88f,blue)]]''' is oldest and '''[[span(style=color:#f88,red)]]''' is newest, but this can be [TracIni#browser-color_scale-option configured].
    24 At the top of the browser page, there's a ''Visit'' drop-down menu which you can use to select some interesting places in the repository, for example branches or tags. 
     24At the top of the browser page, there's a ''Visit'' drop-down menu which you can use to select some interesting places in the repository, for example branches or tags.
    2525This is sometimes referred to as the ''browser quickjump'' facility.
    2626The precise meaning and content of this menu depends on your repository backend.