Opened 19 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#26 closed task

Build order/dependency information — at Version 10

Reported by: chris@… Owned by: chris
Priority: major Milestone: CLFS Standard 1.0.0
Component: BOOK Version: CLFS Standard 1.0.0
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by chris@…)

LFS just rearranged the build order and added dependency information to a new appendix. The same should be done with CLFS. Most of the info should be the same, since most of the same packages are used, but there are likely to be some issues with CLFS, particularly with arch-specific packages. I would like to do the same as LFS - removing package dependency info from individual package installation pages and putting it all into a single Appendix. One possibility is to do the same thing as with the Materials (Packages and Patches) - have one page that's common to every system, then a second page with arch-specific stuff. Any one else have any thoughts on this? Also, I need dependency info checked for mips and alpha packages.

Change History (10)

comment:1 by Jim Gifford, 19 years ago

Milestone: CLFS 1.0
Owner: changed from clfs-commits@… to chris

Let's do it. We currently have a materials setup like that, but any changes you need to make let us know so we can help out.

comment:2 by chris@…, 19 years ago

Here's what it would look like (except the dependency info would also be removed from each package installation page) - - unless of course anyone has any better ideas.

comment:3 by chris@…, 19 years ago

Also, I only have x86 systems, so it would be great anyone with access to other archs can thoroughly test deps. for any other arch-specific packages (other bootloaders, elftoaout, hfsutils, dvhtool, etc.).

comment:4 by Joe Ciccone, 19 years ago

Some sparc information

elftoaout - binutils gcc glibc make patch

/usr/share/man/man1/elftoaout.1Man Page
/usr/bin/elftoaoutThis program converts sparc elf binaries to a.out binaries.

The kernel can also use elftoaout, if you're building the vmlinux.aout target. If you're doing this you're probably planning on netbooting. the reason being that the sparc prom (OpenPROM) reads binaries in the a.out format. Silo uses elftoaout to convert the generated elf first stage loaders into a.out binaries.

silo - binutils coreutils elftoaout gawk gcc glibc grep gzip patch make sed

/etc/silo.confthe silo config file.
/sbin/silothe silo executable.
/usr/sbin/silocheckchecks to see wether a file is readable by silo. (very handy if you have larger disks.)
/usr/bin/maketiloa tool for building a simple TFTP boot loader
/usr/bin/tiloa tool for building a simple TFTP boot loader
/usr/share/man/man1/maketilo.1Man Page
/usr/share/man/man1/tilo.1Man Page
/usr/share/man/man8/silo.8Man Page
/usr/share/man/man5/silo.conf.5Man Page
/boot/fd.bfloppy disk first stage loader
/boot/first.bfirst stage loader.
/boot/generic.bfirst stage loader for v0, v2
/boot/ieee32.bfirst stage loader for a javastation.
/boot/ultra.bfirst stage loader for an ultra sparc.
/boot/second.bsecond stage loader.
/boot/silotftp.bsecond stage loader when booting from tftp.
/boot/isofs.bthe bootblock for a cd.

comment:5 by manuel@…, 19 years ago

Chris, when doing the commit remember to update also the CSS code.

Or ask me to do it.

comment:6 by chris@…, 19 years ago

Hmmm, I forgot about the css code...maybe you should do it since I don't know what would need to be changed. :)

comment:7 by manuel@…, 19 years ago


After make the dependencies commit, please reassign this bug to me to know that the CSS code need be fixed.

comment:8 by ken, 19 years ago

For ppc, dependencies are

hfsutils - bash, binutils, coreutils, gcc, make

parted - bash, binutils, coreutils, e2fsprogs [ that is, it links to ], gcc, make, ncurses, readline

powerpc-utils - binutils, gcc, make, patch

yaboot - binutils, coreutils, gcc, make, patch, sed

Installed files should be correct in the book, except for parted:

/usr/sbin/parted - partition editor

/usr/sbin/partprobe - inform OS of partition table changes

comment:9 by ken, 19 years ago

clarification for the ppc stuff - patch and sed are only dependencies because we use them explicitly in the book for the current versions of the packages

comment:10 by chris@…, 19 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

I've just updated the dependency info for all archs and put it all into the Appendix, removed the dependency info from the individual package pages, and reordered all the temp-system sections. Here's what it looks like so far - The only thing left to do is reorder the final-system packages and double-check dependencies for a few more packages (for any arch-specific package that wasn't checked so far, I just copied what was already listed in the book and put it into the Appendix). I think the final-system packages should be ordered the same as in LFS, with the exception of putting arch-specific packages and bootloaders last - does this sound like a good idea?

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