Custom Query (532 matches)


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Results (4 - 6 of 532)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#18 Jim Gifford Jim Gifford fixed GLIBC missing ports

Glibc ports pacakges needs to be added to the book packages list.

#19 Jim Gifford Jim Gifford fixed GLIBC MIPS port patch

GLIBC MIPS port patch or the book needs to be changed for the patch to work properly.

#27 Jim Gifford ken fixed No devices at "Making the LFS system bootable" in chroot

Since we stopped running 'udevstart', by the time we get to the final stage in 'bootable/' those of us who chrooted do not have any devices. Certainly, grub, lilo and yaboot require disk devices (yaboot also needs /dev/nvram). I assume that all bootloaders have to write some data to a device.

I propose to add something to the start of 'Making the LFS System Bootable' reminding people who used the chroot option that they need to mount --bind /dev /mnt/lfs/dev from the host system before trying to install the bootloader.

Or does anybody have a better place to do this (remembering that we need to create /dev/console and /dev/null on the underlying partition) ?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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