# # ChangeLog for BOOK in clfs-sysroot # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # Mar 27, 2025, 1:15:05 PM Sun, 23 Jul 2006 16:14:05 GMT Joe Ciccone [1ad4a4a] * BOOK/bootable/arm/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/x86/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/prologue/common/prerequisites.xml (modified) Update the kernel commands to the proper arch and changed the path to ... Sun, 23 Jul 2006 15:51:03 GMT Joe Ciccone [14d8967] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Update date. Sun, 23 Jul 2006 15:50:50 GMT Joe Ciccone [f5dc8de] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/glibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/shadow.xml (modified) Added nodump to the command that currently don't work. Sun, 23 Jul 2006 15:48:13 GMT Joe Ciccone [d483363] * BOOK/prologue/x86/bookinfo.xml (added) Added missing dir. Sat, 22 Jul 2006 22:24:54 GMT Joe Ciccone [fa93ce1] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) Updated the perl cross-compile patch to support x86. Sat, 22 Jul 2006 22:13:55 GMT Joe Ciccone [18a01d6] * BOOK/prologue/common/prerequisites.xml (modified) Text Updates. Sat, 22 Jul 2006 22:12:30 GMT Joe Ciccone [da9613e] * BOOK/Makefile (modified) * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/x86.xml (added) * BOOK/bootable/arm/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/x86-chapter.xml (added) * BOOK/bootable/x86/kernel.xml (added) * BOOK/bootscripts/x86-chapter.xml (added) * BOOK/cross-tools/arm-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/glibc-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86-chapter.xml (added) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86/glibc-headers.xml (added) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86/linux-headers.xml (added) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86/variables.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/x86-chapter.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/x86/coreutils.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/x86/kbd.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/x86/perl.xml (added) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/x86-chapter.xml (added) * BOOK/introduction/x86/changelog.xml (added) * BOOK/introduction/x86/livecd.xml (added) * BOOK/introduction/x86/whatsnew.xml (added) * BOOK/materials/arm/packages.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/arm/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/x86-chapter.xml (added) * BOOK/materials/x86/packages.xml (added) * BOOK/materials/x86/patches.xml (added) * BOOK/partitioning/x86-chapter.xml (added) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * BOOK/prologue/arm/bookinfo.xml (modified) * BOOK/stylesheets/top-index.xsl (modified) * BOOK/x86-index.xml (added) Added x86 Sat, 22 Jul 2006 21:34:49 GMT Joe Ciccone [30531b9] * BOOK/final-system/arm/perl.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/perl.xml (deleted) Moved perl to a arch specific page. Sat, 22 Jul 2006 18:51:30 GMT Joe Ciccone [b4f6cf0] * BOOK/final-system/common/bzip2.xml (modified) Updated the bzip2 text to contain $CLFS. Sat, 22 Jul 2006 18:50:00 GMT Joe Ciccone [de77ba6] * BOOK/final-system/common/zlib.xml (modified) Updated the zlib text to contain $CLFS. Sat, 22 Jul 2006 18:38:49 GMT Joe Ciccone [6b1f979] * BOOK/final-system/common/man.xml (modified) Added 2 seds to man.xml; the first makes configure detect the paths ... Sat, 22 Jul 2006 17:10:20 GMT Joe Ciccone [9d01307] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Update Date. Sat, 22 Jul 2006 17:07:58 GMT Joe Ciccone [3411c18] * BOOK/final-system/common/gawk.xml (modified) Added a command to gawk that adds HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET and ... Fri, 21 Jul 2006 14:27:39 GMT Joe Ciccone [5620919] * BOOK/prologue/common/audience.xml (modified) Copied prolouge/common/audience.xml from trunk. Fri, 21 Jul 2006 14:22:17 GMT Joe Ciccone [6942142] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Update Date. Fri, 21 Jul 2006 14:22:03 GMT Joe Ciccone [f15f637] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/glibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Make sure that the tzselect command looks in $CLFS for the zoneinfo. Thu, 20 Jul 2006 22:43:09 GMT Joe Ciccone [3536d03] * BOOK/the-end/reboot.xml (modified) Updated the "Rebooting the System" page. Thu, 20 Jul 2006 20:43:15 GMT Joe Ciccone [5e93db1] * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Fixed the md5sum for m4. Thu, 20 Jul 2006 20:24:30 GMT Joe Ciccone [cc23f19] * BOOK/final-preps/settingenviron.xml (modified) Fixed a typo in setting enviornment. Thu, 20 Jul 2006 20:22:52 GMT Joe Ciccone [1a09536] * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/arm/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/common/chowning.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootscripts/common/console.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootscripts/common/network.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootscripts/common/udev.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-preps/addinguser.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/arm/kbd.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/iproute2.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/psmisc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/shadow.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/sysvinit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/udev.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/util-linux.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/vim.xml (modified) * BOOK/partitioning/common/creatingfilesystem.xml (modified) * BOOK/partitioning/common/mounting.xml (modified) * BOOK/prologue/common/errata.xml (modified) * BOOK/prologue/common/typography.xml (modified) More LFS to CLFS updates. Thu, 20 Jul 2006 19:28:39 GMT Joe Ciccone [beea2b3] * BOOK/cross-tools/arm-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/file.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/groff.xml (added) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Added groff to cross-tools; It needs itself when building in the ... Thu, 20 Jul 2006 19:02:59 GMT Joe Ciccone [16d3e65] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/introduction.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-preps/aboutclfs.xml (modified) More LFS to CLFS conversions, Thanks George for finding these. Thu, 20 Jul 2006 15:46:43 GMT Joe Ciccone [0bb24b7] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated to linux- and linux-headers-; ... Thu, 20 Jul 2006 15:39:15 GMT Joe Ciccone [39ea78e] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Update date. Thu, 20 Jul 2006 02:43:14 GMT Joe Ciccone [f293c73] * BOOK/prologue/common/foreword.xml (modified) Reverted r2161. Thu, 20 Jul 2006 02:35:25 GMT Joe Ciccone [6e439f9] * BOOK/prologue/common/foreword.xml (modified) Text update. Thu, 20 Jul 2006 02:24:03 GMT Joe Ciccone [d5d4d82] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/bzip2.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gzip.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/man.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/sysklogd.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/askforhelp.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/resources.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/introduction.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * BOOK/prologue/common/audience.xml (modified) * BOOK/prologue/common/foreword.xml (modified) * BOOK/prologue/common/prerequisites.xml (modified) Text and entity updates. Thu, 20 Jul 2006 00:49:20 GMT Joe Ciccone [c3b61cb] * BOOK/final-system/arm-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/arm/kbd.xml (moved) Moved the kbd page from common into arm now that one of the commands ... Wed, 19 Jul 2006 23:16:12 GMT Joe Ciccone [093f224] * BOOK/final-system/common/kbd.xml (modified) Added a sed that overrides the arch that kbd detects, it detects the ... Mon, 17 Jul 2006 04:05:55 GMT Joe Ciccone [10d6394] * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/variables.xml (modified) Changed the command that sets CLFS_HOST to support more then just ... Mon, 17 Jul 2006 02:07:50 GMT Joe Ciccone [fc615ed] * BOOK/final-system/common/findutils.xml (modified) Fixed a major typo in the findutils instructions, Added a ${CLFS} to ... Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:32:15 GMT Joe Ciccone [77503af] * BOOK/final-system/common/findutils.xml (modified) Fixed a typo in the findutils instructions. Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:22:51 GMT Joe Ciccone [72d4eec] * BOOK/final-system/common/findutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Added a sed command to fix updatedb Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:16:33 GMT Joe Ciccone [163e64e] * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Removed the command to chown and chmod the linux-headers. Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:12:02 GMT Joe Ciccone [fe4de21] * BOOK/prologue/common/foreword.xml (modified) * BOOK/prologue/common/organization.xml (modified) Text updates from trunk. Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:03:31 GMT Joe Ciccone [5d21368] * BOOK/introduction/common/askforhelp.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/how.xml (modified) Added the missing parts of ask for help page from r2142. Mon, 17 Jul 2006 00:49:04 GMT Joe Ciccone [7e8c096] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/askforhelp.xml (modified) * BOOK/prologue/common/foreword.xml (modified) Updated askforhelp page, written by Joe Ciccone; Updated foreword, ... Fri, 14 Jul 2006 17:03:23 GMT Joe Ciccone [cee2ca2] * BOOK/final-system/common/autoconf.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/automake.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/bash.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/bison.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/coreutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/diffutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/e2fsprogs.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/file.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/findutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/flex.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gawk.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gettext.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/grep.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/groff.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gzip.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/inetutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/less.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/libtool.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/m4.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/make.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/mktemp.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/module-init-tools.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/ncurses.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/patch.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/psmisc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/readline.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/sed.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/shadow.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/tar.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/texinfo.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/vim.xml (modified) Went through and made sure that every package in the final system ... Fri, 14 Jul 2006 16:20:09 GMT Joe Ciccone [627724c] * BOOK/final-system/common/patch.xml (modified) Added a value to the config.cache in patch to prevent hardcoding the ... Fri, 14 Jul 2006 00:15:12 GMT Joe Ciccone [f536998] * BOOK/introduction/common/how.xml (modified) Fixed a typo in the last update. Thu, 13 Jul 2006 19:45:36 GMT Joe Ciccone [cc09e9f] * BOOK/final-preps/settingenviron.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/how.xml (modified) Some text updates. Thu, 13 Jul 2006 18:38:11 GMT Joe Ciccone [ae07b0c] * BOOK/final-system/common/gcc.xml (modified) Update of the text on the GCC PR20425 Patch. Thu, 13 Jul 2006 18:37:06 GMT Joe Ciccone [b46c2f1] * BOOK/final-preps/creatingfiles.xml (modified) Some text cleanups to the user/group descriptions. Thu, 13 Jul 2006 18:33:10 GMT Joe Ciccone [23f9a66] * BOOK/final-preps/creatingfiles.xml (modified) Added descriptions to uses/groups. Thu, 13 Jul 2006 18:24:55 GMT Joe Ciccone [0240559] * BOOK/bootable/common/fstab.xml (modified) Fixed typo in boot mounting /dev/pts Thu, 13 Jul 2006 18:17:17 GMT Joe Ciccone [dc43690] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated to linux-headers- Thu, 13 Jul 2006 18:14:31 GMT Joe Ciccone [989d627] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/acknowledgements.xml (modified) Updated the acknowlegements page. Wed, 12 Jul 2006 03:00:42 GMT Joe Ciccone [3d7a86a] * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/variables.xml (modified) Another LFS to CLFS conversion. Wed, 12 Jul 2006 02:58:22 GMT Joe Ciccone [8ef222d] * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/variables.xml (modified) LFS to CLFS conversion. Mon, 10 Jul 2006 16:44:13 GMT Joe Ciccone [47c828c] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated to linux-headers- Sun, 09 Jul 2006 19:29:55 GMT Joe Ciccone [755f44a] * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/arm-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/arm/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/common/introduction.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootscripts/common/introduction.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootscripts/common/profile.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootscripts/common/setclock.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootscripts/common/udev.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootscripts/common/usage.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/glibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-preps/creatingdirs.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-preps/settingenviron.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/e2fsprogs.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/inetutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/man.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/pkgmgt.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/vim.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/askforhelp.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/resources.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/partitioning/common/creatingfilesystem.xml (modified) * BOOK/partitioning/common/creatingpartition.xml (modified) * BOOK/partitioning/common/mounting.xml (modified) * BOOK/the-end/reboot.xml (modified) * BOOK/the-end/whatnow.xml (modified) LFS to CLFS changes. Sun, 09 Jul 2006 19:11:22 GMT Joe Ciccone [83be687] * BOOK/bootscripts/common/udev-rules.xml (modified) Removed the command to clear out /etc/udev/rules.d before udev rules ... Sun, 09 Jul 2006 19:08:59 GMT Joe Ciccone [f30739c] * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) Updated dependency info - binutils now uses file on multilib builds Sun, 09 Jul 2006 19:07:10 GMT Joe Ciccone [7544b10] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Added a missing tag in the changelog. Sun, 09 Jul 2006 19:05:53 GMT Joe Ciccone [599e966] * BOOK/final-preps/creatingfiles.xml (modified) Updated a few of the descriptions about optional users/groups. Sun, 09 Jul 2006 17:10:23 GMT Joe Ciccone [5d6eb6e] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated to linux- and linux-headers- Sun, 09 Jul 2006 17:06:57 GMT Joe Ciccone [013ff2a] * BOOK/final-preps/creatingdirs.xml (modified) Updated creating the dirs to remove the {1..8} construct because it ... Sun, 09 Jul 2006 16:58:07 GMT Joe Ciccone [ea6608b] * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated the module-init-tools download location. Sun, 09 Jul 2006 16:40:56 GMT Joe Ciccone [518ba8b] * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/variables.xml (modified) Replaced backtics with $() Sun, 09 Jul 2006 16:37:09 GMT Joe Ciccone [54445d4] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated Udev rules to 07062006, Fixed cdrom permissions and groups. Sun, 09 Jul 2006 16:34:53 GMT Joe Ciccone [f18649d] * BOOK/appendices/acronymlist.xml (modified) Removed obsolete entries from the acronym list. Sun, 09 Jul 2006 16:32:53 GMT Joe Ciccone [32a0631] * BOOK/final-system/common/findutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/kbd.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/shadow.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Fixes a possible issue with bootscripts if the /usr partition is not ... Sun, 09 Jul 2006 16:18:42 GMT Joe Ciccone [83baa46] * BOOK/bootscripts/common/udev-rules.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-preps/creatingfiles.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Added descriptions for many of the udev rules files. Tue, 04 Jul 2006 19:47:17 GMT Jim Gifford [f8100c0] * BOOK/final-preps/creatingfiles.xml (modified) r4323@server (orig r1904): manuel | 2006-07-04 11:50:44 -0700 ... Sun, 02 Jul 2006 19:53:11 GMT Joe Ciccone [940e6b3] * BOOK/bootable/arm/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-preps/aboutclfs.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/askforhelp.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/resources.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/introduction.xml (modified) * BOOK/partitioning/common/mounting.xml (modified) More lfs to clfs changes. Sun, 02 Jul 2006 19:45:15 GMT Joe Ciccone [586feb7] * BOOK/bootable/arm/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/common/chowning.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/common/fstab.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootscripts/common/bootscripts.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootscripts/common/console.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootscripts/common/hostname.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootscripts/common/hosts.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootscripts/common/inputrc.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootscripts/common/network.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootscripts/common/profile.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootscripts/common/setclock.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootscripts/common/udev-rules.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/glibc-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/variables.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/file.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/glibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-preps/aboutclfs.xml (moved) * BOOK/final-preps/addinguser.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-preps/chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-preps/creatingdirs.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-preps/creatingfiles.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-preps/settingenviron.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/arm/perl.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/autoconf.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/automake.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/bash.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/bison.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/bzip2.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/coreutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/diffutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/e2fsprogs.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/file.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/findutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/flex.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gawk.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gettext.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/grep.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/groff.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gzip.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/iana-etc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/inetutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/iproute2.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/kbd.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/less.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/libtool.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/m4.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/make.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/man-pages.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/man.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/mktemp.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/module-init-tools.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/ncurses.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/patch.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/perl.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/procps.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/psmisc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/readline.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/sed.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/shadow.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/stripping.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/sysklogd.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/sysvinit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/tar.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/texinfo.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/udev.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/util-linux.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/variables.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/vim.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/zlib.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/how.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/resources.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/introduction.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/partitioning/common/mounting.xml (modified) * BOOK/prologue/common/foreword.xml (modified) * BOOK/prologue/common/prerequisites.xml (modified) * BOOK/prologue/common/typography.xml (modified) * BOOK/the-end/reboot.xml (modified) * BOOK/the-end/theend.xml (modified) Updated the bootscripts package and make LFS to CLFS updates. Sat, 01 Jul 2006 06:32:32 GMT Jim Gifford [89c10a9] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated general.ent to new format Fri, 30 Jun 2006 04:21:45 GMT Joe Ciccone [15029fa1] * BOOK/final-system/common/groff.xml (modified) Changed the make command for groff in the final-system to the make ... Wed, 28 Jun 2006 17:06:18 GMT Joe Ciccone [6c98d4f] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) Added a reference to the perl cross_compile patch to the needed ... Wed, 28 Jun 2006 16:51:17 GMT Joe Ciccone [3908fc6] * BOOK/bootscripts/common/introduction.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/resources.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/arm/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/packages.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) Updated to linux-headers-; Updated the ... Wed, 28 Jun 2006 15:45:20 GMT Joe Ciccone [3a6b2ea] * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/glibc-headers.xml (modified) Fixed a typo in the glibc-headers instructions. Sat, 24 Jun 2006 17:05:57 GMT Joe Ciccone [dca3908] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/glibc.xml (modified) Fixed a typo in the glibc instructions. Sat, 24 Jun 2006 16:55:27 GMT Joe Ciccone [58518df] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/glibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated to binutils-2.17. Fri, 23 Jun 2006 03:09:32 GMT Joe Ciccone [25e3595] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) Updated the vim-7.0-fixes patch to -5. Thu, 22 Jun 2006 12:23:26 GMT Joe Ciccone [7730c9f] * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) Updated to linux-headers-; Updated Vim 7.0 patch to ... Wed, 21 Jun 2006 18:13:20 GMT Joe Ciccone [ce5e18f] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated Entities to a 3 digit release # in the 2.0 branch. Wed, 21 Jun 2006 18:09:28 GMT Joe Ciccone [8de5f9f] * BOOK/final-system/arm/perl.xml (added) Added a arm specific perl page. Wed, 21 Jun 2006 18:03:05 GMT Joe Ciccone [5590e0d] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/glibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/shadow.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/vim.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Brought the clfs-2.0 branch up to trunk. Wed, 21 Jun 2006 17:42:40 GMT Chris Staub [f867ec0] * BOOK/final-preps/creatingdirs.xml (modified) Copied the modified 'creating dirs' section from CLFS 2.0 over to trunk Mon, 19 Jun 2006 21:32:20 GMT Jim Gifford [668141a] * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) r3979@server (orig r1790): jciccone | 2006-06-19 13:39:32 -0700 ... Mon, 19 Jun 2006 17:58:45 GMT Jim Gifford [f7941b2] * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/glibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/glibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) r3971@server (orig r1787): jciccone | 2006-06-19 10:27:58 -0700 ... Mon, 19 Jun 2006 00:08:20 GMT Jim Gifford [5b4c8bd] * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) r3960@server (orig r1781): jciccone | 2006-06-18 14:38:34 -0700 ... Sun, 18 Jun 2006 20:03:16 GMT Jim Gifford [06e1eb5] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) r3955@server (orig r1779): jciccone | 2006-06-18 13:02:05 -0700 ... Sun, 18 Jun 2006 20:02:45 GMT Jim Gifford [1531f18] * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/glibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/glibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) r3953@server (orig r1777): jciccone | 2006-06-18 12:55:16 -0700 ... Fri, 16 Jun 2006 23:58:54 GMT Jim Gifford [9748f02] * BOOK/final-system/common/coreutils.xml (modified) r3944@server (orig r1773): jciccone | 2006-06-16 16:50:36 -0700 ... Fri, 16 Jun 2006 23:58:39 GMT Jim Gifford [1fedb6d] * BOOK/final-system/arm-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/perl.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) r3943@server (orig r1772): jciccone | 2006-06-16 15:32:03 -0700 ... Thu, 15 Jun 2006 19:59:12 GMT Jim Gifford [795a4b8] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) r3938@server (orig r1770): jciccone | 2006-06-15 12:03:39 -0700 ... Thu, 15 Jun 2006 00:12:32 GMT Jim Gifford [6c341df] * BOOK/final-system/common/shadow.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) r3927@server (orig r1766): jciccone | 2006-06-14 15:29:43 -0700 ... Mon, 12 Jun 2006 04:08:43 GMT Jim Gifford [4421c53] * BOOK/Makefile (modified) r3922@server (orig r1764): jciccone | 2006-06-11 18:37:47 -0700 ... Sun, 11 Jun 2006 20:05:45 GMT Jim Gifford [75984cf] * BOOK/materials/common/packages.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) r3919@server (orig r1763): jciccone | 2006-06-11 11:47:11 -0700 ... Sun, 11 Jun 2006 20:05:33 GMT Jim Gifford [82b662d] * BOOK/final-system/common/automake.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/e2fsprogs.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gettext.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/groff.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/module-init-tools.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/perl.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/procps.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/shadow.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/sysvinit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/util-linux.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) r3918@server (orig r1762): jciccone | 2006-06-11 10:42:36 -0700 ... Sat, 10 Jun 2006 03:58:15 GMT Jim Gifford [8f2279f] * BOOK/introduction/common/how.xml (modified) r3908@server (orig r1759): jciccone | 2006-06-09 17:33:27 -0700 ... Sat, 10 Jun 2006 03:58:00 GMT Jim Gifford [2ad9b71] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/file.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/glibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-preps/chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-preps/creatingcrossdir.xml (deleted) * BOOK/final-preps/settingenviron.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/how.xml (modified) r3907@server (orig r1758): jciccone | 2006-06-09 17:17:08 -0700 ... Sat, 10 Jun 2006 03:57:43 GMT Jim Gifford [7a47cec] * BOOK/final-system/common/gzip.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/util-linux.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) r3906@server (orig r1757): jciccone | 2006-06-09 17:11:23 -0700 2 ... Wed, 07 Jun 2006 23:59:45 GMT Jim Gifford [b16b4dc] * BOOK/final-system/common/coreutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) r3863@server (orig r1740): jciccone | 2006-06-07 15:51:19 -0700 ... Wed, 07 Jun 2006 00:09:46 GMT Jim Gifford [2be6f63] * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) r3846@server (orig r1735): jciccone | 2006-06-06 14:42:23 -0700 ... Wed, 07 Jun 2006 00:09:31 GMT Jim Gifford [817bb11] * BOOK/final-system/common/vim.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) r3845@server (orig r1734): jciccone | 2006-06-06 14:31:29 -0700 ... Tue, 06 Jun 2006 20:06:13 GMT Jim Gifford [124ebe0] * BOOK/final-preps/creatingdirs.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gzip.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/kbd.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/less.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/procps.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/zlib.xml (modified) r3843@server (orig r1733): jciccone | 2006-06-06 12:54:26 -0700 ... Tue, 06 Jun 2006 00:03:53 GMT Jim Gifford [fa397e4] * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/glibc.xml (added) r3830@server (orig r1727): jciccone | 2006-06-05 16:19:39 -0700 ... Tue, 06 Jun 2006 00:03:40 GMT Jim Gifford [34c890b] * BOOK/introduction/arm/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) r3829@server (orig r1726): jciccone | 2006-06-05 15:36:30 -0700 ...