# # ChangeLog for patches in clfs-embedded # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # Mar 19, 2025, 5:04:43 AM Mon, 21 Oct 2013 13:57:22 GMT Andrew Bradford [390c34a] * BOOK/arm-index.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootloaders/arm-chapter.xml (deleted) * BOOK/bootloaders/arm/packages.xml (deleted) * BOOK/bootloaders/arm/patches.xml (deleted) * BOOK/bootloaders/common/introduction.xml (deleted) * BOOK/bootloaders/mips-chapter.xml (deleted) * BOOK/bootloaders/mips/colo.xml (deleted) * BOOK/bootloaders/mips/packages.xml (deleted) * BOOK/bootloaders/mips/patches.xml (deleted) * BOOK/bootloaders/x86-chapter.xml (deleted) * BOOK/bootloaders/x86/patches.xml (deleted) * BOOK/mips-index.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * BOOK/x86-index.xml (modified) * patches/colo-1.22-make_fix-1.patch (deleted) * patches/colo-1.22-relocation_fix-1.patch (deleted) Remove bootloaders section and bootloaders Only MIPS had any ... Wed, 16 Oct 2013 18:11:08 GMT Andrew Bradford [b748208] * patches/busybox-1.21.0-config-1.patch (deleted) Delete busybox config patch The defconfig with 2 quick seds will ... Wed, 16 Oct 2013 18:10:53 GMT Andrew Bradford [76135be] * BOOK/final-system/common/busybox.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/busybox-1.21.1-musl-1.patch (added) Add busybox-musl patch Required in order to build busybox released ... Tue, 15 Oct 2013 20:00:05 GMT Andrew Bradford [c01e552] * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/binutils-2.23.2-musl-1.patch (added) * patches/gcc-4.7.3-musl-1.patch (added) Add musl patches for gcc and binutils Tue, 15 Oct 2013 20:00:05 GMT Andrew Bradford [75a0379] * BOOK/cross-tools/arm-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/variables.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/libc.xml (moved) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips/uclibc.xml (deleted) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips/variables.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86/variables.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/packages.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/uClibc-0.9.31-configs-3.patch (deleted) Convert from uClibc to musl-libc Does not include musl required ... Tue, 08 Oct 2013 17:11:53 GMT Andrew Bradford [8e7dcf3] * patches/uClibc-0.9.31-configs-3.patch (moved) Rename uClibc-configs from 2 to 3 for OABI->EABI Tue, 08 Oct 2013 17:11:53 GMT Andrew Bradford [ec6732d] * patches/uClibc-0.9.31-configs-2.patch (modified) uClibc-configs.patch: Remove OABI, use EABI Default big and little ... Wed, 24 Jul 2013 18:45:41 GMT Andrew Bradford [be33999] * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/uClibc-0.9.31-configs-2.patch (moved) Revert "Rename uClibc configs patch" This reverts commit ... Mon, 17 Jun 2013 20:45:09 GMT Andrew Bradford [9959161] * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/uClibc- (moved) Rename uClibc configs patch To match current version. Mon, 17 Jun 2013 20:43:58 GMT Andrew Bradford [0dc20ea] * patches/busybox-1.21.0-config-1.patch (moved) Rename busybox config patch To match current busybox version Fri, 14 Jun 2013 01:24:17 GMT Andrew Bradford [729274c] * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/linux- (deleted) patches: Remove Linux bcm47xx fixes patch Used only by wrt, no ... Tue, 11 Jun 2013 14:01:25 GMT Andrew Bradford [a217acd] * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/arm/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/gcc-4.6.0-uclibc-arm-softfloat-2.patch (deleted) Remove ARM gcc soft-float patch Tue, 11 Jun 2013 14:01:25 GMT Andrew Bradford [4472cad] * patches/busybox-1.17.3-fixes-1.patch (deleted) Remove busybox 1.17.3 fixes patch Moved to newer busybox version. Tue, 11 Jun 2013 14:01:21 GMT Andrew Bradford [8ee102d] * BOOK/beyond-net/common/iptables.xml (modified) * BOOK/beyond-net/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/iptables-1.4.2-fixes-1.patch (deleted) Remove iptables fixes patch Updated to newer version of iptables. Tue, 11 Jun 2013 13:52:05 GMT Andrew Bradford [2697c08] * BOOK/beyond-net/common/libnl.xml (modified) * BOOK/beyond-net/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/libnl-git-fixes-1.patch (deleted) Remove libnl patch No longer using old git repo tarball so patch ... Tue, 12 Apr 2011 11:30:42 GMT Andrew Bradford [7f87fed] * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/gcc-4.6.0-uclibc-arm-softfloat-2.patch (moved) Fixed GCC ARM soft float patch Fixed an issue where applying the ... Tue, 05 Apr 2011 11:27:30 GMT Andrew Bradford [dea8e25] * patches/gcc-4.6.0-uclibc-arm-softfloat-1.patch (added) Created patch to enable softfloat on ARM w/ uClibc Original taken ... Thu, 31 Mar 2011 11:39:57 GMT Andrew Bradford [0171693] * BOOK/final-system/common/busybox.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/busybox-1.18.4-config-1.patch (moved) Updated BusyBox to version 1.18.4 Simply commented out the fixes ... Mon, 21 Feb 2011 22:05:21 GMT Andrew Bradford [8a1a3a8] * patches/uClibc-0.9.31-configs-3.patch (deleted) Revert "Patch created to handle uClibc EABI configs" This reverts ... Mon, 21 Feb 2011 22:04:18 GMT Andrew Bradford [3f7d28c] * patches/uClibc-0.9.31-configs-3.patch (added) Revert "Delete configs-3 patch for uClibc" This reverts commit ... Mon, 21 Feb 2011 12:26:42 GMT Andrew Bradford [e4925d1] * patches/uClibc-0.9.31-configs-3.patch (deleted) Delete configs-3 patch for uClibc Previously brought back the ... Mon, 21 Feb 2011 12:24:46 GMT Andrew Bradford [b0386e9] * patches/uClibc-0.9.31-configs-2.patch (added) Revert "Removed uClibc-0.9.31-configs-2.patch" This reverts commit ... Tue, 15 Feb 2011 13:03:29 GMT Andrew Bradford [ac7abbd] * patches/uClibc-0.9.31-configs-2.patch (deleted) Removed uClibc-0.9.31-configs-2.patch Tue, 15 Feb 2011 12:42:54 GMT Andrew Bradford [f6dfa52] * patches/uClibc-0.9.31-configs-3.patch (added) Patch created to handle uClibc EABI configs Tue, 15 Feb 2011 12:16:08 GMT Andrew Bradford [6ff96e1] * patches/uClibc-0.9.31-configs-2.patch (modified) Removed hppa and alpha archs from uClibc configs HPPA and Alpha ... Mon, 31 Jan 2011 12:34:36 GMT Andrew Bradford [85ff85f] * patches/iana-etc-2.30-update-1.patch (moved) Renamed iana-etc patch to comply with name format Sat, 29 Jan 2011 18:47:46 GMT Andrew Bradford [21f1019] * patches/iana-etc-2.30-update.patch (added) Created patch for Iana-etc Patch to provide correct operation of ... Sun, 28 Nov 2010 16:42:19 GMT Joe Ciccone [bf4c511] * patches/busybox-1.17.3-config-1.patch (added) Add missing busybox config patch from commit earlier. Sun, 28 Nov 2010 16:41:21 GMT Joe Ciccone [18b91a8] * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/uClibc-0.9.31-configs-2.patch (moved) Bumped the uClibc Configs Patch to -2, adding in SUSv3 Compatibility ... Sun, 28 Nov 2010 16:24:43 GMT Joe Ciccone [93539e4] * BOOK/final-preps/creatingcrossdir.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/busybox.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/packages.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/busybox-1.15.0-branch_update-1.patch (deleted) * patches/busybox-1.17.3-fixes-1.patch (added) Updated BusyBox to 1.17.3. Sun, 28 Nov 2010 15:46:43 GMT Joe Ciccone [a9bbc46] * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/variables.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/uclibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips/variables.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86/variables.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/packages.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/uClibc- (deleted) * patches/uClibc-0.9.31-configs-1.patch (added) Updated uClibc to 0.9.31. Sun, 21 Nov 2010 16:05:38 GMT Joe Ciccone [35e0963] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/gcc-4.3.3-branch_update-5.patch (deleted) * patches/gcc-4.3.3-posix-1.patch (deleted) Initial Upgrade of GCC to 4.5.1. MPC needs to be added. Sun, 21 Nov 2010 15:56:46 GMT Joe Ciccone [c747e18] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/binutils-2.19.1-branch_update-1.patch (deleted) * patches/binutils-2.19.1-posix-1.patch (deleted) Updated Binutils to 2.20.1. Sun, 21 Nov 2010 15:51:24 GMT Joe Ciccone [85fc1b3] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/mpfr.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/mpfr-2.4.1-branch_update-1.patch (deleted) Updated MPFR to 3.0.0. Sun, 21 Nov 2010 14:47:53 GMT Joe Ciccone [b0b1007] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gmp.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/gmp-4.2.4-branch_update-1.patch (deleted) Updated GMP to 5.0.1. Thu, 10 Sep 2009 19:43:36 GMT Maarten Lankhorst [884672b] * BOOK/beyond-clfs/arm-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/beyond-clfs/common/dropbear.xml (modified) * BOOK/beyond-clfs/common/hostapd.xml (added) * BOOK/beyond-clfs/common/libnl.xml (added) * BOOK/beyond-clfs/common/packages.xml (modified) * BOOK/beyond-clfs/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/beyond-clfs/mips-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/beyond-clfs/wrt-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/beyond-clfs/x86-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * bootscripts/Makefile (modified) * bootscripts/clfs/rc.d/init.d/hostapd (added) * patches/libnl-git-fixes-1.patch (added) book: Add hostapd and libnl to beyond section Wed, 09 Sep 2009 08:27:36 GMT Maarten Lankhorst [5aeee94] * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/linux- (deleted) * patches/linux- (added) Update bcm47xx patch Mon, 07 Sep 2009 11:57:33 GMT Maarten Lankhorst [2e856a4] * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * config/busybox-1.15.0.config (moved) * patches/busybox-1.14.1-branch_update-1.patch (deleted) * patches/busybox-1.15.0-branch_update-1.patch (added) bump busybox to 1.15 Fri, 04 Sep 2009 11:13:08 GMT Maarten Lankhorst [b71d8ca] * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * config/busybox-1.14.1.config (moved) * patches/busybox-1.13.3-branch_update-1.patch (deleted) * patches/busybox-1.14.1-branch_update-1.patch (added) update busybox Fri, 04 Sep 2009 00:08:17 GMT Maarten Lankhorst [ffc7663] * BOOK/materials/mips/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/wrt/packages.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/wrt/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * config/linux-bcm47xx- (added) * patches/linux- (added) book: Update kernel packages and patches Thu, 03 Sep 2009 23:06:58 GMT Maarten Lankhorst [138fbc4] * patches/linux- (deleted) * patches/linux- (deleted) * patches/linux- (deleted) * patches/linux- (deleted) * patches/linux- (deleted) * patches/linux- (deleted) * patches/linux-2.6.20-mips-1.patch (deleted) * patches/linux-2.6.20-mips_fixes-1.patch (deleted) * patches/linux-2.6.20-squashfs-1.patch (deleted) * patches/linux- (deleted) * patches/linux- (deleted) * patches/linux- (deleted) * patches/linux- (deleted) patches: Remove legacy patches Sat, 28 Mar 2009 16:12:33 GMT Jim Gifford [f5994ee] * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * config/uClibc- (moved) * patches/uClibc-0.9.30-branch_update-3.patch (deleted) * patches/uClibc- (added) * scripts/patch/uclibc-patches.sh (modified) uClibc Updates and Linux Update Sat, 28 Mar 2009 15:23:45 GMT Jim Gifford [118c546] * BOOK/file_sizes (deleted) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * config/busybox-1.13.3.config (moved) * patches/busybox-1.13.2-branch_update-3.patch (deleted) * patches/busybox-1.13.3-branch_update-1.patch (added) Updated Busybox Sat, 28 Mar 2009 15:15:27 GMT Jim Gifford [2804a96] * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/variables.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips/variables.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/binutils-2.19.1-branch_update-1.patch (added) * patches/gcc-4.3.3-branch_update-5.patch (moved) Updates - Endian Check - GCC and Binutils Patch Updates Mon, 02 Mar 2009 06:30:51 GMT Jim Gifford [3ec3099] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/mpfr.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/packages.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/gcc-4.3.3-branch_update-3.patch (added) * patches/mpfr-2.4.1-branch_update-1.patch (added) Added Missing Files and Package Updates Fri, 20 Feb 2009 17:02:09 GMT Jim Gifford [a4733fb] * BOOK/filesize.sh (added) * BOOK/final-system/common/busybox.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/colo-1.22-make_fix-1.patch (added) * patches/colo-1.22-relocation_fix-1.patch (added) File Size Updates. Typo Fixes Mon, 16 Feb 2009 19:38:00 GMT Jim Gifford [7791a76] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/busybox-1.13.2-branch_update-3.patch (moved) Updated Busybox Branch Update Patch to -3 Thu, 12 Feb 2009 20:50:15 GMT Jim Gifford [19776da] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/materials/arm/packages.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/packages.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/mips/packages.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/wrt/packages.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/x86/packages.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/linux- (deleted) Updated to Linux Sun, 08 Feb 2009 07:08:34 GMT Jim Gifford [24f9f40] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/uClibc-0.9.30-branch_update-3.patch (moved) Updated uClibc Update Patch Wed, 04 Feb 2009 03:01:04 GMT Jim Gifford [0ef4c20] * patches/uClibc-0.9.30-branch_update-2.patch (added) Added: uClibc-0.9.30-branch_update-2.patch Wed, 04 Feb 2009 03:00:45 GMT Jim Gifford [8c63653] * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/uClibc-0.9.30-branch_update-1.patch (deleted) uClibc Updates Wed, 04 Feb 2009 02:54:07 GMT Jim Gifford [b36d112] * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/busybox-1.13.2-branch_update-2.patch (moved) Update to Busybox Branch Update Patch Wed, 04 Feb 2009 02:51:04 GMT Jim Gifford [320a81a] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * patches/binutils-2.19-branch_update-4.patch (deleted) * patches/binutils-2.19.1-posix-1.patch (moved) Updated to Binutils 2.19.1 Wed, 28 Jan 2009 20:51:28 GMT Jim Gifford [997f31a] * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * patches/mpfr-2.3.2-branch_update-1.patch (deleted) Updated to efsprogs 1.41.4 Mon, 26 Jan 2009 23:14:41 GMT Jim Gifford [6a3c6dc] * BOOK/beyond-clfs/common/dropbear.xml (modified) * BOOK/beyond-clfs/common/iptables.xml (modified) * BOOK/beyond-clfs/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/arm/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/mips/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/wrt/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/x86/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/iptables-1.3.7-do_multi-1.patch (deleted) * patches/iptables-1.4.2-fixes-1.patch (added) Updates to IPTables and Dropbear Mon, 26 Jan 2009 00:48:39 GMT Jim Gifford [6d1c66e] * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * patches/linux- (moved) Updated to Linux Sun, 25 Jan 2009 23:17:09 GMT Jim Gifford [489ddbd] * BOOK/beyond-clfs/common/dropbear.xml (modified) * BOOK/cleanup/create-tarball.xml (modified) * BOOK/cleanup/remove-files.xml (modified) * patches/dropbear-0.48.1-autotool-1.patch (deleted) Text updates. Removed uneeded Patch Sun, 25 Jan 2009 22:12:16 GMT Jim Gifford [bd83d71] * BOOK/final-system/common/zlib.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/zlib-1.2.3-DESTDIR-1.patch (deleted) Removed Zlib DESTDIR patch Sun, 25 Jan 2009 20:59:04 GMT Jim Gifford [0e9e889] * BOOK/final-system/arm-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/arm/busybox.xml (deleted) * BOOK/final-system/common/busybox.xml (moved) * BOOK/final-system/mips-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips/busybox.xml (deleted) * BOOK/final-system/wrt-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/busybox-1.12.1-fixes-1.patch (deleted) * patches/busybox-1.12.1-iptunnel_headers-1.patch (deleted) * patches/busybox-1.13.2-branch_update-1.patch (added) * scripts/patch/busybox-patch.sh (added) Starting Busybox Updates Sun, 25 Jan 2009 09:45:41 GMT Jim Gifford [12cd5ac] * patches/gcc-4.3.2-branch_update-2.patch (deleted) * patches/gcc-4.3.3-posix-1.patch (moved) Updated GCC Patches Sun, 25 Jan 2009 09:45:20 GMT Jim Gifford [3139927] * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * patches/uClibc-0.9.30-branch_update-1.patch (added) * patches/uClibc-0.9.30-rc3-flock_fixes-1.patch (deleted) * scripts/patch/uclibc-patches.sh (added) Update uClibc Sat, 24 Jan 2009 18:53:33 GMT Jim Gifford [06beb7a] * patches/binutils-2.19-branch_update-4.patch (added) * patches/gcc-4.3.2-branch_update-2.patch (added) * patches/gmp-4.2.4-branch_update-1.patch (added) * patches/linux- (added) * patches/mpfr-2.3.2-branch_update-1.patch (added) Added: Patches Sat, 08 Nov 2008 16:24:32 GMT Joe Ciccone [2567553] * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/uclibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips/uclibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86/uclibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/arm/busybox.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips/busybox.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86/busybox.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/busybox-1.12.1-fixes-1.patch (added) * patches/busybox-1.12.1-iptunnel_headers-1.patch (added) * patches/busybox-1.8.2-fixes-1.patch (deleted) * patches/uClibc-0.9.30-rc3-flock_fixes-1.patch (added) Updated Busybox to 1.12.1. Patched uClibc so struct flock doesn't ... Sat, 08 Nov 2008 07:37:37 GMT Joe Ciccone [0194a60] * BOOK/cross-tools/arm-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/arm/uclibc-headers.xml (deleted) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips/uclibc-headers.xml (deleted) * BOOK/cross-tools/wrt-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86/uclibc-headers.xml (deleted) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/binutils-2.17-uclibc-1.patch (deleted) * patches/binutils-2.19-posix-1.patch (moved) * patches/gcc-4.1.2-cross_search_paths-1.patch (deleted) * patches/gcc-4.1.2-posix-1.patch (deleted) * patches/gcc-4.1.2-uclibc-1.patch (deleted) * patches/gcc-4.3.2-posix-1.patch (added) Updated Binutils to 2.19. Updated GCC to 4.3.2. Dropped the uClibc ... Thu, 10 Jan 2008 01:25:09 GMT Joe Ciccone [fb6d46f] * patches/busybox-1.4.1-fixes-1.patch (deleted) * patches/busybox-1.8.2-fixes-1.patch (added) Update Patch. Sun, 25 Feb 2007 23:50:09 GMT Jim Gifford [9a57cc4] * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/linux- (added) * patches/linux- (added) * patches/linux- (added) * patches/linux- (added) Updated to Linux Wed, 14 Feb 2007 16:17:26 GMT Jim Gifford [0602db2] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/gcc-4.1.1-PR20425-1.patch (deleted) * patches/gcc-4.1.1-posix-1.patch (deleted) * patches/gcc-4.1.2-cross_search_paths-1.patch (moved) * patches/gcc-4.1.2-posix-1.patch (added) * patches/gcc-4.1.2-uclibc-1.patch (moved) Updated to GCC 4.1.2 Mon, 05 Feb 2007 21:10:21 GMT Jim Gifford [0f689dc] * patches/busybox-1.4.1-fixes-1.patch (moved) Renamed: busybox- to busybox-1.4.1-fixes-1.patch Mon, 05 Feb 2007 19:01:05 GMT Jim Gifford [751a25a] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/iptables-1.3.7-do_multi-1.patch (modified) Fixed IPTables DO_MULTI Patch Mon, 05 Feb 2007 05:20:27 GMT Jim Gifford [3c65c99] * BOOK/beyond-clfs3/common/dropbear.xml (modified) * BOOK/beyond-clfs3/common/iptables.xml (modified) * BOOK/beyond-clfs3/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86/busybox.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/iptables-1.3.7-do_multi-1.patch (added) Updates to Iptables, Typos, and Validation error fixes Mon, 05 Feb 2007 05:11:47 GMT Jim Gifford [5956516] * patches/linux-2.6.20-mips-1.patch (added) * patches/linux-2.6.20-mips_fixes-1.patch (added) * patches/linux-2.6.20-squashfs-1.patch (added) Started Updating for 2.6.20 Sun, 04 Feb 2007 18:46:05 GMT Jim Gifford [be76242] * BOOK/cross-tools/mips/uclibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86/uclibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/e2fsprogs.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/mips-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips/busybox.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/wrt-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86/busybox.xml (moved) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/linux- (moved) * patches/linux- (moved) * patches/linux- (moved) * patches/linux- (moved) * patches/linux- (moved) * patches/linux- (moved) Updated to Linux Fixes for uClibc Changed > to > ... Sat, 13 Jan 2007 09:38:46 GMT Maarten Lankhorst [419755e] * patches/dropbear-0.48.1-autotool-1.patch (added) Add autotool patch for dropbear Tue, 09 Jan 2007 23:54:09 GMT Maarten Lankhorst [a6b0b88] * patches/linux-2.6.19-bcm43xx-update-1.patch.gz (added) * patches/linux-2.6.19-bcm947xx-1.patch (deleted) * patches/linux-2.6.19-bcm947xx-2.patch (added) * patches/linux-2.6.19-d80211-import-1.patch.gz (added) Update cross-lfs patches Sun, 03 Dec 2006 14:23:56 GMT Maarten Lankhorst [b384f33f] * patches/linux-2.6.19-bcm947xx-1.patch (moved) Rename bcm patch Sat, 02 Dec 2006 23:41:47 GMT Maarten Lankhorst [21e0fdf] * patches/linux-2.6.19-bcm947xx.patch (added) * patches/linux-2.6.19-mips-1.patch (added) * patches/linux-2.6.19-mips_fixes-1.patch (added) * patches/linux-2.6.19-squashfs-1.patch (added) Add required patches Wed, 29 Nov 2006 23:44:38 GMT Jim Gifford [d841e12] * patches/zlib-1.2.3-DESTDIR-1.patch (added) * patches/zlib-1.2.3-fPIC-1.patch (deleted) Removed zlib fpic patch Fri, 24 Nov 2006 19:22:42 GMT Jim Gifford [24e0008] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * patches/zlib-1.2.3-fPIC-1.patch (added) * software/addpattern/addpattern.c (added) * software/trx/trx.c (added) Moved Software to svn Tue, 14 Nov 2006 06:32:29 GMT Jim Gifford [841271e] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/binutils-2.17-uclibc-1.patch (added) * patches/gcc-4.1.1-uclibc-1.patch (added) uClibc updates Fri, 10 Nov 2006 00:56:08 GMT Jim Gifford [e666df1] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86/uclibc-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86/uclibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/busybox.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/x86-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/binutils-2.17-posix-1.patch (added) * patches/busybox- (added) * patches/gcc-4.1.1-PR20425-1.patch (added) * patches/gcc-4.1.1-cross_search_paths-1.patch (added) * patches/gcc-4.1.1-posix-1.patch (added) Updated Date Added Busybox Added Patches Updated uClibc to build ...