# # ChangeLog for appendices/dependencies # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # Mar 28, 2025, 7:41:14 AM Sun, 09 Jul 2006 12:58:13 GMT Chris Staub [9ca9492] * appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) Updated dependency info - binutils now uses file on multilib builds Thu, 22 Jun 2006 07:27:46 GMT Jim Gifford [1ade2cb] * appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) * introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) r4058@server: jim | 2006-06-22 00:27:12 -0700 Added mktemp to ... Wed, 21 Jun 2006 21:53:33 GMT Chris Staub [b71fa50] * appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) * boot/common/creatingdirs.xml (modified) * boot/common/introduction.xml (modified) * boot/x86_64-64/lilo.xml (modified) * bootable/alpha-chapter.xml (modified) * bootable/alpha/aboot.xml (modified) * bootable/common/introduction.xml (modified) * bootable/mips-chapter.xml (modified) * bootable/mips/arcload.xml (modified) * bootable/mips/colo.xml (modified) * bootable/mips64-chapter.xml (modified) * bootable/mips64/arcload.xml (modified) * bootable/ppc-chapter.xml (modified) * bootable/ppc/yaboot.xml (modified) * bootable/ppc64-chapter.xml (modified) * bootable/sparc-chapter.xml (modified) * bootable/sparc/silo.xml (modified) * bootable/x86-chapter.xml (modified) * bootable/x86/grub.xml (modified) * bootable/x86/kernel.xml (modified) * bootable/x86_64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * bootable/x86_64-64/lilo.xml (modified) * bootable/x86_64-chapter.xml (modified) * bootscripts/common/console.xml (modified) * bootscripts/common/introduction.xml (modified) * bootscripts/common/network.xml (modified) * bootscripts/common/profile.xml (modified) * bootscripts/common/udev.xml (modified) * bootscripts/common/usage.xml (modified) * bootscripts/mips/bootscripts.xml (modified) * chroot/common/changingowner.xml (modified) * chroot/common/chroot.xml (modified) * chroot/common/kernfs.xml (modified) * final-preps/creatingtoolsdir.xml (modified) * final-system/common/coreutils.xml (modified) * final-system/common/e2fsprogs.xml (modified) * final-system/common/glibc.xml (modified) * final-system/common/inetutils.xml (modified) * final-system/common/iproute2.xml (modified) * final-system/common/kbd.xml (modified) * final-system/common/man.xml (modified) * final-system/common/psmisc.xml (modified) * final-system/common/sysvinit.xml (modified) * final-system/common/udev.xml (modified) * final-system/common/util-linux.xml (modified) * final-system/common/vim.xml (modified) * final-system/multilib/glibc-64bit.xml (modified) * final-system/ppc64/glibc-64bit.xml (modified) * introduction/common/askforhelp.xml (modified) * introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * introduction/common/resources.xml (modified) * materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * partitioning/common/creatingfilesystem.xml (modified) * partitioning/common/creatingpartition.xml (modified) * partitioning/common/mounting.xml (modified) * prologue/common/errata.xml (modified) * prologue/common/prerequisites.xml (modified) * prologue/common/typography.xml (modified) * the-end/reboot.xml (modified) * the-end/whatnow.xml (modified) Changed many 'LFS' references to 'CLFS' Fri, 09 Jun 2006 00:00:14 GMT Jim Gifford [e3eb047b] * appendices/dependencies/ppc.xml (modified) * boot/ppc-chapter.xml (modified) * boot/ppc/hfsutils.xml (added) * boot/ppc/mktemp.xml (added) * boot/ppc/powerpc-utils.xml (added) * boot/ppc/yaboot-build.xml (modified) * introduction/ppc/changelog.xml (modified) r3870@server (orig r1744): ken | 2006-06-08 15:31:32 -0700 ... Thu, 08 Jun 2006 20:01:41 GMT Jim Gifford [7ee33b91] * appendices/acronymlist.xml (modified) * appendices/dependencies/ppc.xml (modified) * appendices/ppc/macmiscellany.xml (added) * general.ent (modified) * introduction/ppc/changelog.xml (modified) * introduction/ppc64/changelog.xml (modified) * ppc-index.xml (modified) * ppc64-index.xml (modified) r3867@server (orig r1743): ken | 2006-06-08 10:40:02 -0700 Add ... Wed, 17 May 2006 20:19:32 GMT Jim Gifford [4b4befb] * appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) r3562@server (orig r1627): chris | 2006-05-17 11:22:50 -0700 Added ... Wed, 17 May 2006 20:19:01 GMT Jim Gifford [850fa85d] * appendices/dependencies/alpha.xml (modified) * appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) * appendices/dependencies/mips.xml (modified) * appendices/dependencies/x86_64-64.xml (modified) * boot/common/udev-rules.xml (modified) * bootscripts/common/bootscripts.xml (modified) * bootscripts/common/udev-rules.xml (modified) r3560@server (orig r1625): chris | 2006-05-17 10:59:15 -0700 Moved ... Fri, 12 May 2006 15:35:22 GMT Jim Gifford [2ef0383] * appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) * introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) r3406@server (orig r1567): chris | 2006-05-12 08:23:45 -0700 Added ... Thu, 11 May 2006 07:41:31 GMT Jim Gifford [c5b6503] * appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) r3387@server (orig r1560): chris | 2006-05-10 21:45:58 -0700 Added ... Wed, 10 May 2006 23:34:43 GMT Jim Gifford [9418efc] * appendices/dependencies/alpha.xml (added) * appendices/dependencies/common.xml (added) * appendices/dependencies/mips.xml (added) * appendices/dependencies/ppc.xml (added) * appendices/dependencies/sparc.xml (added) * appendices/dependencies/x86.xml (added) * appendices/dependencies/x86_64-64.xml (added) * general.ent (modified) r3369@server (orig r1552): chris | 2006-05-10 13:52:53 -0700 Added ...