# # ChangeLog for BOOK # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # Mar 23, 2025, 8:23:59 AM Mon, 28 Jul 2014 07:27:39 GMT Chris Staub [333c089] * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Make more use of entities in packages.ent Mon, 28 Jul 2014 07:10:09 GMT Chris Staub [a57c9ae] * BOOK/final-system/64/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86_64-64/binutils.xml (modified) Flex is now installed before Binutils, so note about missing flex is ... Mon, 28 Jul 2014 04:59:11 GMT Chris Staub [d4469fc] * BOOK/final-system/common/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/glibc.xml (modified) Make testsuite notes slightly less strongly worded Mon, 28 Jul 2014 04:19:44 GMT Chris Staub [ac7dfaa] * BOOK/final-system/common/cloog.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gmp.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/isl.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/mpc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/mpfr.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64/gmp-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/cloog-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/cloog-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/cloog.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/gmp-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/gmp-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/gmp.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/isl-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/isl-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/isl.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/mpc-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/mpc-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/mpc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/mpfr-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/mpfr-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/mpfr.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Removed unneeded testsuite notes Mon, 28 Jul 2014 04:16:58 GMT Chris Staub [a3cdc8b] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Fri, 25 Jul 2014 02:57:53 GMT Chris Staub [564021c] * BOOK/final-system/common/texinfo.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/texinfo.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Removed unneeded commands about /usr/share/info/dir from texinfo Thu, 24 Jul 2014 07:18:02 GMT Chris Staub [92d912f] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Thu, 24 Jul 2014 07:17:32 GMT Chris Staub [fe5e5a6] * BOOK/boot/x86/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/x86/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Added config flags to kernel pages Wed, 23 Jul 2014 09:53:21 GMT Chris Staub [82bd9af] * BOOK/final-system/common/man-pages.xml (modified) Updated # of man-pages Wed, 23 Jul 2014 09:49:50 GMT Chris Staub [7703780] * BOOK/final-system/common/kmod.xml (modified) Text update Wed, 23 Jul 2014 07:36:25 GMT Chris Staub [52b4b72] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/mpfr-3.1.2-fixes-4.patch (moved) * patches/patch-3.14.12.xz (deleted) * patches/patch-3.14.13.xz (added) * patches/vim-7.4-branch_update-5.patch (moved) Merge branch 'master' of git.cross-lfs.org:cross-lfs Wed, 23 Jul 2014 07:35:27 GMT Chris Staub [1393767] * BOOK/final-system/common/glibc.xml (modified) Text updates for Glibc Wed, 23 Jul 2014 07:35:19 GMT Chris Staub [92671d0] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Tue, 22 Jul 2014 00:47:48 GMT William Harrington [d923363] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Add master changelog entry for Linux 3.14.13 update. Mon, 21 Jul 2014 23:48:19 GMT William Harrington [d44953b] * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) Update linux sublevel patch size and md5 hash for 3.14.13 update. Mon, 21 Jul 2014 23:47:17 GMT William Harrington [a54251a] * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Update linux version for 3.14.13 update. Mon, 21 Jul 2014 23:41:01 GMT William Harrington [d4587d5] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Add master changelog entry for Vim 7.4 branch update patch to patch ... Mon, 21 Jul 2014 23:39:50 GMT William Harrington [e50746a] * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) Update vim 7.4 branch update patch filename, size, and md5 hash for ... Mon, 21 Jul 2014 23:28:49 GMT William Harrington [b11a39a] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Add master changelog entry for MPFR 3.1.2 fixes patch level 10 update. Mon, 21 Jul 2014 23:27:06 GMT William Harrington [927cfc63] * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) Update mpfr fixes patch filename, size, and md5 hash for patch level ... Mon, 21 Jul 2014 08:37:23 GMT Chris Staub [e84966e] * BOOK/final-system/common/procps-ng.xml (modified) Correct pidof description Mon, 21 Jul 2014 08:36:09 GMT Chris Staub [4e75532] * BOOK/final-system/common/linux-headers.xml (modified) Add command tag for make Mon, 21 Jul 2014 08:35:46 GMT Chris Staub [0e72ea5] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Fri, 18 Jul 2014 09:23:29 GMT Chris Staub [ee7cd32] * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/mips.xml (modified) * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/ppc.xml (modified) * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/sparc.xml (modified) * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/x86.xml (modified) No need for and in dependency lists Fri, 18 Jul 2014 09:11:40 GMT Chris Staub [955355e] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Fri, 18 Jul 2014 09:11:27 GMT Chris Staub [be1c363] * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) * BOOK/appendices/rationale/common.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/ppc/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/sparc/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/sparc64/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86_64/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Change title for Linux Headers pages Conflicts: ... Fri, 18 Jul 2014 01:05:03 GMT Chris Staub [8d5df0b] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated dbus to 1.8.6 Fri, 18 Jul 2014 01:03:11 GMT Chris Staub [808eb87] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Thu, 17 Jul 2014 09:06:44 GMT Chris Staub [4a8e706] * BOOK/final-system/common/temp-perl.xml (modified) Reword note on temp-perl page Thu, 17 Jul 2014 04:47:54 GMT Chris Staub [50dce170] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/m4.xml (modified) More detailed explanation in cross-tools m4 Thu, 17 Jul 2014 04:47:36 GMT Chris Staub [e8cb61f] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Mon, 14 Jul 2014 10:50:53 GMT Chris Staub [a34becea] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) Updated kernel to 3.14.12 Mon, 14 Jul 2014 09:29:19 GMT Chris Staub [799de33] * BOOK/chroot/common/devices.xml (deleted) * BOOK/chroot/common/kernfs.xml (modified) * BOOK/chroot/mips-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/chroot/mips64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/chroot/mips64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/chroot/ppc-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/chroot/ppc64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/chroot/ppc64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/chroot/sparc-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/chroot/sparc64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/chroot/sparc64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/chroot/x86-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/chroot/x86_64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/chroot/x86_64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/stylesheets/lfs-xsl/xhtml/lfs-navigational.xsl (modified) Updated file system mount commands for chroot Mon, 14 Jul 2014 09:22:44 GMT Chris Staub [0d9d44d] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Thu, 10 Jul 2014 10:55:02 GMT Chris Staub [b3be52a] * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated boot-scripts version md5sum Thu, 10 Jul 2014 10:27:22 GMT Chris Staub [80a0729] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Thu, 10 Jul 2014 10:18:51 GMT Chris Staub [59913e1] * BOOK/boot/common/boot-scripts.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/common/sysvinit.xml (modified) Changed /var/run references to /run Thu, 10 Jul 2014 10:17:06 GMT Chris Staub [195f497] * BOOK/final-system/common/shadow.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/shadow.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Create /var/log/lastlog Wed, 09 Jul 2014 08:03:11 GMT Chris Staub [00d51486] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Thu, 03 Jul 2014 09:10:56 GMT Chris Staub [c963ac3] * BOOK/ppc-index.xml (modified) * BOOK/ppc64-64-index.xml (modified) * BOOK/ppc64-index.xml (modified) Ensure ppc appendix is actually appendix E Thu, 03 Jul 2014 09:10:26 GMT Chris Staub [23fe99b] * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) Dependencies should be Appendix B Thu, 03 Jul 2014 08:33:29 GMT Chris Staub [eb7a60c] * BOOK/partitioning/sparc/creatingpartition.xml (modified) Text updates for sparc partitioning page Thu, 03 Jul 2014 08:33:19 GMT Chris Staub [4d8d705] * BOOK/partitioning/mips/creatingpartition.xml (modified) Text updates for mips partitioning Thu, 03 Jul 2014 08:32:44 GMT Chris Staub [1708079] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Thu, 03 Jul 2014 00:38:43 GMT William Harrington [2e29e07] * BOOK/final-system/ppc64-chapter.xml (modified) Have PowerPC64 multilib final-system gcc use the multilib/gcc.xml for ... Thu, 03 Jul 2014 00:28:44 GMT William Harrington [119d004] * BOOK/boot/x86/kernel.xml (modified) Use &linux-version2; entity for page title. Thu, 03 Jul 2014 00:18:27 GMT William Harrington [51b9274] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Add master changelog entry for Linux 3.14.10 sublevel patch update. Thu, 03 Jul 2014 00:17:47 GMT William Harrington [6f92708] * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Update linux-version2 entity for 3.14.10 sublevel patch update. Thu, 03 Jul 2014 00:17:05 GMT William Harrington [684aab1] * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) Update Linux sublevel patch size an dmd5 hash for 3.14.10 update. Thu, 03 Jul 2014 00:12:18 GMT William Harrington [7f8996d] * BOOK/boot/mips/colo.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/mips/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/mips64/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/ppc/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/ppc64/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/sparc/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/sparc/silo.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/sparc64/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/x86/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/x86_64/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/mips/arcload.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/mips/colo.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/mips/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/mips64/arcload.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/ppc/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/ppc/yaboot.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/sparc/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/sparc/silo.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/x86/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/x86_64/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/ppc/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/sparc/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/sparc64/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86_64/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/system-config/common/udev.xml (modified) Correction to previous commit, we want &linux-version2; entity where ... Thu, 03 Jul 2014 00:04:25 GMT William Harrington [c5afbba] * BOOK/materials/common/packages.xml (modified) Make sure the materals packages has Linux 3.14 rather than Linux ... Thu, 03 Jul 2014 00:02:48 GMT William Harrington [559f774] * BOOK/boot/mips/colo.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/mips/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/mips64/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/ppc/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/ppc64/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/sparc/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/sparc/silo.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/sparc64/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/x86/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/x86_64/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/mips/arcload.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/mips/colo.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/mips/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/mips64/arcload.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/ppc/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/ppc/yaboot.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/sparc/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/sparc/silo.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/x86/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/x86_64/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/ppc/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/sparc/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/sparc64/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86_64/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/packages.xml (modified) * BOOK/system-config/common/udev.xml (modified) Add &linux-version2; entity to the required parts of the book that ... Wed, 02 Jul 2014 23:57:51 GMT William Harrington [6948cba] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Update date for July 02, 2014 changes. Mon, 30 Jun 2014 07:57:45 GMT Chris Staub [3bdce0d] * BOOK/final-system/common/zlib.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/zlib-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Install documentation for Zlib Mon, 30 Jun 2014 07:56:45 GMT Chris Staub [285a4d0] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Fri, 27 Jun 2014 11:58:14 GMT William Harrington [837a445] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Update date for June 27, 2014 changes. Fri, 27 Jun 2014 11:54:21 GMT William Harrington [dc0a067] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Update KMOD md5 hash, size, version, and add master changelog entry ... Thu, 26 Jun 2014 10:47:12 GMT Chris Staub [da399ef] * BOOK/final-system/common/vim.xml (modified) Slight addition to command explanation for vim Thu, 26 Jun 2014 10:08:25 GMT Chris Staub [4748827] * BOOK/final-system/common/kbd.xml (modified) More command explanations for kbd Thu, 26 Jun 2014 09:56:22 GMT Chris Staub [3203ab68] * BOOK/final-system/common/kbd.xml (modified) Better commands descriptions for Kbd progs Thu, 26 Jun 2014 09:53:12 GMT Chris Staub [a3e4883] * BOOK/final-system/common/kbd.xml (modified) Text fix Thu, 26 Jun 2014 09:49:55 GMT Chris Staub [4f7a1c6b] * BOOK/final-system/common/kbd.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/libpipeline.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/kbd.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/libpipeline-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/libpipeline-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/libpipeline.xml (modified) Kbd is installed before libpipeline, so move explanation of ... Thu, 26 Jun 2014 08:44:51 GMT Chris Staub [5c5947e] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Thu, 26 Jun 2014 08:43:57 GMT Chris Staub [3c9d060] * BOOK/final-system/common/man-db.xml (modified) Change LFS reference to CLFS Thu, 26 Jun 2014 08:43:45 GMT Chris Staub [d3d34af] * BOOK/final-system/common/diffutils.xml (modified) More clarification in diffutils page Thu, 26 Jun 2014 07:49:07 GMT Chris Staub [d7a03ae] * BOOK/final-system/common/iana-etc.xml (modified) Text update Wed, 25 Jun 2014 22:58:39 GMT Chris Staub [733245f] * BOOK/final-system/common/procps-ng.xml (modified) Text updates for procps-ng Wed, 25 Jun 2014 22:53:59 GMT Chris Staub [3abc2da] * BOOK/final-system/common/ncurses.xml (modified) Text updates for ncurses Wed, 25 Jun 2014 22:53:37 GMT Chris Staub [d4b275b] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Wed, 25 Jun 2014 22:53:20 GMT Chris Staub [edbe771] * BOOK/final-system/common/systemd.xml (modified) Text fix Wed, 25 Jun 2014 08:15:33 GMT Chris Staub [1c0941b] * BOOK/final-system/common/procps-ng.xml (modified) Text update Wed, 25 Jun 2014 06:51:00 GMT Chris Staub [4c2f1e7] * BOOK/boot/common/eudev.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/systemd.xml (modified) More updates to systemd installed programs Tue, 24 Jun 2014 18:45:38 GMT Chris Staub [f698055a] * BOOK/final-system/common/attr.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/autoconf.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/automake.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/bash.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/bc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/bison.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/bzip2.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/coreutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/diffutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/e2fsprogs.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/findutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/flex.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gawk.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gdbm.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gettext.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/glibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/grep.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/groff.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gzip.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/iana-etc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/iproute2.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/iputils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/kbd.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/kmod.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/less.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/libtool.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/ncurses.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/perl.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/procps-ng.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/psmisc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/readline.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/shadow.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/tar.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/texinfo.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/util-linux.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/vim.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/xz.xml (modified) Improve consistency in package installation lists, mainly removing 'and' Tue, 24 Jun 2014 18:05:39 GMT Chris Staub [abf6b95] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Added ticket root entity Tue, 24 Jun 2014 18:02:04 GMT Chris Staub [7db0c2e] * BOOK/final-system/common/systemd.xml (modified) Corrected systemd version number Tue, 24 Jun 2014 17:58:43 GMT Chris Staub [b27af42] * BOOK/final-system/common/systemd.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/systemd-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Tell systemd-fsck not to use fsck -l Tue, 24 Jun 2014 17:06:08 GMT Chris Staub [62afd55] * BOOK/final-system/common/systemd.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/systemd-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Avoid running setcap during systemd installation Tue, 24 Jun 2014 17:05:12 GMT Chris Staub [b0c53c0] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Added changelog entry for latest update Tue, 24 Jun 2014 11:05:16 GMT Chris Staub [0959d10] * BOOK/final-system/common/systemd.xml (modified) Update to installed dirs for systemd Tue, 24 Jun 2014 10:55:27 GMT Chris Staub [f6e0d38] * BOOK/boot/common/sysvinit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/systemd.xml (modified) Updates to systemd's installed programs Tue, 24 Jun 2014 09:42:49 GMT Chris Staub [ff6229f] * BOOK/final-system/common/systemd.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/systemd-64bit.xml (modified) Remove reference to non-existent man page Tue, 24 Jun 2014 09:42:30 GMT Chris Staub [d34599a] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Tue, 24 Jun 2014 03:42:03 GMT Chris Staub [63f1942] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/network/common/systemd-network.xml (modified) * BOOK/users_groups.ent (modified) Added text about timesyncd Mon, 23 Jun 2014 18:44:55 GMT Chris Staub [f99afd3] * BOOK/stylesheets/patcheslist.xsl (deleted) Removed old stylesheet from LFS Mon, 23 Jun 2014 18:44:36 GMT Chris Staub [6757ca46] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Sun, 22 Jun 2014 05:39:43 GMT Chris Staub [f7ea994] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Sun, 22 Jun 2014 05:39:32 GMT Chris Staub [8dc980e] * BOOK/stylesheets/wget.xsl (modified) Text/comment updates on wget stylesheet Sat, 21 Jun 2014 09:47:13 GMT Chris Staub [b10d32b] * BOOK/stylesheets/wget.xsl (modified) Updated stylesheet to allow linux kernel patch to be in download list Sat, 21 Jun 2014 09:33:08 GMT Chris Staub [c354584] * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) Download linux update patch from our server Sat, 21 Jun 2014 09:31:15 GMT Chris Staub [1223f13] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Sat, 21 Jun 2014 05:06:44 GMT Chris Staub [4c68291] * BOOK/final-system/common/gmp.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64/gmp-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/gmp-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/gmp-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/gmp.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Updated gmp doc install instructions Sat, 21 Jun 2014 02:21:17 GMT William Harrington [37dd4bd] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Add master changelog entry for addition of Linux sublevel patch. ... Sat, 21 Jun 2014 02:16:13 GMT William Harrington [e594680] * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Update sublevel to 8 from 6. Sat, 21 Jun 2014 02:15:17 GMT William Harrington [6efc47a] * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) Update md5 hash and size for linux sublevel patch update. Sat, 21 Jun 2014 02:07:26 GMT William Harrington [e92e63a] * BOOK/boot/mips/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/mips64/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/ppc/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/ppc64/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/sparc/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/sparc64/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/x86/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/x86_64/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/mips/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/ppc/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/sparc/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/bootable/x86_64/kernel.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/ppc/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/sparc/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/sparc64/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86_64/linux-headers.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/linux-headers.xml (modified) Add the p1 and p2 xincludes from bootable/x86/kernel.xml for the p1 ... Sat, 21 Jun 2014 02:05:53 GMT William Harrington [f7bd24c] * BOOK/bootable/x86/kernel.xml (modified) Add paragraphs for addition of text description and commands to apply ... Sat, 21 Jun 2014 02:05:14 GMT William Harrington [b0f2f04] * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) Update materials for common patches to include the linux sublevel ... Sat, 21 Jun 2014 02:04:05 GMT William Harrington [959b712] * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) Add linux-sublevel-patch entity which is the patch-3.14..xz ... Sat, 21 Jun 2014 02:02:23 GMT William Harrington [7cc51dea] * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Change linux-version entity to 3.14 and add linux-version2 to include ... Sat, 21 Jun 2014 01:06:40 GMT William Harrington [dad800f] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Add master changelog entry for the removal of make -C man install ...