source: BOOK/final-system/common

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Diff Rev Age Author Log Message
(edit) @0c7419e8   14 years Joe Ciccone Make a bunch of cp and mv commands verbose. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @3b0c31e   14 years Joe Ciccone Updated Sysvinit to 2.88dsf. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @7de9ad3   14 years Joe Ciccone Make sure that liblzma.a goes into /usr/lib* not /lib*. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @cf37775   14 years Joe Ciccone Build rdisc with IPutils. The installation command was expecting it. … clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @6c5a343   14 years Joe Ciccone Update Vim to 7.3. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @3eeef443   14 years Joe Ciccone Updated Man to 1.6g. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @7a63b22a   14 years Joe Ciccone Updated Patch to 2.6.1. Updated M4 to 1.4.15. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @1070a2d   14 years Joe Ciccone Updated CLooG-PPL to 0.15.10. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @df4f9ca   14 years Joe Ciccone Updated EGlibc 2.12 to r12509. Removed the Make 3.82 Patch, issue has … clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @a27d2a4   15 years Joe Ciccone Added a sed to procps that fixes an issue with make 3.82. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @616b1809   15 years Joe Ciccone Added a note to GMP in the final system about building GMP for a … clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @c8d4414   15 years Joe Ciccone Add a patch to EGlibc to fix a compatibility issue with Make 3.82. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @601a163   15 years Joe Ciccone Remove the EGlibc Fixes patch. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @7278ff4   15 years Joe Ciccone Updated GCC to 4.5.1. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @d6416dd   15 years Joe Ciccone Added set ruler to the default system vimrc. This can be a very useful … clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @9b4d9e7   15 years Joe Ciccone Use pushd and popd when regenerating the info db after installing texinfo. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @c5dbf71   15 years Joe Ciccone Removed the tar new compressors patch and added a new man page patch. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @75a2135   15 years Joe Ciccone Updated Module-Init-Tools to 3.12. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @8867e46   15 years Joe Ciccone Updated IPUtils to s20100418. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @4cc665a   15 years Joe Ciccone Drop the Grep i18n patch and introduce a fixes patch. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @4ff3f92   15 years Joe Ciccone Drop the i18n patch for diffutils and change build commands for 3.0.0. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @110e1fa   15 years Joe Ciccone Simplify and Fix the linking of Readline to NCurses. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @e74f725   15 years Joe Ciccone Update seds for Perl 1.12.1. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @d6f5e21   15 years Joe Ciccone Updated E2fsprogs to 1.14.12. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @2b32699   15 years Joe Ciccone Removed an unneeded sed from binutils in the final system. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @68d33bad   15 years Joe Ciccone Updated M4 to 1.4.14. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @eaafb59   15 years Joe Ciccone Updated Gzip to 1.4. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @5002e75a   15 years Joe Ciccone Updated Gawk to 3.1.8. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @c4c7666   15 years Joe Ciccone Remove extra arguments to the MPC configure commands. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @e81afa2   15 years Joe Ciccone Downgraded PPL to 0.10.2, GCC incompatible with 0.11pre24. Also clean … clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @134074b   15 years Joe Ciccone Added MPC 0.8.2 for GCC. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @a5ca7b0   15 years Joe Ciccone Updated Cloog-PPL to 0.15.9. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @1c95a11   15 years Joe Ciccone Updated MPFR to 3.0.0. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @4fd157b   15 years Joe Ciccone Updated Binutils to 2.20.1. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @6dbe056   15 years chris Added perlthanks info clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @f6575bd   15 years chris Added libstdbuf info for Coreutils clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @61ad0b7f   15 years chris Added installed directory info for a number of packages clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @6d7d314   15 years chris Minor text update for IPRoute2. Thanks to Jeremy Huntwork for pointing … clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @5bd38fd   15 years William Harrington Remove unneeded chmod on zlib static library. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @a262a31   15 years William Harrington Update to zlib 1.2.5 from 1.2.3 clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @373b6ea   15 years Joe Ciccone Merged Upstream with Local Repo. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @170e0664   15 years Joe Ciccone Updated GCC to 4.4.2. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @52b24ce   15 years nate Updated udev to 149 clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @206bb97   15 years Joe Ciccone Updated Binutils to 2.20. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @8322c1b   15 years chris New program in Coreutils clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @f213337   15 years chris New e2fsprogs program clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @092b9f8   15 years chris Added v4l_id to Udev program list, and various other text corrections clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @417c6ec   15 years chris vol_id and libvolume_id are no longer installed with Udev clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @7177438   15 years chris Corrections to udev page clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @85956ca   15 years chris Fixed typos in rsyslog.conf clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @653a251   15 years chris Updated xz utils program list clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @8415b6e   15 years chris Fixes for package list in index clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @665937ac   15 years chris One more program list correction clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @2c70b19   15 years chris Corrections to installed program lists clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @f4ab0fd   15 years chris Additional consistency in program lists clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @f0a44787   16 years chris Added configure switch to fix grep -i clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @e92465d   16 years chris Merge branch 'master' of git:// clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @32cb8ca   16 years Jim Gifford Fixed punctuation on gcc patch info clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @04df16b   16 years Jim Gifford Changed wording eglibc patch clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @0cbb4b7   16 years Jim Gifford Updated GCC Patches clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @e7aadbe   16 years chris Text update clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @8260ff5d   16 years clfs Updated Rsyslog to 4.4.1 clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @7f1773b   16 years Joe Ciccone Fixed the location for the Zlib sed in the perl build. Thanks to Roy … clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @0d7a34b   16 years Joe Ciccone Fix compilation error where rsyslog is looking for java. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @842cd58   16 years clfs Flex Updates - Yes reallygit status clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @7bca962   16 years chris Text updates clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @ec86461   16 years chris Removed unneeded configure options from Shadow instructions clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @3f5a266   16 years chris Updated sed command in Shadow instructions - MD5_CRYPT_ENAB is deprecated clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @e124019   16 years clfs Added Binutils 2.19.51 clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @4bb4b626   16 years clfs Added Flex to Temp-System clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @a10f292   16 years chris Udev HTML rules files is now automatically installed clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @4759399   16 years chris Corrected instructions for module-init-tools testsuite clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @188b6b2   16 years chris Updated lists of installed programs and libraries. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @3ff2c4b   16 years chris quick check for ppl is the default anyway clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @936dcb48   16 years chris Corrected command for fixing Binutils testsuite, and moved it before … clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @653cf49   16 years chris Updates to program descriptions for Bzip2 and Findutils clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @f54319a   16 years clfs Added sed to binutils to fix binutils testsuite failure clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @b4ab56c   16 years clfs Added --disable-libsigsegv to Gawk build. If we don't want to add … clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @7bfc8ec   16 years clfs Finished e2fsprogs changes for util-linux-ng clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @bed3adf   16 years clfs fsck is now a part of Util-Linux-NG clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @2f9a05f1   16 years clfs Updated PPL Instructions to save time during make check clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @98c59fa   16 years Joe Ciccone use the libblkid and libuuid provided by Util-Linux-NG instead of … clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @2886713   16 years chris Fedora Core is now just Fedora clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @5e6f8f2   16 years chris Fixed permissions problem in Coreutils testsuite clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @8ced986   16 years Joe Ciccone Fixed iproute2 installation. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @e742e58   16 years Joe Ciccone Fix compilation errors with cloog-ppl in the final system on multilib … clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @fddcf74   16 years Joe Ciccone Fix compilation errors with ppl in the final system on multilib by … clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @4ee8905   16 years Joe Ciccone More indentation fixes. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @d7bec52   16 years Joe Ciccone Also set CXX for ppl in the final system. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @5ae3520   16 years Joe Ciccone Fix indentation. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @5fdc965   16 years chris Moved DHCPCD to Network section clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @3c32719   16 years chris Fixed changelog clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @03e0e3d   16 years eikniw Explicitly link MPFR to our GMP build. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @2cca6fd   16 years chris Updated program and library lists clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @602aa77   16 years chris Module-Init-Tools no longer installs generate-modprobe.conf clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @47baed6   16 years chris Updated program list for PPL clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @58598c1   16 years chris Text updates clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @e6f9c21   16 years eikniw Remove some of the crap left over from installation. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @9470388   16 years eikniw Add CLooG/PPL, and use it everything. clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
(edit) @e60a7f6   16 years clfs Modified Module Init Tools. removed docbook and using dynamic zlib clfs-1.2 clfs-2.1 clfs-3.0.0-systemd clfs-3.0.0-sysvinit systemd sysvinit
Note: See TracRevisionLog for help on using the revision log.