19 years |
Joe Ciccone |
Updated linux-headers to; Updated the aboot-patch to …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4132@server: jim | 2006-06-25 20:52:06 -0700
Reverted Change to …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4128@server: jim | 2006-06-25 14:15:16 -0700
Added Generic Flags to …
19 years |
Joe Ciccone |
Added commands to symlink /tools/lib/libstd* to /usr/lib. This fixes a …
19 years |
jerutley |
reverting version entity back to SVN versioning
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4112@server: jim | 2006-06-24 00:14:05 -0700
Fixes to patches entities
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4108@server: jim | 2006-06-24 00:05:28 -0700
Updated Linux Headers link
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4104@server: jim | 2006-06-23 23:56:14 -0700
Updated patches links
19 years |
jerutley |
corrected version entity
19 years |
jerutley |
Tagging of CLFS-1.0.0rc1
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4095@server: jim | 2006-06-23 22:53:06 -0700
Updated Cross-LFS …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4089@server: jim | 2006-06-23 15:04:37 -0700
Updated Binutils 2.17
19 years |
Joe Ciccone |
Fixed typo in the e2fsprogs boot instruction description.
19 years |
chris |
Text updates to boot/e2fsprogs instructions
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4075@server: jim | 2006-06-22 11:12:03 -0700
Updated Vim 7.0 Patch
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4058@server: jim | 2006-06-22 00:27:12 -0700
Added mktemp to Linux …
19 years |
clfs |
r4057@server: jim | 2006-06-22 00:25:46 -0700
Updated date
19 years |
clfs |
r4055@server: jim | 2006-06-22 00:03:20 -0700
Updated Vim 7.0 patch
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4051@server: jim | 2006-06-21 17:04:08 -0700
Updated to …
19 years |
chris |
Changed many 'LFS' references to 'CLFS'
19 years |
chris |
Copied the modified 'creating dirs' section from CLFS 2.0 over to trunk
19 years |
chris |
Minor text changes to vim instructions
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4033@server: jim | 2006-06-20 21:23:01 -0700
Updated to …
19 years |
clfs |
r4028@server (orig r1808): chris | 2006-06-20 19:58:03 -0700
Renamed …
19 years |
clfs |
r4027@server (orig r1807): chris | 2006-06-20 18:24:49 -0700
19 years |
clfs |
r4026@server (orig r1806): chris | 2006-06-20 18:23:11 -0700
Renamed …
19 years |
clfs |
r4023@server (orig r1805): chris | 2006-06-20 15:33:58 -0700
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
jerutley |
Fixed e2fsprogs in the bootsection - added DESTDIR to the install - …
19 years |
clfs |
r4015@server: jim | 2006-06-20 13:48:45 -0700
Updated Entities to a …
19 years |
Joe Ciccone |
Updated to linux- and linux-headers-
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4004@server: jim | 2006-06-19 21:58:02 -0700
Fixed information for …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r3997@server: jim | 2006-06-19 21:10:12 -0700
Patches Updates - …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r3983@server: jim | 2006-06-19 18:28:03 -0700
Update date
19 years |
clfs |
r3982@server: jim | 2006-06-19 18:25:53 -0700
Updated Linux MIPS …
19 years |
clfs |
r3940@server: jim | 2006-06-15 16:01:18 -0700
Updated date
19 years |
clfs |
r3970@server (orig r1786): jciccone | 2006-06-19 10:15:25 -0700
19 years |
clfs |
r3969@server (orig r1785): jciccone | 2006-06-19 09:48:50 -0700
19 years |
clfs |
r3968@server (orig r1784): jciccone | 2006-06-19 09:32:11 -0700
19 years |
clfs |
r3965@server (orig r1783): jciccone | 2006-06-19 09:11:21 -0700
19 years |
clfs |
r3961@server (orig r1782): ken | 2006-06-18 17:05:16 -0700
Trying to …
19 years |
clfs |
r3949@server (orig r1776): ken | 2006-06-18 08:12:31 -0700
Rename …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r3930@server: jim | 2006-06-14 22:12:06 -0700
Updated to Binutils 2.16.94
19 years |
clfs |
r3929@server: jim | 2006-06-14 22:09:40 -0700
Updated date
19 years |
clfs |
r3924@server (orig r1765): ken | 2006-06-13 13:52:38 -0700
ppc needs …
19 years |
clfs |
r3915@server (orig r1761): ken | 2006-06-10 07:03:09 -0700
Fix the …
19 years |
clfs |
r3912@server (orig r1760): chris | 2006-06-09 23:52:26 -0700
Updated …
19 years |
clfs |
r3903@server (orig r1756): ken | 2006-06-09 17:04:23 -0700
First …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r3883@server: jim | 2006-06-09 13:54:40 -0700
Updated to Linux …
19 years |
clfs |
r3882@server: jim | 2006-06-09 13:42:13 -0700
Added new entity for …
19 years |
clfs |
r3881@server: jim | 2006-06-09 13:28:15 -0700
Updates to Shadow …
19 years |
clfs |
r3880@server: jim | 2006-06-09 13:27:18 -0700
Updates to Shadow …
19 years |
clfs |
r3879@server: jim | 2006-06-09 13:26:56 -0700
Updated date
19 years |
clfs |
r3876@server (orig r1746): chris | 2006-06-09 09:36:30 -0700
Added …
19 years |
clfs |
r3873@server (orig r1745): chris | 2006-06-08 22:38:41 -0700
Minor …
19 years |
clfs |
r3870@server (orig r1744): ken | 2006-06-08 15:31:32 -0700
Flesh-out …
19 years |
clfs |
r3867@server (orig r1743): ken | 2006-06-08 10:40:02 -0700
Add …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r3853@server: jim | 2006-06-07 14:22:05 -0700
Updated to Shadow 4.0.16
19 years |
clfs |
r3852@server: jim | 2006-06-07 14:16:12 -0700
Added [ to coreutils …
19 years |
clfs |
r3851@server: jim | 2006-06-07 14:15:14 -0700
Updated date
19 years |
clfs |
r3840@server (orig r1732): chris | 2006-06-05 22:54:28 -0700
Added …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r3812@server: jim | 2006-06-05 14:42:40 -0700
Updated Bison 2.3
19 years |
clfs |
r3811@server: jim | 2006-06-05 14:39:15 -0700
Updated …
19 years |
clfs |
r3810@server: jim | 2006-06-05 14:36:43 -0700
Updated date