19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4328@server: jim | 2006-07-05 00:06:50 -0700
Missed lfs to clfs …
19 years |
clfs |
r4324@server (orig r1905): manuel | 2006-07-04 11:59:24 -0700
Added …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4317@server: jim | 2006-07-04 09:52:10 -0700
Updated the Grub patch …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4309@server: jim | 2006-07-03 23:46:40 -0700
Added x86 Grub disk …
19 years |
clfs |
r4308@server: jim | 2006-07-03 23:44:58 -0700
Update date
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4300@server: jim | 2006-07-03 15:03:23 -0700
More LFS to CLFS changes
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4279@server: jim | 2006-07-03 00:40:13 -0700
Added file to …
19 years |
chris |
Added descriptions for many of the udev rules files
19 years |
chris |
Fixed issue in boot method caused by previous changes to /etc/passwd
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4257@server: jim | 2006-07-02 00:41:35 -0700
Fixed Cross-LFS url
19 years |
clfs |
r4255@server: jim | 2006-07-02 00:39:12 -0700
Removed information …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
Fixed corrupted sync of pwdgroup.xml
19 years |
clfs |
r4236@server: jim | 2006-07-01 23:58:28 -0700
Fixed Typo
19 years |
clfs |
r4234@server: jim | 2006-07-01 23:54:43 -0700
Fixed Typo
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4227@server: jim | 2006-07-01 23:46:16 -0700
More LFS to CLFS Updates
19 years |
chris |
Removed extraneous text from pwdgroup.xml
19 years |
chris |
Minor grammar fixes
19 years |
chris |
Update passwd and group files to add explanation for additional users …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4214@server: jim | 2006-07-01 13:28:12 -0700
Moved aboutlfs.xml to …
19 years |
clfs |
r4212@server: jim | 2006-07-01 12:53:13 -0700
Last update to convert …
19 years |
clfs |
r4209@server: jim | 2006-07-01 12:46:18 -0700
Updated variables -
19 years |
clfs |
r4208@server: jim | 2006-07-01 12:42:40 -0700
Updated date
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4197@server: jim | 2006-06-30 13:24:05 -0700
Update for date entities.
19 years |
clfs |
r4195@server: jim | 2006-06-30 12:45:56 -0700
Updated Perl lib patch
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4189@server: jim | 2006-06-29 22:19:00 -0700
Sparcv8 is only 32 bit …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4180@server: jim | 2006-06-29 16:05:28 -0700
Updated to Cross-LFS …
19 years |
clfs |
r4179@server: jim | 2006-06-29 16:03:00 -0700
Updated Temp-System …
19 years |
Joe Ciccone |
Updated the aboot-fixes patch to -4
19 years |
chris |
Changed coreutils instructions to better differentiate between FHS …
19 years |
chris |
Corrected final-system multilib bzip2 installation so that tests are …
19 years |
chris |
More updates to LFS/CLFS website references
19 years |
chris |
Altered several linuxfromscratch.org references
19 years |
chris |
Modified the creation the /etc/passwd and /etc/group, and added some …
19 years |
cross-lfs |
Moved generic-version, milestone and releasedate closer to version …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4144@server: jim | 2006-06-27 21:41:57 -0700
Updated to …
19 years |
jerutley |
minor adjustment to my render script for FC5
19 years |
cross-lfs |
Change patches-root in patches.ent to use already declared version …
19 years |
Joe Ciccone |
Updated linux-headers to; Updated the aboot-patch to …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4132@server: jim | 2006-06-25 20:52:06 -0700
Reverted Change to …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4128@server: jim | 2006-06-25 14:15:16 -0700
Added Generic Flags to …
19 years |
Joe Ciccone |
Added commands to symlink /tools/lib/libstd* to /usr/lib. This fixes a …
19 years |
jerutley |
reverting version entity back to SVN versioning
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4112@server: jim | 2006-06-24 00:14:05 -0700
Fixes to patches entities
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4108@server: jim | 2006-06-24 00:05:28 -0700
Updated Linux Headers link
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4104@server: jim | 2006-06-23 23:56:14 -0700
Updated patches links
19 years |
jerutley |
corrected version entity
19 years |
jerutley |
Tagging of CLFS-1.0.0rc1
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4095@server: jim | 2006-06-23 22:53:06 -0700
Updated Cross-LFS …
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4089@server: jim | 2006-06-23 15:04:37 -0700
Updated Binutils 2.17
19 years |
Joe Ciccone |
Fixed typo in the e2fsprogs boot instruction description.
19 years |
chris |
Text updates to boot/e2fsprogs instructions
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4075@server: jim | 2006-06-22 11:12:03 -0700
Updated Vim 7.0 Patch
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4058@server: jim | 2006-06-22 00:27:12 -0700
Added mktemp to Linux …
19 years |
clfs |
r4057@server: jim | 2006-06-22 00:25:46 -0700
Updated date
19 years |
clfs |
r4055@server: jim | 2006-06-22 00:03:20 -0700
Updated Vim 7.0 patch
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4051@server: jim | 2006-06-21 17:04:08 -0700
Updated to …
19 years |
chris |
Changed many 'LFS' references to 'CLFS'
19 years |
chris |
Copied the modified 'creating dirs' section from CLFS 2.0 over to trunk
19 years |
chris |
Minor text changes to vim instructions
19 years |
clfs |
19 years |
clfs |
r4033@server: jim | 2006-06-20 21:23:01 -0700
Updated to …