# # ChangeLog for / # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # Mar 22, 2025, 12:59:40 AM Sat, 10 Dec 2011 02:29:03 GMT Chris Staub [89107a5] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Mon, 05 Dec 2011 22:01:45 GMT Chris Staub [f265a98] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Updated date Mon, 05 Dec 2011 21:44:59 GMT Chris Staub [a1ffe3e] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/introduction.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-preps/addinguser.xml (modified) Tweaked text about clfs user and package building assumptions Mon, 05 Dec 2011 20:28:08 GMT Chris Staub [1565435] * BOOK/final-system/common/iproute2.xml (modified) Text update Mon, 05 Dec 2011 20:26:46 GMT Chris Staub [fcf5e38] * BOOK/final-system/common/pkg-config.xml (modified) Grammar fix Mon, 05 Dec 2011 20:26:27 GMT Chris Staub [17c992d5] * BOOK/final-system/common/iproute2.xml (modified) Remove extraneous arpd dir and manpage Mon, 05 Dec 2011 20:11:48 GMT Chris Staub [6848323] * BOOK/temp-system/common/grep.xml (modified) Minor text fix Tue, 22 Nov 2011 11:00:13 GMT Jonathan Norman [9d22bcb] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/introduction.xml (modified) Updated book date and added small change about source dir Tue, 22 Nov 2011 10:28:45 GMT Jonathan Norman [8f93322] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated PPL and MPFR URLs Mon, 21 Nov 2011 00:21:54 GMT Jonathan Norman [e9c6e29] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updatede Binutils 2.21 to 2.21.1a Sat, 03 Sep 2011 18:56:10 GMT Jonathan Norman [26b5617] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Explained the GCC static configuration options used Sat, 03 Sep 2011 17:40:07 GMT Jonathan Norman [bd27efe] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/binutils-32.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/multilib/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Explained AS and AR configuration flags for Cross Binutils Sat, 03 Sep 2011 17:19:19 GMT Jonathan Norman [73fc51f] * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/x86.xml (modified) Fixed MPC and added PPL, CLooG-PPL and Grub2 dependency information Sat, 03 Sep 2011 00:06:38 GMT Jonathan Norman [24ea95b] * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Added glib dependancy information Mon, 15 Aug 2011 18:35:01 GMT Jonathan Norman [a42ce33e] * BOOK/final-system/common/coreutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/libee.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Made note about mutiple make jobs with libee and fixed a permissions ... Tue, 09 Aug 2011 12:21:20 GMT Jonathan Norman [596fa5a] * BOOK/prologue/common/foreword.xml (modified) Fixed typo Mon, 08 Aug 2011 21:32:32 GMT Jonathan Norman [0aee8d3] * BOOK/introduction/common/acknowledgements.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/how.xml (modified) * BOOK/prologue/common/foreword.xml (modified) * BOOK/prologue/common/hostreqs.xml (modified) * BOOK/stylesheets/lfs-xsl/lfs.css (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/common/.gcc.xml.swp (deleted) Added Jon to the book. updated the livecd advice. Fixed libc dection ... Wed, 13 Jul 2011 18:52:21 GMT Jonathan Norman [0f48af0b] * BOOK/cross-tools/mips64-64/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips64-64/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips64/gcc-final.xml (added) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips64/gcc-static.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/mips64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64-64/gcc.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/mips64/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/mips64-64/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/mips64/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/mips64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/mips64-64/gcc.xml (added) * BOOK/temp-system/mips64/gcc.xml (modified) Added GCC Mips fix patch to Mip64 and Mips64-64 Wed, 13 Jul 2011 15:06:26 GMT Jonathan Norman [9fb94bf] * BOOK/cross-tools/mips-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips/gcc-final.xml (added) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips/gcc-static.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/mips-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips/gcc.xml (added) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/mips/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/mips/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/mips64-64/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/mips64/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/common/.gcc.xml.swp (added) * BOOK/temp-system/mips-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/mips/gcc.xml (added) * patches/gcc-4.6.0-mips_fix-1.patch (added) Fixes issue with Mips segfaulting by patching GCC Sun, 03 Jul 2011 17:45:36 GMT Jonathan Norman [cb2118a] * BOOK/final-system/multilib/pkg-config.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/util-linux.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/packages.xml (modified) Added glib to list, 32bit to util-linux mutlilib title and removed ... Tue, 21 Jun 2011 22:16:11 GMT Jonathan Norman [1efdbeb] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Fixed typo in changelog XML Tue, 21 Jun 2011 22:09:29 GMT Jonathan Norman [1c35609] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) Fixed links and md5sums, thanks to Medenn1x Sun, 19 Jun 2011 18:31:11 GMT Jonathan Norman [92581b4d] * BOOK/boot/common/devices.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Reworded section about checking variable as root Sat, 18 Jun 2011 18:20:56 GMT Jonathan Norman [fd3193d] * BOOK/final-system/common/kbd.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/shadow.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Fixed missed sed in shadow and typo in kbd Wed, 15 Jun 2011 20:28:26 GMT Jonathan Norman [71f750e] * BOOK/final-system/mips64/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/ppc64/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86_64/eglibc.xml (modified) Fixed duplicated sed again by renaming part of ther multilib 32bit ... Wed, 15 Jun 2011 19:58:28 GMT Jonathan Norman [a8de8fa] * BOOK/final-system/mips64/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/ppc64/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86_64/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/mips64/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/ppc64/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/x86_64/changelog.xml (modified) Removed duplicated sed from eglibc 32bit final from x86_64, mips64 ... Tue, 14 Jun 2011 17:25:10 GMT Jonathan Norman [489286f] * BOOK/boot/common/createfiles.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Added blkid link in boot section Tue, 14 Jun 2011 16:57:46 GMT Jonathan Norman [271d0f03] * BOOK/boot/common/createfiles.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/common/pwdgroup.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/x86/grub-build.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/x86/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/x86_64-64/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/x86_64/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/partitioning/common/creatingpartition.xml (modified) Various fixes for boot section and updated minimum partition size to 6GB Tue, 14 Jun 2011 09:23:41 GMT Jonathan Norman [94909a8] * patches/iproute2-2.6.38-libdir-1.patch (moved) Updated / renamed iproute2 patch for 2.6.38 Fri, 10 Jun 2011 13:29:17 GMT Jonathan Norman [c34e297] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated Shadow download location Sat, 04 Jun 2011 15:25:19 GMT Joe Ciccone [622df7bc] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Update Date. Sat, 04 Jun 2011 15:24:53 GMT Joe Ciccone [04b4d8a] * BOOK/boot/64/e2fsprogs.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/common/e2fsprogs.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/multilib/e2fsprogs.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/ppc64/e2fsprogs-libs.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/ppc64/e2fsprogs.xml (modified) Cleanup the E2fsprogs build commands in the boot section. Sat, 04 Jun 2011 15:24:34 GMT Joe Ciccone [7782c77] * BOOK/boot/64/util-linux.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/common/util-linux.xml (modified) * BOOK/boot/multilib/util-linux.xml (modified) Cleanup Util-Linux-NG in the boot section. Sat, 04 Jun 2011 14:29:04 GMT Joe Ciccone [d63b7ee] * BOOK/Makefile (modified) Fixed path references in the Makefile so make can be issued with -C ... Sat, 04 Jun 2011 14:28:33 GMT Joe Ciccone [2b066c1] * .gitignore (modified) Ignore any filename ending in a ~, a lot of text editors make these ... Tue, 31 May 2011 00:01:22 GMT Joe Ciccone [4e6e50b] * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) How about a zlib download that is actually usable. Mon, 30 May 2011 22:40:40 GMT Joe Ciccone [4d23d06] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated the Kernel to 2.6.39. Mon, 30 May 2011 22:32:46 GMT Joe Ciccone [ccbf4fb5] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Update Date. Thu, 26 May 2011 18:53:00 GMT Jonathan Norman [9f51c06] * BOOK/final-system/multilib/grep.xml (modified) removed grep patch from multilib Thu, 26 May 2011 18:36:41 GMT Jonathan Norman [4c51b38] * BOOK/final-system/common/grep.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/shadow.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/grep-2.6.3-fixes-1.patch (deleted) Removed grep patch and updated shadow to Thu, 19 May 2011 15:39:51 GMT Jonathan Norman [1ac2d0c] * patches/coreutils-8.11-uname-1.patch (deleted) * patches/perl-5.12.2-Configure_multilib-1.patch (deleted) * patches/perl-5.12.2-libc-1.patch (deleted) Delete old patches Thu, 19 May 2011 14:23:24 GMT Jonathan Norman [2ce95e9] * BOOK/final-system/common/xz.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/xz-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/xz-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/xz.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) No longer need to move liblmza.a in XZ for pure 32 / 64bit builds Thu, 19 May 2011 13:33:01 GMT Jonathan Norman [2864455] * BOOK/final-system/common/glib.xml (modified) Fixed typos in Glib binary descriptions Thu, 19 May 2011 13:25:25 GMT Jonathan Norman [7b7c2e8] * BOOK/final-system/common/glib.xml (modified) Added description to Glib binaries Thu, 19 May 2011 13:14:50 GMT Jonathan Norman [db065d5] * BOOK/final-system/alpha-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/glib.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/common/pkg-config.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/glib-64bit.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/glib-n32.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/glib.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/pkg-config.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/ppc-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/ppc64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/sparc-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/sparc64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/sparc64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86_64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86_64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated Pkg-config to 0.26 and added Glib as a new dependancy Thu, 19 May 2011 11:40:41 GMT Jonathan Norman [66a06a6] * BOOK/cross-tools/alpha-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/m4.xml (added) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/ppc-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/ppc64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/sparc-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/sparc64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/sparc64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86_64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/x86_64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/kbd.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated Bison to 2.5 and added M4 to cross-tools for it Thu, 19 May 2011 09:56:20 GMT Jonathan Norman [411eb70] * BOOK/final-system/common/kbd.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Updated package contents for Kbd Thu, 19 May 2011 09:45:46 GMT Jonathan Norman [1950bb2b] * BOOK/final-system/common/kbd.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/kbd.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/kbd-1.15.3-es.po_fix-1.patch (added) Updated KBD to 1.15.3 and added required es.po patch Thu, 19 May 2011 09:11:12 GMT Jonathan Norman [421e729] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/ppl.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Fixed issue with cross PPL using the host's GMP headers Wed, 18 May 2011 22:28:06 GMT Jonathan Norman [279277d] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * patches/coreutils-8.12-uname-1.patch (added) * patches/perl-5.14.0-Configure_multilib-1.patch (added) * patches/perl-5.14.0-libc-1.patch (added) Rediffed patches for coreutils and perl Wed, 18 May 2011 22:01:10 GMT Jonathan Norman [a86a34b] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/x86/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/x86_64-64/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/x86_64/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated packages Wed, 18 May 2011 21:11:27 GMT Jonathan Norman [43f9f77] * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) typo Wed, 18 May 2011 21:10:11 GMT Jonathan Norman [e70ebe86] * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) Added gcc update patch to patches page Wed, 18 May 2011 20:34:54 GMT Jonathan [e05c4f0] * BOOK/cross-tools/64/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/64/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips64-64/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/mips64-64/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/multilib/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/multilib/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/ppc/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/ppc/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/ppc64/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/cross-tools/ppc64/gcc-static.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/64/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/ppc/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/ppc64/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/64/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/common/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/mips64/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/multilib/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/ppc/gcc.xml (modified) Added gcc 4.6.0-branch_update-1.patch to all archs Wed, 18 May 2011 18:58:43 GMT Jonathan Norman [78ff659f] * BOOK/final-system/common/gcc.xml (modified) recursive issue with gcc brach update Wed, 18 May 2011 18:54:09 GMT Jonathan Norman [cf78d6b] * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) typo in patches.ent Wed, 18 May 2011 18:52:29 GMT Jonathan Norman [b369f3c] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/gcc-final.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/general.ent (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/common/gcc.xml (modified) * patches/bash-4.2-branch_update-2.patch (moved) * patches/gcc-4.6.0-branch_update-1.patch (added) * patches/ncurses-5.9-branch_update-1.patch (deleted) * patches/ncurses-5.9-branch_update-2.patch (added) * patches/tar-1.25-man-1.patch (deleted) * patches/tar-1.26-man-1.patch (added) * patches/vim-7.3-branch_update-1.patch (deleted) * patches/vim-7.3-branch_update-2.patch (added) Add GCC branch update, Updated ncurses, vim, bash and tar patches Wed, 18 May 2011 17:50:01 GMT Jonathan Norman [0a4f15b] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Fixed changelog date Sun, 24 Apr 2011 21:45:59 GMT Joe Ciccone [8ab693a] * BOOK/bootable/x86/grub.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/bison-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/bison.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/multiarch_wrapper.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/pkg-config.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/udev-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/udev.xml (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/multilib/file.xml (modified) Verify and cleanup the index on x86, x86_64, and x86_64-64. Sun, 24 Apr 2011 21:44:19 GMT Joe Ciccone [a092f8af] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Update Date. Sat, 23 Apr 2011 17:53:42 GMT Joe Ciccone [2a31285] * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) More dependency information about libee and libestr. Sat, 23 Apr 2011 17:44:21 GMT Joe Ciccone [a675f833] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) Fix tag mismatch in the changelog. Sat, 23 Apr 2011 17:40:42 GMT Joe Ciccone [46d9161] * BOOK/final-system/common/rsyslog.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/rsyslog.xml (modified) Make rsyslog pkg-config aware on multilib in the final system and ... Sat, 23 Apr 2011 17:38:58 GMT Joe Ciccone [fdba161] * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/alpha-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/libee.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/mips-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/libee-64bit.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/libee-n32.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/libee.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/ppc-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/ppc64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/sparc-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/sparc64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/sparc64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86_64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86_64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/packages.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Add libee, depdendency of the new rsyslog. Sat, 23 Apr 2011 17:19:51 GMT Joe Ciccone [c10c1b0] * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/alpha-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/libestr.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/mips-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/libestr-64bit.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/libestr-n32.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/libestr.xml (added) * BOOK/final-system/ppc-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/ppc64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/sparc-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/sparc64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/sparc64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86_64-64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86_64-chapter.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/packages.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Added libestr, dependency of the new rsyslog. Sat, 23 Apr 2011 16:59:51 GMT Joe Ciccone [b7a6438] * BOOK/appendices/dependencies/common.xml (modified) Update the dependencies for rsyslog. Sat, 23 Apr 2011 14:41:17 GMT Joe Ciccone [2218c5e] * BOOK/boot/x86/grub-build.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86/grub.xml (modified) Fix a compilation error with grub. Sat, 23 Apr 2011 14:39:52 GMT Joe Ciccone [c100ee1] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Update Date. Sun, 17 Apr 2011 12:45:32 GMT Joe Ciccone [bf0866a] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Update Date. Sun, 17 Apr 2011 12:43:45 GMT Joe Ciccone [e8214bc] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated rsyslog to 6.1.7. The introduces two new depencies for ... Sun, 17 Apr 2011 00:46:29 GMT Joe Ciccone [e0ad6ee] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated Udev to 167. Sun, 17 Apr 2011 00:44:45 GMT Joe Ciccone [b6831b6] * BOOK/final-system/64/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/cloog-ppl.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/gmp.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/mpc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/mpfr.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/ppl.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/zlib.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/binutils.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/cloog-ppl-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/cloog-ppl-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/cloog-ppl.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/gcc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/gmp-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/gmp-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/gmp.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/mpc-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/mpc-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/mpc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/mpfr-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/mpfr-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/mpfr.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/ppl-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/ppl-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/ppl.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/zlib-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/zlib-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/zlib.xml (modified) Update the LDFLAGS in the final-system between the installation of ... Sun, 17 Apr 2011 00:05:16 GMT Joe Ciccone [7d97f36] * BOOK/final-system/alpha/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64-64/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64/eglibc-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64/eglibc-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/eglibc-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/ppc64/eglibc-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/ppc64/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/materials/common/patches.xml (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/eglibc-2.13-r13356-dl_dep_fix-1.patch (added) Add a patch to EGLIBC that fixes an issue with elf missing deps. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 23:39:51 GMT Joe Ciccone [a32a66d] * BOOK/final-system/mips64/eglibc-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/eglibc-64bit.xml (modified) Simplify the modification of the eglibc sanity check script. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 23:17:29 GMT Joe Ciccone [22cd957] * BOOK/final-system/alpha/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64-64/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64/eglibc-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64/eglibc-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/eglibc-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/ppc/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/ppc64/eglibc-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/ppc64/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/sparc64-64/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/sparc64/eglibc-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86_64-64/eglibc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86_64/eglibc-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/x86_64/eglibc.xml (modified) Add a sed to EGLIBC in the final system that will fix an issue with ... Sat, 16 Apr 2011 22:32:42 GMT Joe Ciccone [9728f92] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated Less to 443. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 22:30:27 GMT Joe Ciccone [d8fd533] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated Groff to 1.21. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 22:25:31 GMT Joe Ciccone [d116d7e] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/readline-6.1-branch_update-1.patch (deleted) * patches/readline-6.2-branch_update-1.patch (added) Updated Readline to 6.2. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 22:12:20 GMT Joe Ciccone [0179f08] * BOOK/final-system/common/eglibc.xml (modified) During the check of EGLIBC use tee instead of piping straight to the ... Sat, 16 Apr 2011 21:33:33 GMT Joe Ciccone [af891d2] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated DejaDNU to 1.5. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 21:24:25 GMT Joe Ciccone [d41eb7d] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated Util-linux to 2.19. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 21:22:09 GMT Joe Ciccone [c4c39a75] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated XZ Utils to 5.0.2. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 21:21:59 GMT Joe Ciccone [0f90f2f] * BOOK/temp-system/common/vim.xml (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/multilib/vim.xml (modified) Create a basic vimrc in the temp system so that puts vim in ... Sat, 16 Apr 2011 21:14:31 GMT Joe Ciccone [6d23f37] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) Updated Tar to 1.26. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 21:07:28 GMT Joe Ciccone [aa3b549] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated M4 to 1.4.16. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 20:59:35 GMT Joe Ciccone [26f3d5db] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * patches/coreutils-8.11-uname-1.patch (moved) Updated Coreutils to 8.11. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 20:53:58 GMT Joe Ciccone [b36b9f9] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/bash-4.1-branch_update-2.patch (deleted) * patches/bash-4.2-branch_update-1.patch (added) Updated Bash to 4.2. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 20:37:26 GMT Joe Ciccone [b40feff] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated EGLIBC to 2.13 r13356. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 19:54:54 GMT Joe Ciccone [d3cbdd9] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/gcc-4.6.0-pure64-1.patch (moved) * patches/gcc-4.6.0-pure64_specs-1.patch (moved) * patches/gcc-4.6.0-specs-1.patch (moved) Updated GCC to 4.6.0. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 19:28:49 GMT Joe Ciccone [db10083] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated Binutils to 2.21. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 19:24:37 GMT Joe Ciccone [239596a] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/cloog-ppl.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/cloog-ppl.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/cloog-ppl-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/cloog-ppl-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/cloog-ppl.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/64/cloog-ppl.xml (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/common/cloog-ppl.xml (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/multilib/cloog-ppl.xml (modified) * patches/cloog-ppl-0.15.10-autogen-1.patch (deleted) Updated ClooG-PPL to 0.15.11. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 19:17:51 GMT Joe Ciccone [6af2662] * BOOK/cross-tools/common/ppl.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/common/ppl.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/mips64/ppl-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/ppl-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/ppl-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/ppl.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/64/ppl.xml (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/common/ppl.xml (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/multilib/ppl.xml (modified) Updated PPL to 0.11.2 Sat, 16 Apr 2011 19:11:44 GMT Joe Ciccone [29542c6] * BOOK/final-system/common/mpc.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/mpc-64bit.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/mpc-n32.xml (modified) * BOOK/final-system/multilib/mpc.xml (modified) * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/64/mpc.xml (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/common/mpc.xml (modified) * BOOK/temp-system/multilib/mpc.xml (modified) Updated MPC to 0.9 Sat, 16 Apr 2011 18:11:43 GMT Joe Ciccone [a339228] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated MPFR to 3.0.1. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 18:06:42 GMT Joe Ciccone [351ffeb5] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) * BOOK/patches.ent (modified) * patches/ncurses-5.7-branch_update-22.patch (deleted) * patches/ncurses-5.9-bash_fix-1.patch (moved) * patches/ncurses-5.9-branch_update-1.patch (added) Updated NCurses to 5.9. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 17:34:16 GMT Joe Ciccone [fbc9b06] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated File to 5.06. Sat, 16 Apr 2011 17:32:11 GMT Joe Ciccone [dfc78cc] * BOOK/introduction/common/changelog.xml (modified) * BOOK/packages.ent (modified) Updated the Kernel to Sat, 16 Apr 2011 17:03:20 GMT Joe Ciccone [fe99004] * BOOK/general.ent (modified) Update Date Sat, 26 Feb 2011 21:23:17 GMT Joe Ciccone [da28cc3] * BOOK/Makefile (modified) * BOOK/schema/docbook/4.5/rng/calstblx.rnc (added) * BOOK/schema/docbook/4.5/rng/calstblx.rng (added) * BOOK/schema/docbook/4.5/rng/dbhierx.rnc (added) * BOOK/schema/docbook/4.5/rng/dbhierx.rng (added) * BOOK/schema/docbook/4.5/rng/dbnotnx.rnc (added) * BOOK/schema/docbook/4.5/rng/dbnotnx.rng (added) * BOOK/schema/docbook/4.5/rng/dbpoolx.rnc (added) * BOOK/schema/docbook/4.5/rng/dbpoolx.rng (added) * BOOK/schema/docbook/4.5/rng/docbook.rnc (added) * BOOK/schema/docbook/4.5/rng/docbook.rng (added) * BOOK/schema/docbook/4.5/rng/htmltblx.rnc (added) * BOOK/schema/docbook/4.5/rng/htmltblx.rng (added) Validate the book against relax-ng instead of the standard DTD. Sat, 26 Feb 2011 17:16:25 GMT Joe Ciccone [879785b] * .gitignore (modified) * BOOK/Makefile (modified) Rework the Makefile to be cleaner top-down. Also we now have the ...