n/a - September 11, 2005 * Removed text wraping and boot logging. * Changed killproc to use warning if not running * Changed 'print_status warning' to use old style output * Fixed display error with LSB init-functions script * Made above killproc/print_status changes in enhanced bootscripts. * Made logger service configurable in enhanced bootscripts. (DJ Lucas) n/a - August 14, 2005 * Added -s flag to pidofproc() for backwards compatibility (DJ Lucas) * Fixed erronous values returned by pidofproc() which broke the functionality of statusproc (DJ Lucas) n/a - July 1, 2005 * Changed a == to a = in lfs/init.d/functions, in the boot_mesg function for ash compliancy (Nathan Coulson) n/a - June 26, 2005 * Removed consolelog script from contrib * Updated interactive rc script in contrib and added README.rc-Interactive, added install target to the Makefile. (DJ Lucas) 3.2.2 - May 29, 2005 * Tagged as 3.2.2 (Nathan Coulson) n/a - May 26, 2005 * Added minimal target for cross-lfs book (Jim Gifford) * Fixed raq2 patch (Jim Gifford) 3.2.1 - May 1, 2005 * Tagged as 3.2.1 (Nathan Coulson) n/a - April 17, 2005 * removed touch from hotplug bootscript (Matthew Burgess) * moved commands around in localnet bootscript (Andrew Benton) 3.2.0 - March 30, 2005 * Changed from syslog-ng to sysklogd (Archaic) * Temporairly changed loadproc to return 0 if the program is already running (Nathan Coulson) * Fixed (by reverting) ifup/ifdown/network (Nathan Coulson), Reported by Jim Gifford * Fixed network up/down along with adding support of ONHOTPLUG * Tagged as 3.2.0 n/a - March 19, 2005 * Updated RaQ2 patch (Jim Gifford) * Added net.agent for Hotplug of Network adapters in contrib (Jim Gifford) n/a - March 16, 2005 * Reverted the change from loadproc to start_daemon, Moved compatibility code into one single function. (Nathan Coulson) * Readded the ONHOTPLUG option for ifup/ifdown (Nathan Coulson) * Fixed killproc's output n/a - March 01, 2005 * Added CHECK_LINK variable in ifconfig.*/*, so if the interface does not exist, it will not fail. (Nathan Coulson) n/a - February 19, 2005 * Added evaluate_retval to the end of loadproc and killproc. lsb does not say that killproc should print [ OK ], but required for compatibility. (Nathan Coulson) n/a - February 9, 2005 * Accidently mounted /dev with 775 instead of 755, fixed (Reported by Alexander E. Patrakov) n/a - February 9, 2005 * Bugfix for /dev, now mounted with 755 permission n/a - February 8, 2005 * changed pidof, so it doesnt check the process id of running bootscripts, and to process shell scripts (Nathan Coulson) n/a - February 6, 2005 * Updated main functions file with lsb functions file Should now be LSB compliant (Nathan Coulson) n/a - January 10, 2005 * Moved ONBOOT check back to network (Nathan Coulson) * Removed ONHOTPLUG check (Nathan Coulson) n/a - January 6, 2005 * fixed mountkernfs output (Nathan Coulson) * reverted mountfs fakemounting (Nathan Coulson) n/a - January 5, 2005 * Attempted to simplify network bootup files (Nathan Coulson) * Modified mountkernfs to use mountpoint (Nathan Coulson) * Assuming sysfs is always mounted (Nathan Coulson) * Moved fakemount to below mounting (Nathan Coulson) * Removed -t noramfs from umount, as we now use tmpfs (Nathan Coulson) * moved sysctl from mountkernfs to sysctl (Nathan Coulson) * Added -q to sysctl (Nathan Coulson) n/a - January 2, 2005 * Fixed statusproc output. (DJ Lucas) 3.1.0 - December 31, 2004 * fixed textoutput * Tagged as 3.1.0 n/a - December 30, 2004 * Fixed name of LSB Functions file * Changed boot_mesg to act like echo instead of echo -n, boot_mesg now takes the -n argument if you do not wish to goto the next line 3.0.1 - December 25, 2004 * Released as 3.0.1 n/a - December 20, 2004 * Cleaned up header. * Added RaQ2 Patch n/a - December 16, 2004 * Fixed a text typo in udev, tmpfs instead of ramfs (Steve Crosby) n/a - December 14, 2004 * Fixed a warning with find in cleanfs 3.0 - December 8, 2004 n/a - December 5, 2004 * Moved bootlog to use local2 service to avoide conflict with dhcpcd (DJ Lucas) 3.0-rc1 - December 1, 2004 * rc-Interactive added (DJ Lucas) * rc-Interactive moved to contrib (Nathan Coulson) n/a - November 27, 2004 * Moved bootlog to use local1 to avoid conflict with ppd (DJ Lucas) n/a - November 25, 2004 * Added consolelog to contrib/sysconfig (DJ Lucas) * Rewrite of line wraping in boot_mesg and various fixes related to boot_mesg changes (DJ Lucas, Alexander Patrakov) * syslog-ng is now installed by default (Jeremy Utley) * hotplug is now installed by default (Jeremy Utley) * udev now uses /sbin/hotplug as the default hotplug handler (Nathan Coulson) * udev now mounts a tmpfs instead of a ramfs onto /dev, as suggested by Greg K-H (Nathan Coulson) * Created contrib/lsb, and added a LSB compliant functions file (Nathan Coulson, and Alexander Patrakov) * Modified find [requires find 4.2.3+] (Matthew Burgess) n/a - November 20, 2004 * Modifed modules script to return to previous kernel message level (DJ Lucas) n/a - November 02, 2004 * Added sysctl -p to mountkernfs (Matthew Burgess, DJ Lucas) n/a - October 07, 2004 * statusproc modified not to send data to bootlog (Nathan Coulson) * Fixed halt commands in checkfs and udev (James Robertson) n/a - October 04, 2004 * Fixes to commit on 2004/09/30 (James Robertson) * Revert a few changes until later (Nathan Coulson) * Added a warning about switching from a 8bit font to a 9bit font (Alexander Patrakov) n/a - September 30, 2004 * Finished off boot_mesg() (James Robertson) * Standardized all scripts to same variable format and other internal sh/bash function calls (James Robertson) * Fully implemented boot_mesg across all scripts in sysconfig and init.d (James Robertson) n/a - September 26, 2004 * Added BOOTMESG_PREFIX variable, so users can optionally set a prefix for boot messages (James Robertson) * Fixed localnet status, to use ip instead of ifconfig (Jim Gifford) * Added consolelog to contrib (DJ Lucas) * loadproc and killproc can have the -nomsg parameter to avoid calling evaluate_retval or print_status (Jim Gifford) * boot_mesg no longer explicitly adds a \n onto end of lines * Added a function called boot_mesg_flush, which can dump the BOOTMESG to the bootlog. This helps avoid making everything have to end in OK/WARN/FAIL (Nathan Coulson) n/a - September 24, 2004 * Removed /dev/udev.tdb test n/a - September 23, 2004 * Fixed boot_log so it output's $@'s contents, not @$ * Added support for colors in boot_mesg (James Robertson) * Modified udev's error checking * Modified hotplug's error checking * Converted checkfs's error handling to use boot_mesg with color support * Added $INFO color to functions (James Robertson) n/a - September 22, 2004 * Removed the dependency on wl by replacing it with grep (Bryan Kadzban) * Fixed getpids, to remove unused pids obtained from $PIDFILE * Removed ${NORMAL} from echo "$BOOTMESG" in functions, and removed space added to each additional sentence tacked onto BOOTMESG * boot_mesg now handles \n's properly, and does not dimish the size of the next line (James Robertson) * boot_log has been added. The echo_ functions commit the log, and then clear the BOOTMSG variable * All scriptes have been converted to use boot_mesg n/a - September 21, 2004 * boot_mesg has been enhanced. Subsequent calls will overwrite previous text, and it will wrap text basedupon the variable ${WCOL}. (James Robertson) * Fixed mtu optional service typo (Kevin P Fleming) * Added SOURCE variable to ipv4-static-route (Kevin P Fleming) n/a - September 16, 2004 * nework interfaces are now brought down in reverse order n/a - September 15, 2004 * Added blue bracket, from dj's 3.0-pre1 bootscript package [echo_failure, echo_warning, and echo_ok] * Added a new function called boot_mesg, meant to replace the echo command. This will give us the posibility of doing logging at a later date * Do not set COLUMNS if COLUMNS is already set * Modified getpids, loadproc, killproc, reloadproc, and statusproc as done by DJ 2.2.3 - September 04, 2004 * Tagged as 2.2.3 n/a - September 04, 2004 * Added new script to contrib for syslog-ng, which is now part of LFS-Unstable, and a new Makefile target install-syslog-ng which removes the sysklogd links, and replaces them with syslog-ng (JU) 2.2.2 - August 11, 2004 * Tagged as 2.2.2 n/a - August 7, 2004 * Added missing error redirect (/dev/null) in getpids. (DJ) n/a - August 4, 2004 * Added MODE, DIRMODE, and CONFMODE variables to the makefile to allow permissions to be set at install. (DJ) n/a - July 31, 2004 * Moved PIDFILE check to getpids and removed arguments from killproc and reloadproc. Signals are now set at begining of funtcions script with KILLDELAY. (DJ) * Added a optional service script which can set the MTU for a given interface n/a - July 21, 2004 * Committed DJ Lucas's patch for the killproc function. It no longer requires arguments if PIDFILE is set * added --backup to all sysconfig configuration files, so they are not replaced on a make install n/a - July 13, 2004 * Added the PEER variable to the ifconfig.*/* file, done by Kevin P. Fleming 2.2.1 - July 12, 2004 * Tagged as 2.2.1 n/a - July 12, 2004 * Hotplug was moved from rcsysinit.d to rc{1,2,3,4,5} to help bring up/down network interfaces started by hotplug. This has been revoked at this time * Networking interfaces are now brought down in reverse order * Moved the ONBOOT check to within ifup/ifdown, so we can bring up/down the interfaces at boottime/shutdown properly, done by Kevin P. Fleming * Use PREFIX instead of NETMASK for adding addresses in ipv4-static, done by Kevin P. Fleming * Fix reversal of services inside ifconfig.* directories in ifdown, done by Kevin P. Fleming * Add ipv4-static-route service, supplied by Kevin P. Fleming 2.2.0 - July 12, 2004 * Tagged as 2.2.0 n/a - July 11, 2004 * Minor script output changes * Repaired networking scripts broken in previous commits n/a - July 10, 2004 * We now use the ip program [from iproute2] instead of ipconfig [net-tools] to bring up/down ethernet interfaces, and local connections, submitted by Jim Gifford * Removed gateway backward compatibility * Removed ifup-eth0 ifdown-eth0 compatibility * Removed the "assume SERVICE=static if SERVICE is unset" compatibility * Pass the IFCONFIG environmental variable to services, so they can locate the file with the parameters they must read * Rename static to ipv4-static * Stage1 for network configuration via directories, ifup and ifdown modified, and the static service modified * Stage2 for network configuration via directories complete, network was modified to check within subdirectories for ONBOOT=yes. Final Stage n/a - July 8, 2004 * Changed iso01 to lat1 everywhere in /etc/sysconfig/console. This fixes the problem with line-drawing characters. n/a - July 7, 2004 * Halted the computer, if unable to mount /dev as a ramfs n/a - July 6, 2004 * Moved the hotplug bootscript back to contrib, it will not be used in the testing branch of the lfs book at this time n/a - July 4, 2004 * Modified ifup and ifdown to be hotplug aware n/a - July 3, 2004 * Change the check for ONBOOT into a source within a subshell n/a - July 1, 2004 * Moved hotplug start to runlevels 3-5 from sysinit n/a - June 30, 2004 * Pass -depth in cleanfs n/a - June 29, 2004 * Made the grep for ONBOOT in the network script more exact 2.1.2 - June 27, 2004 * Install the automatic module loading script by default * Tagged as 2.1.2 n/a - June 26, 2004 * Fixed font for UK in /etc/sysconfig/console n/a - June 23, 2004 * Fixed a typo in the hotplug installation procedure n/a - June 21, 2004 * Re-ordered the "mount" and "echo" commands in the udev script, to prevent a possible race * Converted the udev script to use udevsend/udevd * Moved removal of /fastboot and /forcefsck to just after the root fs becomes writable, and dropped the removal of /etc/nologin * Cleaned and tweaked both the output and actions of cleanfs * Removed the disabling of hotplug from sendsignals * Removed anything that might call "rmmod" in hotplug, since rmmod is notoriously troublesome in the 2.6.x kernels, and call it with the stop argument from runlevels 0 and 6 * Fixed previous modifications to the udev and cleanfs scripts n/a - June 20, 2004 * Rolled back to the /dev/.udev.tdb check from 2.1.1, since the new one doesn't work as well, and the bug that caused it to change is now fixed n/a - June 18, 2004 * Updated sysconfig/console * Fixed disabling hotplug in sendsignals * hotplug is now installed by default n/a - June 15, 2004 * Reset /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug to /bin/true when running the "stop" command for hotplug * Cleaned the output of the mountkernfs script * Don't output "Creating files and directories" when it's a lie n/a - June 8, 2004 * Changed the location the optional module script is installed to /etc/rc.d/rcsysinit.d/S05modules. n/a - June 4, 2004 * Added a echo to the > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug line, as > did not clear it n/a - June 3, 2004 * Added '> /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug' to sendsignals, to disable hotplug events, which may start up new daemons * Added elementry bootup logging support. If it can write to /var/log/boot.log, it will * Removed logging support, it kept / from being remounted ro n/a - June 2, 2004 * Reorganize what goes on in the udev script * Reorganize what goes on in the hotplug script * Moved setting /sbin/hotplug as the default hotplug manager into the hotplug script n/a - June 1, 2004 * Removed usbfs from mountkernfs, and mountfs * Edited the udev script, so it'll always set /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug n/a - May 24, 2004 * Added more example keymaps and font settings to /etc/sysconfig/console * Install the /etc/sysconfig/console file by default n/a - May 23, 2004 * Changed the symlink for the optional modules script * Removed depmod from the optional modules script n/a - May 20, 2004 * Removed the random script. There is not a strong enough case for adding it to the lfs-bootscripts. n/a - May 19, 2004 * Added the random bootscript from blfs-bootscripts 2.1.1 - May 18, 2004 * Fixed installation of modules configuration * Tagged as 2.1.1 n/a - May 16, 2004 * Added sysklogd configuration file * Added example /etc/sysconfig/console file * Do not attempt to populate /dev if that directory has already been set up earlier in bootup (such as on initramfs/initrd) * Prevent excessive kernel output once klogd starts * Added hotplug script n/a - May 15, 2004 * Namespace rework (enumeration of scripts is now cleaner) * Removed directories: blfs, contrib/new-boot-0.2, contrib/rlv n/a - May 13, 2004 * Repaired the console script * Added a check to cleanfs [createfiles], to make sure that we have a valid devicetype, if we have type=dev n/a - May 11, 2004 * Added usbfs to mountkernfs and mountfs n/a - May 6, 2004 * Don't use loadproc in localnet, it's not meant for that * Quote tests of $PIDFILE, so that things behave when it's empty * Removed unused kill -0 from killproc 2.1.0 - May 4, 2004 * Update to the console script, prevent install of the console script * Chgrp /var/run/utmp to group utmp if it exists. * Moved udev from contrib to lfs * Moved GATEWAY setup from /etc/rc.d/init.d/network to /etc/sysconfig/network-devices/services/static * Use the contents of $PIDFILE, if it is set in the script * Tagged as 2.1.0. n/a - April 30, 2004 * Moved the loadkeys script to console, and added setfont. Contributed by Alexander E. Patrakov 2.0.5 - April 29, 2004 * Added the heimdal init script. * Tagged as 2.0.5 2.0.4 - April 27, 2004 * Tagged as 2.0.4 n/a - April 24, 2004 * Added a example script for /etc/sysconfig/createfiles * Added a check for /sys before mounting sysfs * Added -t noramfs to umount on /etc/rc.d/init.d/mountfs. This will prevent /dev from being unmounted, if /proc/mounts is symlinked to /etc/mtab n/a - April 18, 2004 * Small fix to a if statement in netfs n/a - April 17, 2004 * Added the lisa bootscript, lisa is part of the KDE Network package * Add proper error checking to the mountfs script when writing out mtab * Add more comments to the udev script, and conditionalize various things that should've been done this way in the first place * Include a template module auto-loading configuration file instead of having syntax comments in the script itself n/a - April 12, 2004 * Added a automatic modules loading script to the contrib directory submitted by Zack * Edited mountkernfs, so that if you can mount sysfs on /sys, it will be mounted at boottime. Should not affect 2.4 systems * Since all entries are added to /etc/mtab, we should not require the NO_FS variable. It has been removed from mountfs * Added the udev script into the contrib directory, submitted by Zack 2.0.3 - April 8, 2004 * Updated cleanfs, so it can create devices. Supplied by Zack * Tagged as 2.0.3 n/a - March 31, 2004 * Changed "Press Enter" on unknown error to white * Moved S10swap to S20swap. When udev is added, it has to be ran before swap is setup n/a - March 29, 2004 * Fixed the rc5.d symlink for ntp so it creates S26ntp instead of S26npt * Moved S20mountkernfs to S00mountkernfs in rcsysinit.d. Will help in the addition of udev in the future. n/a - March 27, 2004 * Changed gdm path from hardcoded to program name. There are 2 spots gnome can be installed n/a - March 26, 2004 * Updated fam daemon script. It now uses the famd daemon instead of fam n/a - March 24, 2004 * Removed mount command out of nfs. the netfs script already handles this 2.0.2 - March 24, 2004 * Edited cleanfs to solve a problem. [if /tmp does not exist, it could run the find command on the root filesystem] * Tagged as 2.0.2 2.0.1 - March 24, 2004 * Found typo in BLFS MySQL Script. * Tagged as 2.0.1 2.0.0 - March 23, 2004 * Tagged as 2.0.0, no changes from 2.0.0-pre2 2.0.0-pre2 - March 23, 2004 * Cleaned the /tmp directory on bootup. find command supplied by Zack * Added a script which can automatically create files and directories on startup. [Handles files/directories, permissions, and user/group]. Created by Zack * Added blfs/init.d/fam script * Tagged as 2.0.0-pre2 n/a - March 20, 2004 * Added create-service-dir target and removed from create-dirs * Changed service script install targets to use create-service-dir * Added check for dhcpcd service script for stale pid file Suggested by Jeremy * Added ifconfig to ipx service script for hosting device not up n/a - March 19, 2004 * Added support for ETCDIR, and DESTDIR in the Makefile, compliments of Tushar * Renamed mountproc to mountkernfs * Updated the README file * Coloured the print_error_message in functions red * added stop to the setclock script * changed echo > to > in cleanfs, suggested by winkie * BLFS Scripts Added, collected by Zack * Edited killproc, so it checks for running pids, rather then the completion of the above kill command. Suggested by Zack * Added network services found in blfs, removed adsl. Submitted by DJ. 1.99.4 - March 17, 2004 * Fixed one last halt line in checkfs script * Moved the directory structure around * Tagged as development release 1.99.4 n/a - February 28, 2004 * Added stty sane to the top of rc.d/init.d/rc. Hopefully, this will fix the problems * Also changed all instances of back to enter 1.99.3 - February 23, 2004 * Tagged as development release 1.99.3 n/a - February 19, 2004 * Fixed checkfs script, so it will no longer continue to boot after a failure in the init.d/checkfs script. Tested with the help of Andre M�ller. Fix suggested by Zack n/a - February 7, 2004 * Added -s onto grep on network stop * Replaced a few more enter's with ctrl-j 1.99.2 - February 6, 2004 * Added -s onto grep in network start * Tagged as development release 1.99.2 n/a - February 4, 2004 * Fixed $WARNING $NORMAL and $ERROR lines, broken by changes in functions * Changed above fixes to work with ash * Fixed checkfs symlink in Makefile * functions is no longer installed as executable * Added a check to checkfs, for errors above 16. These are caused by being unable to run fsck, either due to user input, or a unfunctional linux system 1.99.1 - February 2, 2004 * Tagged as development release 1.99.1 n/a - February 2, 2004: * Added -d to umount in mountfs. * Fixed network shutdown script * Fixed Makefile rc.6 to reboot * Added -s flag to grep command in rc.d/init.d/network - suppresses an error if no ifconfig.* files exist n/a - January 30, 2004: * Reorganized the network system to accept multiple services. * Ash Compliancy * Modified some scripts to follow template * Reorganized functions, based upon Ash Compliancy Patch * Added a sleep 5 to failure for evaulate_retval, and changed evaulate_retval to return true instead of false. Instead, a exit 1 will indicate the script terminated abnormally, causing your system to wait until you hit ctrl-J * Switched "Press enter to continue" to "Press to continue" * replaced 3 with $KILLDELAY in sendsignals * mountfs does not mount network filesystems [identified by _netdev in /etc/fstab] * removed unneded touch out of cleanfs n/a - January 30, 2004: * New maintainers for the lfs-bootscripts package are: Jeremy Utley (jeremy@linuxfromscratch.org) Nathan Coulson (nathan@linuxfromscratch.org) 1.11 - February 3rd, 2003: * /etc/mtab is now a real file and is handled correctly so there are no errors even when the machine has crashed. 1.10 - September 12th, 2002: * Fixed up checkfs to work with non-ext2 filesystems too (such as minix). 1.9 - April 5th, 2002: * reloadproc function had a missing '=' in the "failure 1" command (it should be failure=1) * When script exists with unexpected value, you have to hit "Enter" to continue, not just a random key as printed on the screen. * Moved K10sysklogd, K20sendsignals, K30mount and K40swap to K40sysklogd, K50sendsignals, K60mount, K70swap * Changed the #!/bin/sh lines to #!/bin/bash - /bin/sh may not be linked to bash but to some other shell of your choice. These scripts are written to work with bash, so you can't just run them when /bin/sh -> csh or ash or whatever else tickles your fancy. This change should fix that. 1.8 - March 14th, 2002: * Fixed the getpids function call so PPID's would be taken into account properly. * Added the 'contrib' directory with other people's bootscript implementations. 1.7 - March 10th, 2002: * Used code from Matthias Benkmann's simpleinit-msb @ http://winterdrache.de/linux/newboot/index.html mainly for improved killproc function handling * When a requested process isn't running, or is already running, a warning "Not running" or "Already running" will be displayed. This was out of allignment due to a missing $CURS_UP * Removed "||exit" from ifup and ifdown scripts. They are useless. * Changed the loadkeys script to run "loadkeys -d" and removed the need for the /etc/sysconfig/keyboard file. The kbd patch fixes the "loadkeys -d" behaviour. 1.6 - February 26th, 2002: * replaced -o %PPID with -o $PPID throughout the functions script. This construct does what it's supposed to do (don't take PPID into account because this would fail if a running daemon and the bootscript have the same name). * added 'restart' to the swap script * instead of using 'echo -n' to supress newlines so the [ OK ] and related messages allign properly, substitute this with a single echo command that simply goes one line up before outputting anything. This also has the benefit that when programs have their own output (like swapon, fsck and loadkeys), there won't be an unwanted blank line between the program's output and the [ OK ] et all. messages. 1.5 - February 2nd, 2002: * added 'exit 1' to the statusproc function when there aren't enough parameters passed to it (such as the name of process to check for) 1.4 - February 2nd, 2002: * when /fastboot is detected and the message about it is printed, don't run 'exit 1' else the rc script will cause a [FAILED] to be printed which is undesired in this case. 1.3 - January 30th, 2002: * network script: changed default route detection by using the same method as used when starting the script: check if the GATEWAY variable is set * removed the emptying of /etc/mtab since it's a symlink to /proc/mounts now * added the mountproc script which mounts the proc system. This is done because we need proc mounted even before the mountfs script is ran (now that /etc/mtab is a symlink to /proc/mounts) * removed all absolute paths from command calls * added umask 022 and PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin" to the functions script. Every file now sources this so that umask and PATH are set correctly 1.2 - January 26th, 2002: * network script: detect if a default route is set before removing it