#!/bin/bash # Create a Binutils Patch # Get Version # # VERSION=$1 SOURCEVERSION=$2 # Check Input # if [ "${VERSION}" = "" -o "${SOURCEVERSION}" = "" ]; then echo "$0 - Binutils_Version" echo "This will Create a Patch for Binutils Binutils_Series Binutils_Version" echo "Example $0 2.19 2.19.1" exit 255 fi # Set Patch Directory # PATCH_DIR=$(pwd -P)/binutils # Download Binutils Source # install -d ~/tmp cd ~/tmp if ! [ -e binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}.tar.bz2 ]; then wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/binutils/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}.tar.bz2 fi # Set Patch Number # cd ~/tmp wget http://svn.cross-lfs.org/svn/repos/cross-lfs/trunk/patches/ --no-remove-listing PATCH_NUM=$(cat index.html | grep binutils | grep "${SOURCEVERSION}" | grep branch_update | cut -f2 -d'"' | cut -f1 -d'"'| cut -f4 -d- | cut -f1 -d. | tail -n 1) PATCH_NUM=$(expr ${PATCH_NUM} + 1) PATCH_NUM2=$(cat index.html | grep binutils | grep "${SOURCEVERSION}" | grep fixes | cut -f2 -d'"' | cut -f1 -d'"'| cut -f4 -d- | cut -f1 -d. | tail -n 1) PATCH_NUM2=$(expr ${PATCH_NUM2} + 1) rm -f index.html # Cleanup Directory # cd ~/tmp rm -rf binutils-${SOURCEVERSION} binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}.orig tar xvf binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}.tar.bz2 # Get Current Updates from CVS # cd ~/tmp mv binutils-${SOURCEVERSION} binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}.orig CURRENTDIR=$(pwd -P) FIXEDVERSION=$(echo ${VERSION} | sed -e 's/\./_/g') cvs -z 9 -d :pserver:anoncvs@sourceware.org:/cvs/src export -rbinutils-${FIXEDVERSION}-branch binutils mv src binutils-${SOURCEVERSION} # Cleanup # cd ~/tmp DIRS="binutils-${SOURCEVERSION} binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}.orig" for DIRECTORY in ${DIRS}; do cd ~/tmp/${DIRECTORY} FILE_LIST=".cvsignore *.gmo" for files in ${FILE_LIST}; do REMOVE=$(find * -name ${files}) for file in $REMOVE; do rm -f ${file} done done REMOVE=".cvsignore MAINTAINERS COPYING.LIBGLOSS COPYING.NEWLIB README-maintainer-mode depcomp ChangeLog compile ltgcc.m4 lt~obsolete.m4 etc/ChangeLog etc/add-log.el etc/add-log.vi" for file in $REMOVE; do rm -f ${file} done cd .. done cd ~/tmp/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION} rm -f ~/tmp/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}.orig/md5.sum # Make Binutils a Release # cd ~/tmp/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION} sed -i 's/# RELEASE=y/RELEASE=y/g' bfd/Makefile.am sed -i 's/# RELEASE=y/RELEASE=y/g' bfd/Makefile.in # Customize the version string, so we know it's patched # cd ~/tmp/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION} DATE_STAMP=$(date +%Y%m%d) cd ~/tmp/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION} sed -i "s:@PKGVERSION@:(GNU Binutils for Cross-LFS - Retrieved on ${DATE_STAMP}) :" bfd/Makefile.in # Create Patch # cd ~/tmp install -d ~/patches echo "Submitted By: Jim Gifford (jim at cross-lfs dot org)" > ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-branch_update-${PATCH_NUM}.patch echo "Date: `date +%m-%d-%Y`" >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-branch_update-${PATCH_NUM}.patch echo "Initial Package Version: ${SOURCEVERSION}" >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-branch_update-${PATCH_NUM}.patch echo "Origin: Upstream" >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-branch_update-${PATCH_NUM}.patch echo "Upstream Status: Applied" >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-branch_update-${PATCH_NUM}.patch echo "Description: This is a branch update for binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}, and should be" >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-branch_update-${PATCH_NUM}.patch echo " rechecked periodically." >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-branch_update-${PATCH_NUM}.patch echo "" >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-branch_update-${PATCH_NUM}.patch echo "This patch was created on ${DATE_STAMP}" >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-branch_update-${PATCH_NUM}.patch echo "" >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-branch_update-${PATCH_NUM}.patch diff -Naur binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}.orig binutils-${SOURCEVERSION} >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-branch_update-${PATCH_NUM}.patch echo "Created ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-branch_update-${PATCH_NUM}.patch." # Cleanliness is the name of my game! # unset DATE_STAMP # Create a copy of the Original Directory So We can do some Updates # cd ~/tmp rm -rf binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}.orig cp -ar binutils-${SOURCEVERSION} binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}.orig # Make testsuite fixes # cd ~/tmp/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION} sed -i -e 's/getline/_getline/' libiberty/testsuite/test-demangle.c # Create fixes patch # if [ -e ${PATCH_DIR}/${SOURCEVERSION} ]; then # Apply Patches from directories # cd ~/tmp/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION} PATCH_FILES=$(ls ${PATCH_DIR}/${SOURCEVERSION}/*.patch) if [ "${PATCH_FILES}" != "" ]; then for pfile in ${PATCH_FILES}; do echo "Applying - ${pfile}..." for pvalue in $(seq 0 5); do patch --dry-run -Np${pvalue} -i ${pfile} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "${?}" = "0" ]; then PVALUE=${pvalue} break fi done if [ "${PVALUE}" != "" ]; then patch -Np${PVALUE} -i ${pfile} else echo "Patch: ${pfile} Failed to Apply..." exit 255 fi done fi fi # Cleanup Directory # cd ~/tmp/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION} rm -f $(find * -name "*~") rm -f $(find * -name "*.orig") rm -f $(find * -name "*.rej") rm -f *.orig *~ *.rej # Create Patch # cd ~/tmp install -d ~/patches echo "Submitted By: Jim Gifford (jim at cross-lfs dot org)" > ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-fixes-${PATCH_NUM2}.patch echo "Date: `date +%m-%d-%Y`" >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-fixes-${PATCH_NUM2}.patch echo "Initial Package Version: ${VERSION}" >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-fixes-${PATCH_NUM2}.patch echo "Origin: Upstream" >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-fixes-${PATCH_NUM2}.patch echo "Upstream Status: Applied" >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-fixes-${PATCH_NUM2}.patch echo "Description: This Patch contains fixes for binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}, and should be" >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-fixes-${PATCH_NUM2}.patch echo " rechecked periodically." >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-fixes-${PATCH_NUM2}.patch echo "" >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-fixes-${PATCH_NUM2}.patch diff -Naur binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}.orig binutils-${SOURCEVERSION} >> ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-fixes-${PATCH_NUM2}.patch echo "Created ~/patches/binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}-fixes-${PATCH_NUM2}.patch." # Cleanup Directory # cd ~/tmp rm -rf binutils-${SOURCEVERSION} binutils-${SOURCEVERSION}.orig