#!/bin/bash # Create a Eglibc Tarball # Get Version # # VERSION=$1 SOURCEVERSION=$2 # Check Input # if [ "${VERSION}" = "" -o "${SOURCEVERSION}" = "" ]; then echo "$0 - Eglibc_Version" echo "This will Create a Tarball for Eglibc Eglibc_Series Eglibc_Version" echo "Example $0 2.19 2.19.1" exit 255 fi # Clear out old Directory # rm -rf ~/tmp # Get Current Eglibc from SVN # install -d ~/tmp cd ~/tmp FIXEDVERSION=$(echo ${VERSION} | sed -e 's/\./_/g') echo "Retreiving from SVN eglibc-${SOURCEVERSION}..." svn export svn://svn.eglibc.org/branches/eglibc-${FIXEDVERSION} eglibc-${SOURCEVERSION} # Customize the version string, so we know it's patched # cd ~/tmp/eglibc-${SOURCEVERSION} DATE_STAMP=$(date +%Y%m%d) echo "#define DL_DATE \"${DATE_STAMP}\"" >> libc/version.h sed -i "s@Compiled by GNU CC version@Built for Cross-LFS.\\\\n\\\\\nRetrieved on \"DL_DATE\".\\\\n\\\\\\nCompiled by GNU CC version@" libc/csu/version.c sed -i "s@static const char __libc_release@static const char __libc_dl_date[] = DL_DATE;\nstatic const char __libc_release@" libc/csu/version.c # Remove Files not needed # cd ~/tmp/eglibc-${SOURCEVERSION} FILE_LIST=".cvsignore" for files in ${FILE_LIST}; do REMOVE=$(find * -name ${files}) for file in $REMOVE; do rm -f ${file} done done # Fix configuration files # cd ~/tmp/eglibc-${SOURCEVERSION} echo "Updating Glibc configure files..." find . -name configure -exec touch {} \; # Change gcc to BUILD_CC in the following files # cd ~/tmp/eglibc-${SOURCEVERSION}/libc FIX_FILES="sunrpc/Makefile timezone/Makefile" for fix_file in ${FIX_FILES}; do sed -i "s/gcc/\'$\(BUILD_CC\)'/g" ${fix_file} done # Compress # cd ~/tmp/eglibc-${SOURCEVERSION} echo "Creating Tarball for Eglibc Ports ${SOURCEVERSION}...." tar cjf ~/public_html/eglibc-ports-${SOURCEVERSION}.tar.bz2 ports rm -rf ports echo "Creating Tarball for Eglibc Linuxthreads ${SOURCEVERSION}...." tar cjf ~/public_html/eglibc-linuxthreads-${SOURCEVERSION}.tar.bz2 linuxthreads rm -rf linuxthreads echo "Creating Tarball for Eglibc LocaleDef ${SOURCEVERSION}...." tar cjf ~/public_html/eglibc-localedef-${SOURCEVERSION}.tar.bz2 localedef rm -rf localedef mv libc eglibc-${SOURCEVERSION} echo "Creating Tarball for Eglibc ${SOURCEVERSION}...." tar cjf ~/public_html/eglibc-${SOURCEVERSION}.tar.bz2 eglibc-${SOURCEVERSION} # Clean up Directores # cd ~/tmp rm -rf eglibc-${SOURCEVERSION}