1 | $Id$
2 |
3 | Here are the cross-lfs scripts, finally under version control
4 |
5 | At some point I'll put some doco in here on how to drive everything,
6 | but for the moment you'll just have to read the scripts ;-)
7 |
8 | Firstly, select a sample plfs-config file from scripts/plfs-configs and create
9 | a symlink to it from the scripts directory.
10 | Here you set the build options, your directory layout etc.
11 | Edit it to suit your needs
12 |
13 | Secondly select a sample plfs-packages from scripts/plfs-configs and create
14 | a symlink to it from the scripts directory.
15 | Here you set all the package versions to use for the build.
16 | Edit it to suit your needs
17 |
18 | build-host.sh is for building a set of build-host native tools,
19 | which helps in the cases where host-os is not gnu, or you
20 | cannot trust the tools ;-)
21 |
22 | build-cross.sh builds the cross-compiler, cross binutils and target
23 | native glibc.
24 |
25 | build-target.sh builds all required target native packages.
26 |
27 | build-native.sh is to be used after booting on the target system to
28 | build the target-native packages
29 |
30 | build-blfs.sh (consider beta) builds some blfs packages.
31 |
32 | More scripts, which are not ready to run yet (more work required)
33 | exist under scripts/untested which detail kde/gnome packages.
34 | These will eventually be merged in.
35 |
36 | Anyhow, more later...
37 |
38 | Scripts et al are available via subversion via...
39 |
40 | svn co svn://svn.linuxfromscratch.org/cross-lfs/trunk/scripts cross-lfs
41 |
42 | Send abuse to ryan@pha.com.au
43 |
44 | Regards
45 | [R]