%general-entities; ]> IPTables-&iptables-version; iptables <para>iptables is the userspace command line program used to configure the Linux firewall. </para> </sect2> <sect2 role="installation"> <title>Installation of iptables Fixes Compile Issue with DO_MULTI=1: patch -Np1 -i ../&iptables-domulti-patch; Compile the package: make CC="${CC} ${BUILD}" COPT_FLAGS="-Os" LD=${LD} DO_MULTI=1 PREFIX=/usr \ KERNEL_DIR=${CLFS}/lib/modules/&linux-version;/build LIBDIR=/lib BINDIR=/sbin Install the package: make CC="${CC} ${BUILD}" COPT_FLAGS="-Os" LD=${LD} DO_MULTI=1 PREFIX=/usr \ KERNEL_DIR=${CLFS}/lib/modules/&linux-version;/build LIBDIR=/lib BINDIR=/sbin DESTDIR=${CLFS} install Contents of iptables Installed programs To be Written