%general-entities; ]> Bin86-&bin86-version; Bin86 boot Installation of Bin86 We are building bin86 so that we can compile lilo. Both as86 and ld86 need to run on the host system to assemble x86_64 code. We cannot compile the whole package like this, but fortunately these two programs are the only parts we require. The Bin86 package does not contain a configure script. Natively compile only the necessary parts with: make CC=gcc -C as as86 make CC=gcc -C ld ld86 Install the assembler and linker where they will be on the PATH when we build lilo, using prefixes to show that their output is not for a native system. install -v -m 755 -s as/as86 /cross-tools/bin/${LFS_TARGET}-as86 install -v -m 755 -s ld/ld86 /cross-tools/bin/${LFS_TARGET}-ld86 <para>Details on this package are located in <xref linkend="contents-bin86" role="."/></para> </sect2> </sect1>