%general-entities; ]> CLooG-PPL &cloog-ppl-version; CLooG-PPL temporary system Installation of CLooG-PPL The following prevents the configure script from setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH when it finds PPL. This will prevent any conflicts with libraries from the host system: cp -v configure{,.orig} sed -e "/LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/d" \ configure.orig > configure Prepare CLooG-PPL for compilation: ./configure --prefix=/tools \ --build=${CLFS_HOST} --host=${CLFS_TARGET} --with-bits=gmp \ --with-ppl=/tools --with-gmp=/tools Compile the package: make Install the package: make install <para>Details on this package are located in <xref linkend="contents-cloog-ppl" role="."/></para> </sect2> </sect1>