1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
2 | <!--This file was created automatically by xsl2profile-->
3 | <!--from the DocBook XSL stylesheets.-->
4 | <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:exsl="http://exslt.org/common" xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format" xmlns:ng="http://docbook.org/docbook-ng" xmlns:db="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:exslt="http://exslt.org/common" exslt:dummy="dummy" ng:dummy="dummy" db:dummy="dummy" extension-element-prefixes="exslt" exclude-result-prefixes="db ng exsl exslt" version="1.0">
5 |
6 | <!-- It is important to use indent="no" here, otherwise verbatim -->
7 | <!-- environments get broken by indented tags...at least when the -->
8 | <!-- callout extension is used...at least with some processors -->
9 | <xsl:output method="xml" indent="no"/>
10 |
11 | <!-- ********************************************************************
12 | $Id$
13 | ********************************************************************
14 |
15 | This file is part of the XSL DocBook Stylesheet distribution.
16 | See ../README or http://docbook.sf.net/release/xsl/current/ for
17 | copyright and other information.
18 |
19 | ******************************************************************** -->
20 |
21 | <!-- ==================================================================== -->
22 |
23 | <xsl:include href="../VERSION"/>
24 | <xsl:include href="param.xsl"/>
25 | <xsl:include href="../lib/lib.xsl"/>
26 | <xsl:include href="../common/l10n.xsl"/>
27 | <xsl:include href="../common/common.xsl"/>
28 | <xsl:include href="../common/utility.xsl"/>
29 | <xsl:include href="../common/labels.xsl"/>
30 | <xsl:include href="../common/titles.xsl"/>
31 | <xsl:include href="../common/subtitles.xsl"/>
32 | <xsl:include href="../common/gentext.xsl"/>
33 | <xsl:include href="../common/olink.xsl"/>
34 | <xsl:include href="../common/targets.xsl"/>
35 | <xsl:include href="../common/pi.xsl"/>
36 | <xsl:include href="autotoc.xsl"/>
37 | <xsl:include href="autoidx.xsl"/>
38 | <xsl:include href="lists.xsl"/>
39 | <xsl:include href="callout.xsl"/>
40 | <xsl:include href="verbatim.xsl"/>
41 | <xsl:include href="graphics.xsl"/>
42 | <xsl:include href="xref.xsl"/>
43 | <xsl:include href="formal.xsl"/>
44 | <xsl:include href="table.xsl"/>
45 | <xsl:include href="htmltbl.xsl"/>
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48 | <xsl:include href="footnote.xsl"/>
49 | <xsl:include href="fo.xsl"/>
50 | <xsl:include href="fo-rtf.xsl"/>
51 | <xsl:include href="info.xsl"/>
52 | <xsl:include href="keywords.xsl"/>
53 | <xsl:include href="division.xsl"/>
54 | <xsl:include href="index.xsl"/>
55 | <xsl:include href="toc.xsl"/>
56 | <xsl:include href="refentry.xsl"/>
57 | <xsl:include href="math.xsl"/>
58 | <xsl:include href="admon.xsl"/>
59 | <xsl:include href="component.xsl"/>
60 | <xsl:include href="biblio.xsl"/>
61 | <xsl:include href="biblio-iso690.xsl"/>
62 | <xsl:include href="glossary.xsl"/>
63 | <xsl:include href="block.xsl"/>
64 | <xsl:include href="task.xsl"/>
65 | <xsl:include href="qandaset.xsl"/>
66 | <xsl:include href="synop.xsl"/>
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70 | <xsl:include href="pi.xsl"/>
71 | <xsl:include href="spaces.xsl"/>
72 | <xsl:include href="ebnf.xsl"/>
73 | <xsl:include href="../html/chunker.xsl"/>
74 | <xsl:include href="annotations.xsl"/>
75 | <xsl:include href="../common/stripns.xsl"/>
76 |
77 | <xsl:include href="fop.xsl"/>
78 | <xsl:include href="fop1.xsl"/>
79 | <xsl:include href="passivetex.xsl"/>
80 | <xsl:include href="xep.xsl"/>
81 | <xsl:include href="axf.xsl"/>
82 | <xsl:include href="ptc.xsl"/>
83 |
84 | <xsl:param name="stylesheet.result.type" select="'fo'"/>
85 |
86 | <!-- ==================================================================== -->
87 |
88 | <xsl:key name="id" match="*" use="@id|@xml:id"/>
89 |
90 | <!-- ==================================================================== -->
91 |
92 | <xsl:template match="*">
93 | <xsl:message>
94 | <xsl:value-of select="name(.)"/>
95 | <xsl:text> encountered</xsl:text>
96 | <xsl:if test="parent::*">
97 | <xsl:text> in </xsl:text>
98 | <xsl:value-of select="name(parent::*)"/>
99 | </xsl:if>
100 | <xsl:text>, but no template matches.</xsl:text>
101 | </xsl:message>
102 | <fo:block color="red">
103 | <xsl:text><</xsl:text>
104 | <xsl:value-of select="name(.)"/>
105 | <xsl:text>></xsl:text>
106 | <xsl:apply-templates/>
107 | <xsl:text></</xsl:text>
108 | <xsl:value-of select="name(.)"/>
109 | <xsl:text>></xsl:text>
110 | </fo:block>
111 | </xsl:template>
112 |
113 | <!-- Update this list if new root elements supported -->
114 | <xsl:variable name="root.elements" select="' appendix article bibliography book chapter colophon dedication glossary index part preface qandaset refentry reference sect1 section set setindex '"/>
115 |
116 | <xslo:include xmlns:xslo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" href="../profiling/profile-mode.xsl"/><xslo:variable xmlns:xslo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" name="profiled-content"><xslo:choose><xslo:when test="*/self::ng:* or */self::db:*"><xslo:message>Note: namesp. cut : stripped namespace before processing</xslo:message><xslo:variable name="stripped-content"><xslo:apply-templates select="/" mode="stripNS"/></xslo:variable><xslo:message>Note: namesp. cut : processing stripped document</xslo:message><xslo:apply-templates select="exslt:node-set($stripped-content)" mode="profile"/></xslo:when><xslo:otherwise><xslo:apply-templates select="/" mode="profile"/></xslo:otherwise></xslo:choose></xslo:variable><xslo:variable xmlns:xslo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" name="profiled-nodes" select="exslt:node-set($profiled-content)"/><xsl:template match="/">
117 | <!-- * Get a title for current doc so that we let the user -->
118 | <!-- * know what document we are processing at this point. -->
119 | <xsl:variable name="doc.title">
120 | <xsl:call-template name="get.doc.title"/>
121 | </xsl:variable>
122 | <xsl:choose>
123 | <!-- Hack! If someone hands us a DocBook V5.x or DocBook NG document,
124 | toss the namespace and continue. Use the docbook5 namespaced
125 | stylesheets for DocBook5 if you don't want to use this feature.-->
126 | <!-- include extra test for Xalan quirk -->
127 | <xsl:when test="false()"/>
128 | <!-- Can't process unless namespace removed -->
129 | <xsl:when test="false()"/>
130 | <xsl:otherwise>
131 | <xsl:choose>
132 | <xsl:when test="$rootid != ''">
133 | <xsl:variable name="root.element" select="key('id', $rootid)"/>
134 | <xsl:choose>
135 | <xsl:when test="count($root.element) = 0">
136 | <xsl:message terminate="yes">
137 | <xsl:text>ID '</xsl:text>
138 | <xsl:value-of select="$rootid"/>
139 | <xsl:text>' not found in document.</xsl:text>
140 | </xsl:message>
141 | </xsl:when>
142 | <xsl:when test="not(contains($root.elements, concat(' ', local-name($root.element), ' ')))">
143 | <xsl:message terminate="yes">
144 | <xsl:text>ERROR: Document root element ($rootid=</xsl:text>
145 | <xsl:value-of select="$rootid"/>
146 | <xsl:text>) for FO output </xsl:text>
147 | <xsl:text>must be one of the following elements:</xsl:text>
148 | <xsl:value-of select="$root.elements"/>
149 | </xsl:message>
150 | </xsl:when>
151 | <!-- Otherwise proceed -->
152 | <xsl:otherwise>
153 | <xsl:if test="$collect.xref.targets = 'yes' or $collect.xref.targets = 'only'">
154 | <xsl:apply-templates select="$root.element" mode="collect.targets"/>
155 | </xsl:if>
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157 | <xsl:apply-templates select="$root.element" mode="process.root"/>
158 | </xsl:if>
159 | </xsl:otherwise>
160 | </xsl:choose>
161 | </xsl:when>
162 | <!-- Otherwise process the document root element -->
163 | <xsl:otherwise>
164 | <xsl:variable name="document.element" select="*[1]"/>
165 | <xsl:choose>
166 | <xsl:when test="not(contains($root.elements, concat(' ', local-name($document.element), ' ')))">
167 | <xsl:message terminate="yes">
168 | <xsl:text>ERROR: Document root element for FO output </xsl:text>
169 | <xsl:text>must be one of the following elements:</xsl:text>
170 | <xsl:value-of select="$root.elements"/>
171 | </xsl:message>
172 | </xsl:when>
173 | <!-- Otherwise proceed -->
174 | <xsl:otherwise>
175 | <xsl:if test="$collect.xref.targets = 'yes' or $collect.xref.targets = 'only'">
176 | <xsl:apply-templates select="$profiled-nodes" mode="collect.targets"/>
177 | </xsl:if>
178 | <xsl:if test="$collect.xref.targets != 'only'">
179 | <xsl:apply-templates select="$profiled-nodes" mode="process.root"/>
180 | </xsl:if>
181 | </xsl:otherwise>
182 | </xsl:choose>
183 | </xsl:otherwise>
184 | </xsl:choose>
185 | </xsl:otherwise>
186 | </xsl:choose>
187 | </xsl:template>
188 |
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190 | <xsl:variable name="document.element" select="self::*"/>
191 |
192 | <xsl:call-template name="root.messages"/>
193 |
194 | <xsl:variable name="title">
195 | <xsl:choose>
196 | <xsl:when test="$document.element/title[1]">
197 | <xsl:value-of select="$document.element/title[1]"/>
198 | </xsl:when>
199 | <xsl:otherwise>[could not find document title]</xsl:otherwise>
200 | </xsl:choose>
201 | </xsl:variable>
202 |
203 | <!-- Include all id values in XEP output -->
204 | <xsl:if test="$xep.extensions != 0">
205 | <xsl:processing-instruction name="xep-pdf-drop-unused-destinations">false</xsl:processing-instruction>
206 | </xsl:if>
207 |
208 | <fo:root xsl:use-attribute-sets="root.properties">
209 | <xsl:attribute name="language">
210 | <xsl:call-template name="l10n.language">
211 | <xsl:with-param name="target" select="/*[1]"/>
212 | </xsl:call-template>
213 | </xsl:attribute>
214 |
215 | <xsl:if test="$xep.extensions != 0">
216 | <xsl:call-template name="xep-pis"/>
217 | <xsl:call-template name="xep-document-information"/>
218 | </xsl:if>
219 | <xsl:if test="$axf.extensions != 0">
220 | <xsl:call-template name="axf-document-information"/>
221 | </xsl:if>
222 |
223 | <xsl:call-template name="setup.pagemasters"/>
224 |
225 | <xsl:if test="$fop.extensions != 0">
226 | <xsl:apply-templates select="$document.element" mode="fop.outline"/>
227 | </xsl:if>
228 |
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230 | <xsl:variable name="bookmarks">
231 | <xsl:apply-templates select="$document.element" mode="fop1.outline"/>
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233 | <xsl:if test="string($bookmarks) != ''">
234 | <fo:bookmark-tree>
235 | <xsl:copy-of select="$bookmarks"/>
236 | </fo:bookmark-tree>
237 | </xsl:if>
238 | </xsl:if>
239 |
240 | <xsl:if test="$xep.extensions != 0">
241 | <xsl:variable name="bookmarks">
242 | <xsl:apply-templates select="$document.element" mode="xep.outline"/>
243 | </xsl:variable>
244 | <xsl:if test="string($bookmarks) != ''">
245 | <rx:outline xmlns:rx="http://www.renderx.com/XSL/Extensions">
246 | <xsl:copy-of select="$bookmarks"/>
247 | </rx:outline>
248 | </xsl:if>
249 | </xsl:if>
250 |
251 | <xsl:if test="$arbortext.extensions != 0 and $ati.xsl11.bookmarks != 0">
252 | <xsl:variable name="bookmarks">
253 | <xsl:apply-templates select="$document.element" mode="ati.xsl11.bookmarks"/>
254 | </xsl:variable>
255 | <xsl:if test="string($bookmarks) != ''">
256 | <fo:bookmark-tree>
257 | <xsl:copy-of select="$bookmarks"/>
258 | </fo:bookmark-tree>
259 | </xsl:if>
260 | </xsl:if>
261 |
262 | <xsl:apply-templates select="$document.element"/>
263 | </fo:root>
264 | </xsl:template>
265 |
266 | <xsl:template name="root.messages">
267 | <!-- redefine this any way you'd like to output messages -->
269 | <xsl:message>
270 | <xsl:text>Making </xsl:text>
271 | <xsl:value-of select="$page.orientation"/>
272 | <xsl:text> pages on </xsl:text>
273 | <xsl:value-of select="$paper.type"/>
274 | <xsl:text> paper (</xsl:text>
275 | <xsl:value-of select="$page.width"/>
276 | <xsl:text>x</xsl:text>
277 | <xsl:value-of select="$page.height"/>
278 | <xsl:text>)</xsl:text>
279 | </xsl:message>
280 | </xsl:template>
281 |
282 | <!-- ==================================================================== -->
283 |
284 | </xsl:stylesheet>