[f8c4e94] | 1 | <?xml version='1.0'?> <!-- -*- nxml -*- vim: set foldlevel=2: -->
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| 13 | <xsl:param name="Revision">$Revision$</xsl:param>
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| 18 | <fm:project>
| 19 | <fm:Project>DocBook</fm:Project>
| 20 | <fm:Branch>XSL Stylesheets</fm:Branch>
| 21 | <fm:Version>snapshot_7094</fm:Version>
| 22 | <!--
| 23 | <fm:License>MIT/X Consortium License</fm:License>
| 24 | -->
| 25 | <fm:Release-Focus>
| 26 | <!-- * Initial freshmeat announcement -->
| 27 | <!-- * Documentation -->
| 28 | <!-- * Code cleanup -->
| 29 | <!-- * Minor feature enhancements -->
| 30 | Major feature enhancements
| 31 | <!-- * Minor bugfixes -->
| 32 | <!-- * Major bugfixes -->
| 33 | <!-- * Minor security fixes -->
| 34 | <!-- * Major security fixes -->
| 35 | </fm:Release-Focus>
| 36 | <fm:Home-Page-URL>http://sourceforge.net/projects/docbook/</fm:Home-Page-URL>
| 37 | <fm:Gzipped-Tar-URL>http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/docbook/{DISTRONAME-VERSION}.tar.gz?download</fm:Gzipped-Tar-URL>
| 38 | <fm:Zipped-Tar-URL>http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/docbook/{DISTRONAME-VERSION}.zip?download</fm:Zipped-Tar-URL>
| 39 | <fm:Bzipped-Tar-URL>http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/docbook/{DISTRONAME-VERSION}.bz2?download</fm:Bzipped-Tar-URL>
| 40 | <fm:Changelog-URL>http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?release_id={SFRELID}</fm:Changelog-URL>
| 41 | <fm:CVS-URL>http://docbook.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/docbook/</fm:CVS-URL>
| 42 | <fm:Mailing-List-URL>http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-apps/</fm:Mailing-List-URL>
| 43 | <fm:Changes>This is a bug-fix release with a few feature enhancements.
| 44 | </fm:Changes>
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| 46 |
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| 90 |
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