1 | # ......................................................................
2 |
3 | # DocBook XML DTD V4.5 .................................................
4 |
5 | # File docbookx.dtd ....................................................
6 |
7 | # Copyright 1992-2006 HaL Computer Systems, Inc.,
8 | # O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ArborText, Inc., Fujitsu Software
9 | # Corporation, Norman Walsh, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and the
10 | # Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
11 | # Standards (OASIS).
12 | #
13 | # See also http://docbook.org/specs/
14 | #
15 | # $Id: docbookx.dtd 6340 2006-10-03 13:23:24Z nwalsh $
16 | #
17 | # Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the DocBook XML DTD
18 | # and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee
19 | # is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright
20 | # notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright
21 | # holders make no representation about the suitability of the DTD for
22 | # any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied
23 | # warranty.
24 | #
25 | # If you modify the DocBook DTD in any way, except for declaring and
26 | # referencing additional sets of general entities and declaring
27 | # additional notations, label your DTD as a variant of DocBook. See
28 | # the maintenance documentation for more information.
29 | #
30 | # Please direct all questions, bug reports, or suggestions for
31 | # changes to the docbook@lists.oasis-open.org mailing list. For more
32 | # information, see http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/.
33 |
34 | # ......................................................................
35 |
36 | # This is the driver file for V4.5 of the DocBook DTD.
37 | # Please use the following formal public identifier to identify it:
38 | #
39 | # "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
40 | #
41 | # For example, if your document's top-level element is Book, and
42 | # you are using DocBook directly, use the FPI in the DOCTYPE
43 | # declaration:
44 | #
45 | # <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
46 | # "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd"
47 | # [...]>
48 | #
49 | # Or, if you have a higher-level driver file that customizes DocBook,
50 | # use the FPI in the parameter entity declaration:
51 | #
52 | # <!ENTITY % DocBookDTD PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
53 | # "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd">
54 | # %DocBookDTD;
55 | #
56 | # See the documentation for detailed information on the parameter
57 | # entity and module scheme used in DocBook, customizing DocBook and
58 | # planning for interchange, and changes made since the last release
59 | # of DocBook.
60 |
61 | # ......................................................................
62 |
63 | # Enable SGML features .................................................
64 |
65 | # ......................................................................
66 |
67 | # Notation declarations ................................................
68 |
69 | include "dbnotnx.rnc"
70 | # ......................................................................
71 |
72 | # ISO character entity sets ............................................
73 |
74 | # euro sign, U+20AC NEW
75 |
76 | # ......................................................................
77 |
78 | # DTD modules ..........................................................
79 |
80 | # Information pool ..............
81 | include "dbpoolx.rnc"
82 | # Redeclaration placeholder .....
83 |
84 | # Document hierarchy ............
85 | include "dbhierx.rnc"
86 | start =
87 | articleinfo
88 | | honorific
89 | | legalnotice
90 | | procedure
91 | | simplelist
92 | | keycode
93 | | refsynopsisdiv
94 | | article
95 | | phrase
96 | | destructorsynopsis
97 | | itemizedlist
98 | | audioobject
99 | | link
100 | | sect1info
101 | | xref
102 | | glossaryinfo
103 | | varname
104 | | keywordset
105 | | informalequation
106 | | toc
107 | | pagenums
108 | | lot
109 | | shortcut
110 | | glosslist
111 | | option
112 | | bibliosource
113 | | variablelist
114 | | filename
115 | | pob
116 | | colgroup
117 | | foreignphrase
118 | | group
119 | | substeps
120 | | conftitle
121 | | textobject
122 | | menuchoice
123 | | colspec
124 | | contractsponsor
125 | | tocback
126 | | contractnum
127 | | constant
128 | | dedication
129 | | inlineequation
130 | | bibliographyinfo
131 | | country
132 | | glossseealso
133 | | bridgehead
134 | | mousebutton
135 | | surname
136 | | stepalternatives
137 | | tertiaryie
138 | | mediaobject
139 | | msgentry
140 | | fax
141 | | initializer
142 | | table
143 | | task
144 | | setinfo
145 | | videodata
146 | | bibliodiv
147 | | issuenum
148 | | phone
149 | | state
150 | | refsynopsisdivinfo
151 | | member
152 | | glossentry
153 | | term
154 | | msgtext
155 | | tr
156 | | errortype
157 | | confdates
158 | | inlinegraphic
159 | | th
160 | | segmentedlist
161 | | remark
162 | | preface
163 | | structname
164 | | publisher
165 | | td
166 | | oointerface
167 | | refsection
168 | | type
169 | | taskrelated
170 | | msgrel
171 | | artpagenums
172 | | bibliomixed
173 | | revnumber
174 | | firstterm
175 | | seeie
176 | | spanspec
177 | | toclevel5
178 | | trademark
179 | | toclevel4
180 | | toclevel3
181 | | toclevel2
182 | | indexentry
183 | | toclevel1
184 | | colophon
185 | | methodparam
186 | | sidebarinfo
187 | | productnumber
188 | | funcprototype
189 | | inlinemediaobject
190 | | refclass
191 | | lotentry
192 | | paramdef
193 | | classsynopsisinfo
194 | | qandaset
195 | | footnote
196 | | msglevel
197 | | keysym
198 | | citation
199 | | simplemsgentry
200 | | othercredit
201 | | subjectset
202 | | keycap
203 | | orderedlist
204 | | refmiscinfo
205 | | blockinfo
206 | | programlistingco
207 | | abbrev
208 | | sidebar
209 | | informalfigure
210 | | tip
211 | | primaryie
212 | | appendixinfo
213 | | partintro
214 | | glossdiv
215 | | confgroup
216 | | segtitle
217 | | taskprerequisites
218 | | street
219 | | tbody
220 | | caption
221 | | markup
222 | | setindex
223 | | msgsub
224 | | subscript
225 | | orgname
226 | | fieldsynopsis
227 | | refname
228 | | void
229 | | sect5
230 | | sect4
231 | | sect3
232 | | chapter
233 | | sect2
234 | | sect1
235 | | modifier
236 | | col
237 | | orgdiv
238 | | city
239 | | bibliolist
240 | | funcparams
241 | | application
242 | | \token
243 | | imageobject
244 | | literal
245 | | funcsynopsis
246 | | olink
247 | | package
248 | | collab
249 | | seealsoie
250 | | primary
251 | | glossterm
252 | | termdef
253 | | area
254 | | ackno
255 | | function
256 | | collabname
257 | | lineannotation
258 | | guisubmenu
259 | | msgexplan
260 | | errorname
261 | | property
262 | | synopfragmentref
263 | | refentryinfo
264 | | entry
265 | | manvolnum
266 | | synopsis
267 | | emphasis
268 | | appendix
269 | | bookinfo
270 | | contrib
271 | | otheraddr
272 | | copyright
273 | | methodname
274 | | email
275 | | ooclass
276 | | videoobject
277 | | abstract
278 | | firstname
279 | | revremark
280 | | glossdef
281 | | guibutton
282 | | informalexample
283 | | screen
284 | | errorcode
285 | | command
286 | | seriesvolnums
287 | | refpurpose
288 | | parameter
289 | | equation
290 | | tfoot
291 | | code
292 | | jobtitle
293 | | sgmltag
294 | | screenco
295 | | holder
296 | | isbn
297 | | corpcredit
298 | | biblioset
299 | | part
300 | | symbol
301 | | row
302 | | bibliomisc
303 | | imagedata
304 | | secondary
305 | | classname
306 | | callout
307 | | screenshot
308 | | bibliomset
309 | | indexterm
310 | | refsect3
311 | | tocchap
312 | | para
313 | | refsect2
314 | | refsect1
315 | | date
316 | | refdescriptor
317 | | wordasword
318 | | epigraph
319 | | audiodata
320 | | hardware
321 | | confsponsor
322 | | authorgroup
323 | | warning
324 | | authorinitials
325 | | medialabel
326 | | varlistentry
327 | | authorblurb
328 | | itermset
329 | | refsect3info
330 | | informaltable
331 | | guimenuitem
332 | | postcode
333 | | subjectterm
334 | | refnamediv
335 | | note
336 | | figure
337 | | envar
338 | | listitem
339 | | methodsynopsis
340 | | affiliation
341 | | funcsynopsisinfo
342 | | structfield
343 | | blockquote
344 | | keyword
345 | | chapterinfo
346 | | tertiary
347 | | year
348 | | subtitle
349 | | personblurb
350 | | refentry
351 | | citebiblioid
352 | | seglistitem
353 | | bibliography
354 | | msg
355 | | constructorsynopsis
356 | | refsect2info
357 | | volumenum
358 | | database
359 | | funcdef
360 | | uri
361 | | graphicco
362 | | biblioid
363 | | msgmain
364 | | printhistory
365 | | glosssee
366 | | beginpage
367 | | glossary
368 | | set
369 | | highlights
370 | | objectinfo
371 | | tocpart
372 | | guiicon
373 | | revhistory
374 | | seg
375 | | see
376 | | msgorig
377 | | areaspec
378 | | partinfo
379 | | index
380 | | sectioninfo
381 | | refsectioninfo
382 | | optional
383 | | confnum
384 | | replaceable
385 | | refsect1info
386 | | corpauthor
387 | | step
388 | | anchor
389 | | arg
390 | | mathphrase
391 | | setindexinfo
392 | | keycombo
393 | | address
394 | | cmdsynopsis
395 | | computeroutput
396 | | literallayout
397 | | qandaentry
398 | | sect5info
399 | | bibliocoverage
400 | | coref
401 | | editor
402 | | superscript
403 | | personname
404 | | pubsnumber
405 | | graphic
406 | | simplesect
407 | | accel
408 | | secondaryie
409 | | biblioref
410 | | publishername
411 | | bibliorelation
412 | | prefaceinfo
413 | | revision
414 | | screeninfo
415 | | sbr
416 | | example
417 | | citetitle
418 | | issn
419 | | invpartnumber
420 | | indexdiv
421 | | sect4info
422 | | corpname
423 | | lineage
424 | | ooexception
425 | | reference
426 | | revdescription
427 | | title
428 | | edition
429 | | co
430 | | msgaud
431 | | guimenu
432 | | shortaffil
433 | | titleabbrev
434 | | msginfo
435 | | refmeta
436 | | qandadiv
437 | | mediaobjectco
438 | | seealso
439 | | exceptionname
440 | | answer
441 | | programlisting
442 | | tgroup
443 | | refentrytitle
444 | | book
445 | | errortext
446 | | varargs
447 | | sect3info
448 | | citerefentry
449 | | tasksummary
450 | | quote
451 | | othername
452 | | prompt
453 | | entrytbl
454 | | interfacename
455 | | acronym
456 | | modespec
457 | | msgset
458 | | thead
459 | | textdata
460 | | userinput
461 | | attribution
462 | | footnoteref
463 | | action
464 | | tocentry
465 | | tocfront
466 | | author
467 | | imageobjectco
468 | | alt
469 | | question
470 | | ulink
471 | | subject
472 | | pubdate
473 | | returnvalue
474 | | label
475 | | caution
476 | | section
477 | | systemitem
478 | | referenceinfo
479 | | sect2info
480 | | calloutlist
481 | | classsynopsis
482 | | productname
483 | | simpara
484 | | synopfragment
485 | | important
486 | | interface
487 | | releaseinfo
488 | | formalpara
489 | | areaset
490 | | biblioentry
491 | | indexinfo
492 | | guilabel
493 | # ......................................................................
494 |
495 | # Other general entities ...............................................
496 |
497 | # End of DocBook XML DTD V4.5 ..........................................
498 |
499 | # ......................................................................