1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!-- ...................................................................... -->
3 | <!-- DocBook notations module V4.5 ........................................ -->
4 | <!-- File dbnotnx.mod ..................................................... -->
5 | <!--
6 | Copyright 1992-2004 HaL Computer Systems, Inc.,
7 | O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ArborText, Inc., Fujitsu Software
8 | Corporation, Norman Walsh, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and the
9 | Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
10 | Standards (OASIS).
11 |
12 | $Id: dbnotnx.mod 6340 2006-10-03 13:23:24Z nwalsh $
13 |
14 | Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the DocBook DTD
15 | and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee
16 | is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright
17 | notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright
18 | holders make no representation about the suitability of the DTD for
19 | any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied
20 | warranty.
21 |
22 | If you modify the DocBook DTD in any way, except for declaring and
23 | referencing additional sets of general entities and declaring
24 | additional notations, label your DTD as a variant of DocBook. See
25 | the maintenance documentation for more information.
26 |
27 | Please direct all questions, bug reports, or suggestions for
28 | changes to the docbook@lists.oasis-open.org mailing list. For more
29 | information, see http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/.
30 | -->
31 | <!-- ...................................................................... -->
32 | <!--
33 | This module contains the notation declarations used by DocBook.
34 |
35 | In DTD driver files referring to this module, please use an entity
36 | declaration that uses the public identifier shown below:
37 |
38 | <!ENTITY % dbnotn PUBLIC
39 | "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Notations V4.5//EN"
40 | "dbnotnx.mod">
41 | %dbnotn;
42 |
43 | See the documentation for detailed information on the parameter
44 | entity and module scheme used in DocBook, customizing DocBook and
45 | planning for interchange, and changes made since the last release
46 | of DocBook.
47 | -->
48 | <grammar xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0">
49 | <define name="local.notation.class">
50 | <notAllowed/>
51 | </define>
52 | <define name="notation.class">
53 | <choice>
54 | <value>BMP</value>
55 | <value>CGM-CHAR</value>
56 | <value>CGM-BINARY</value>
57 | <value>CGM-CLEAR</value>
58 | <value>DITROFF</value>
59 | <value>DVI</value>
60 | <value>EPS</value>
61 | <value>EQN</value>
62 | <value>FAX</value>
63 | <value>GIF</value>
64 | <value>GIF87a</value>
65 | <value>GIF89a</value>
66 | <value>JPG</value>
67 | <value>JPEG</value>
68 | <value>IGES</value>
69 | <value>PCX</value>
70 | <value>PIC</value>
71 | <value>PNG</value>
72 | <value>PS</value>
73 | <value>SGML</value>
74 | <value>TBL</value>
75 | <value>TEX</value>
76 | <value>TIFF</value>
77 | <value>WMF</value>
78 | <value>WPG</value>
79 | <value>SVG</value>
80 | <value>PDF</value>
81 | <value>SWF</value>
82 | <value>linespecific</value>
83 | <ref name="local.notation.class"/>
84 | </choice>
85 | </define>
86 | </grammar>
87 | <!-- WordPerfect Graphic format -->
88 | <!-- End of DocBook notations module V4.5 ................................. -->
89 | <!-- ...................................................................... -->