%general-entities; ]> Mounting the New Partition Now that a file system has been created, the partition needs to be made accessible. In order to do this, the partition needs to be mounted at a chosen mount point. As the root user, ensure the CLFS variable is set, if you haven't already: export CLFS=[/mnt/clfs] Next, create the mount point and mount the CLFS file system by running the following commands as root: mkdir -pv ${CLFS} mount -v /dev/[xxx] ${CLFS} Replace [xxx] with the designation of the CLFS partition. If using multiple partitions for CLFS (e.g., one for / and another for /usr), mount them as root using: mkdir -pv ${CLFS} mount -v /dev/[xxx] ${CLFS} mkdir -v ${CLFS}/usr mount -v /dev/[yyy] ${CLFS}/usr Replace [xxx] and [yyy] with the appropriate partition names. Ensure that this new partition is not mounted with permissions that are too restrictive (such as the , , or options). Run mount | grep ${CLFS} to see what options are set for the mounted CLFS partition. If , , and/or are set, the partition will need to be remounted. Now that there is an established place to work, it is time to download the packages.