%general-entities; ]> Master Changelog This is version &version; of the Cross-Compiled Linux From Scratch book, dated &releasedate;. If this book is more than six months old, a newer and better version is probably already available. To find out, please check one of the mirrors via . Below is a list of detailed changes made since the previous release of the book. Changelog Entries: January 23, 2007 [jim] - Updated to Linux Headers January 15, 2007 [jim] - Updated to Linux [jim] - Updated to Linux Headers [jim] - Updated to Tree 1.5.1. [jim] - Updated to Udev 104. [jim] - Updated to Udev Rules 1.1-pre4. [Chris] - Removed obsolete note from bzip2 instructions about performing rm /usr/bin/bz*. January 12, 2007 [jim] - Updated to Glibc Branch Update Patch. [jim] - Updated to Binutils Branch Update Patch. January 7, 2007 [jim] - Updated to Bzip2 1.0.4. December 23, 2006 [jciccone] - Updated to Ncurses 5.6. December 15, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Gzip 1.3.9. [jim] - Updated to IPRoute2 2.6.19-061214. December 13, 2006 [jim] - Added File to Cross-tools. December 12, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Linux [jim] - Updated to Linux Headers [jim] - Added Readline Upstream Patch. [jim] - Update Bash Upstream Patch. [jim] - Updated to File 4.19. December 10, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Gzip 1.3.8. December 9, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Tar 1.16.1. December 7, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Gzip 1.3.7. [jim] - Updated to Coreutils 6.7. [jim] - Reverting sysroot changes. December 1, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Man-Pages 2.43. [jim] - Removed MINOR patch and replaced it with a more complete upstream patch will all current updates to the 2.5 branch of glibc. [jim] - Added Binutils Branch Update Patch. [jim] - Reverted change in gettext build in temp-system. [jim] - Updated to Coreutils 6.7. November 29, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Linux Headers 2.6.19-11302006. [jim] - Updated to Udev Rules 1.1-pre3. November 29, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Linux 2.6.19. [jim] - Updated to Linux Headers 2.6.19-11292006. November 27, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Gettext 0.16.1. November 26, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Man-Pages 2.42. [jim] - Updated to Gzip 1.3.6. November 25, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Findutils 4.2.29. November 23, 2006 [Chris] - Added /bin/rm to essential symlinks - e2fsprogs testsuite hard-codes the location to that binary. November 22, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Coreutils 6.6. [jim] - Updated to Man 1.6e. November 20, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Coreutils 6.5. [jim] - Added Patch for Coreutils 6.5 ls segfault. [jim] - Updated to M4 1.4.8. [jim] - Updated to Linux [jim] - Updated to Linux Headers November 17, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Autoconf 2.61. November 15, 2006 [jim] - Updated to IANA-Etc 2.20. November 14, 2006 [jim] - Change to E2FSProgs, does not pick up the CC or LD variables. November 12, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Linux Headers [jim] - Bash 3.2 patch updated with upstream fixes 001-005. November 5, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Linux [jim] - Updated to Linux Headers November 4, 2006 [Chris] - Modified the instructions for disabling the installation of the groups program to account for changes in shadow's Makefile. November 2, 2006 [jim] - Updated to File 4.18. October 31, 2006 [jim] - Bash 3.2 patch updated with upstream fixes. [jim] - Updated to Bootscripts 1.1-pre3. October 30, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Udev Rules 1.1-pre2. October 27, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Bootscripts 1.1-pre2. [jim] - Updated syslog.conf file. October 26, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Linux-Headers [jim] - Updated to Gettext 0.16. [jim] - The nscd sed is no longer needed to build Glibc 2.5. October 25, 2006 [Chris] - Updated to Psmisc 22.3. [Chris] - Updated to Tcl 8.4.14. [Chris] - Moved e2fsprogs and sed before coreutils, as Coreutils testsuite now requires e2fsprogs. October 23, 2006 [Chris] - Removed unneeded additions to config.cache for temp-system Tar and Coreutils. [jim] - Added touch man/uname.1 in temp-system Coreutils to prevent a build failure. [jim] - Added Patch for a Versioning issue with Glibc 2.5. October 22, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Linux [jim] - Updated to Linux Headers [jim] - Updated to Coreutils 6.4. [jim] - Removed out of place udev text in bootscripts Networking. October 21, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Inetutils 1.5. [jim] - Updated to IPRoute2 2.6.18-061002. [jim] - Updated to Tar 1.16. [jim] - Updated to Udev 103. [jim] - Updated to Coreutils 6.3. October 20, 2006 [Chris] - Removed command to add "setvbuf_reversed" to temp-system bash as it is no longer needed with Bash 3.2. [Chris] - Added command to man instructions to comment out MANPATH /usr/local/man (in addition to /usr/man). October 15, 2006 [jim] - Updated Bash 3.2 with some unofficial upstream fixes. Thank you Chet Ramey. October 12, 2006 [jim] - Added patch to fix build issue with Bash 3.2. [jim] - Updated to Man-Pages 2.41. [jim] - Updated to Glibc 2.5. October 11, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Bash 3.2. [jim] - Updated to Readline 5.2. [jim] - Updated to Man-Pages 2.40. [jim] - Updated to Udev 102. October 4, 2006 [manuel] - Changed book license to the Open Publication License v1.0. October 1, 2006 [Chris] - Removed obsolete command from Tcl instructions, as the issue it fixes has been fixed in the latest Tcl version. September 29, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Linux Headers to 2.6.18-09302006. [jim] - New patch for util-linux, replaces GCC 4 Fixes, the new patches fixes the same issues, and removes the use of syscalls. Syscalls were removed the unistd.h during santization. September 28, 2006 [jim] - Added patch for Util-Linux to fix build issues due to headers change in the kernel. [jim] - Updated to Texinfo 4.8a. September 25, 2006 [jim] - Updated Bootscripts to 1.1-pre1. Adding in the boot logging feature. [jim] - Updated to Udev 100. [jim] - Updated Udev Rules for Udev 100. [jim] - Updated to M4 1.4.7. [jim] - Updated to Linux to 2.6.18. [jim] - Updated to Linux Headers to 2.6.18-09252006. [jim] - Udev library libvolume_id is used by HAL, which makes us change our build to a multilib build of udev libaries only for 32 and N32. September 18, 2006 [jim] - Updated Bison to a multilib build in all support architectures. August 28, 2006 [jim] - Updated to Gettext 0.15. [jim] - Updated to Shadow [jim] - Updated to Coreutils 5.97. [jim] - Updated to Procps 3.2.7. [jim] - Updated to Man-Pages 2.39. [jim] - Updated to Autoconf 2.60. [jim] - Updated to TCL 8.4.13. [jim] - Updated to M4 1.4.6. [jim] - Updated to Findutils 4.2.28. [jim] - Updated to Coreutils Uname Patch -2, which supports all architectures. [jim] - Updated to Vim Patch -10, which contains upstream fixes. [jim] - Updated to Udev 098 and udev-cross-lfs to 1.1-08272006 rules. August 28, 2006 [jim] - Changelog restarted, see the 1.0.0 book for the old changelog. Branch Synced from the Release of LFS 6.0 on February 23rd, 2005