%general-entities; %patches-entities; ]> Hfsutils-&hfsutils-version; Hfsutils <para>The Hfsutils package contains a number of utilities for accessing files on hfs filesystems. It is needed to run ybin.</para> <segmentedlist> <segtitle>&dependencies;</segtitle> <seglistitem> <seg>Coreutils, GCC, and Make</seg> </seglistitem> </segmentedlist> </sect2> <sect2 role="installation"> <title>Installation of Hfsutils Prepare Hfsutils for compilation: ./configure --prefix=/usr Compile the package. make Install the package: make install Contents of Hfsutils Installed programs hattrib, hcd, hcopy, hdel, hdir, hfsutils, hformat, hls, hmkdir, hmount, hpwd, hrename, hrmdir, humount, hvol (these are all hardlinks to hfsutils). Short Descriptions hattrib Change FS file or directory attributes. hattrib hcd Change working HFS directory. hcd hcopy Copy files to or from an HFS volume. hcopy hdel Delete both forks of an HFS file. hdel hdir Display an HFS directory in long format. hdir hformat Create a new HFS filesystem and make it current. hformat hfsutils Tools for accessing Macintosh HFS-formatted volumes. hfsutils hls List files in an HFS directory. hls hmkdir Create a new HFS directory. hmkdir hmount Introduce a new HFS volume and make it current. hmount hpwd Print the full path to the current HFS working directory. hpwd hrename Rename or move an HFS file or directory. hrename hrmdir Remaove an empty HFS directory. hrmdir humount Remove an HFS volume from the list of known volumes. humount hvol Display or change the current HFS volume. hvol