%general-entities; ]> Procps-&procps-version; 32 Bit Libraries Procps 32 Bit Installation of Procps make CC="gcc ${BUILD32}" m64="" make install lib64=lib The meaning of the make and install options: CC="gcc ${BUILD32}" This allows us to compile using our gcc with our options lists in ${BUILD32} variable. m64="" The Makefile for this package goes to some lengths to build as 64-bit if at all possible. In CLFS we build each library for each available ABI. Overriding the m64 option enables us ignore this completely. lib64=lib The Makefile also attempts to install into lib64 on multilib, so again we choose to override it. <para>Details on this package are located in <xref linkend="contents-procps" role="."/></para> </sect2> </sect1>