%general-entities; ]> systemd-&systemd-version; systemd <para><command>systemd</command> is a system and service manager for Linux operating systems.</para> </sect2> <sect2 role="installation"> <title>Installation of systemd By default, systemd contains a unit file that mounts a tmpfs over /var/lock on boot as 775 with a gid of lock. CLFS does not have a lock group. Change this to 777 with the following command: sed -i "s/\(mode\)=775,gid=lock/\1=777/" \ units/var-lock.mount Prepare systemd for compilation: ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var \ --with-rootdir= --with-distro=other \ --with-syslog-service=rsyslog.service \ --with-sysvinit-path=/etc/init.d \ --with-sysvrcd-path=/etc/rc.d Compile the package: make Install the package: make install Configuring systemd systemd configuring /etc/os-release Create a file to identify the operating system. systemd will use this file on boot to put information on the screen. cat > /etc/os-release << "EOF" # Begin /etc/os-release NAME=Cross-LFS ID=clfs PRETTY_NAME=Cross Linux From Scratch ANSI_COLOR=0;33 VERSION=&version; VERSION_ID=&versionid; # End /etc/os-release EOF Contents of systemd Installed programs Installed libraries Installed directories systemctl, systemd, systemd-ask-password, systemd-cgls, systemd-notify, systemd-tty-ask-password-agent pam_systemd /lib/systemd, /etc/systemd, /etc/tmpfiles.d, /usr/share/systemd Short Descriptions systemctl Control the systemd system and service manager systemctl systemd System and service manager for Linux systemd systemd-ask-password Queries the user for a system passphrase, via the TTY or an UI agent. systemd-ask-password systemd-cgls Recursively shows control group contents systemd-cgls systemd-notify Notify init system about start-up completion and other daemon status changes systemd-notify systemd-tty-ask-password-agent Process system password requests systemd-tty-ask-password-agent pam_systemd Register user sessions in the systemd control group hierarchy pam_systemd /lib/systemd Location of system units and configurations /lib/systemd /etc/systemd Location of user units and configurations /etc/systemd /etc/tmpfiles.d Configuration for creation, deletion and cleaning of temporary and volatile files /etc/tmpfiles.d /usr/share/systemd Location of session unit files /usr/share/systemd