%general-entities; ]> Aboot-&aboot-version; Aboot <para>The aboot package contains the Alpha Bootloader.</para> </sect2> <sect2 role="installation"> <title>Installation of Aboot The following patch addresses build issues with GCC &gcc-version;: patch -Np1 -i ../&aboot-alpha-patch; Compile the package: make Install the package: make install Contents of aboot Installed programs abootconf, e2writeboot, isomarkboot, swriteboot Short Descriptions abootconf Sets the partition number that contains the configuration file for the secondary bootloader. abootconf e2writeboot Can be used to write a secondary bootstrap loader to an ext2 formatted filesystem (normally on a floppy disk). e2writeboot isomarkboot Makes an iso image bootable. isomarkboot swriteboot Used to write the secondary SRM bootloader to a harddisk. swriteboot