%general-entities; ]> How to View the Book Most likely, you have been using a web browser or PDF viewer to read the CLFS book so far. However, the temporary system in /tools does not have any of these, so you will need to find a way to continue following the book after booting into the temporary build environment. One possibility might be to simply have the book open on another computer, or even read a printed copy, though one downside to this is that you cannot copy-and-paste commands. Another solution could be to convert the CLFS book into plain text, thus allowing it to be viewed with more, by using a command such as the following: lynx -dump /path/to/clfs/book.html > ${CLFS}/root/CLFS-book.txt Other possible solutions include cross-compiling and installing additional programs before booting, such as Lynx or Links to view the book, or OpenSSH to allow remote login. See the CLFS Hints website at for more suggestions that other users have come up with.