BASEDIR=~/cross-lfs-book DUMPDIR=~/cross-lfs-commands DLLISTDIR=~/cross-lfs-dllist CHUNK_QUIET=1 XSLROOTDIR=/usr/share/xml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-1.69.1 ARCH=x86 x86_64 x86_64-64 sparc sparc64 sparc64-64 mips mips64 mips64-64 ppc ppc64 alpha # HTML Rendering Chunked define HTML_RENDER echo "Rendering HTML of $$arch..." ; \ xsltproc --xinclude --nonet -stringparam profile.condition html \ -stringparam chunk.quietly $(CHUNK_QUIET) -stringparam base.dir $(BASEDIR)/$$arch/ \ $(PWD)/stylesheets/lfs-chunked.xsl $(PWD)/$$arch-index.xml ; \ mkdir -p $(BASEDIR)/$$arch/stylesheets ; \ cp $(PWD)/stylesheets/*.css $(BASEDIR)/$$arch/stylesheets ; \ cd $(BASEDIR)/$$arch/; sed -i -e "s@../stylesheets@stylesheets@g" *.html ; \ mkdir -p $(BASEDIR)/$$arch/images ; \ cp $(XSLROOTDIR)/images/*.png $(BASEDIR)/$$arch/images ; \ cd $(BASEDIR)/$$arch/; sed -i -e "s@../images@images@g" *.html endef # HTML Rendering No Chunks define HTML_RENDER2 echo "Rendering Single File HTML of $$arch..." ; \ xsltproc --xinclude --nonet -stringparam profile.condition html \ --output $(BASEDIR)/CLFS-BOOK-$$arch.html \ $(PWD)/stylesheets/lfs-nochunks.xsl $$arch-index.xml endef # PDF Rendering define PDF_RENDER echo "Rendering PDF of $$arch..." ; \ xsltproc --xinclude --nonet --output $(BASEDIR)/ \ $(PWD)/stylesheets/lfs-pdf.xsl $$arch-index.xml ; \ sed -i -e "s/inherit/all/" $(BASEDIR)/ ; \ -q $(BASEDIR)/ -pdf $(BASEDIR)/CLFS-BOOK-$$arch.pdf ; \ rm $(BASEDIR)/ endef # Plain Text Rendering define TEXT_RENDER echo "Rendering Text of $$arch..." ; \ xsltproc --xinclude --nonet --output $(BASEDIR)/ \ $(PWD)/stylesheets/lfs-pdf.xsl $$arch-index.xml ; \ sed -i -e "s/inherit/all/" $(BASEDIR)/ ; \ $(BASEDIR)/ -txt $(BASEDIR)/CLFS-BOOK-$$arch.txt ; \ rm $(BASEDIR)/ endef # Validation define VALIDATE echo "Validating $$arch..." ; \ xmllint --xinclude --noout --nonet --postvalid $(PWD)/$$arch-index.xml endef # TroubleShoot define TROUBLE echo "Troubleshooting $$arch..." ; \ xmllint --xinclude --nonet --postvalid $(PWD)/$$arch-index.xml > /tmp/dump-$$arch ; \ xmllint --xinclude --noout --nonet --valid /tmp/dump-$$arch ; \ echo "You can now look at /tmp/dump-$$arch to see the errors" endef # Dump commands define DUMP echo "Extracting commands from $$arch..." ; \ xsltproc --xinclude --nonet --output $(DUMPDIR)/$$arch/ \ $(PWD)/stylesheets/dump-commands.xsl $$arch-index.xml endef # Get commands define DLLIST echo "Creating download list for $$arch..." ; \ xsltproc --xinclude --nonet --output $(DLLISTDIR)/$$arch.dl.list \ $(PWD)/stylesheets/wget.xsl $$arch-index.xml endef clfs: toplevel render common toplevel: @xsltproc --nonet --output $(BASEDIR)/index.html $(PWD)/stylesheets/top-index.xsl $(PWD)/index.xml render: @for arch in $(ARCH) ; do \ $(HTML_RENDER) ; \ done common: @for filename in `find $(BASEDIR) -name "*.html"`; do \ tidy -config tidy.conf $$filename; \ true; \ sh $$filename; \ sed -i -e "s@text/html@application/xhtml+xml@g" $$filename; \ done; nochunks: nochunk_render common nochunk_render: @for arch in $(ARCH) ; do \ $(HTML_RENDER2) ; \ done pdf: @for arch in $(ARCH) ; do \ $(PDF_RENDER) ; \ done text: @for arch in $(ARCH) ; do \ $(TEXT_RENDER) ; \ done validate: @for arch in $(ARCH) ; do \ $(VALIDATE) ; \ done trouble: @for arch in $(ARCH) ; do \ $(TROUBLE) ; \ done dump-commands: @for arch in $(ARCH) ; do \ $(DUMP) ; \ done download-list: @for arch in $(ARCH) ; do \ $(DLLIST) ; \ done target-list: @printf "%-15s %-10s\n" "Architecture" "Build Type" ;\ for arch in $(ARCH) ; do \ MULTILIB=0 ;\ PURE64=0 ;\ TEST="`echo $$arch | grep -c -e '-64'`" ;\ if [ "$$TEST" = "1" ]; then \ PURE64=1 ;\ else \ TEST="`echo $$arch | grep -c -e '64'`" ;\ if [ "$$TEST" = "1" ]; then \ MULTILIB=1 ;\ fi; \ fi; \ if [ "$$PURE64" = "1" ]; then \ printf "%-15s %-10s\n" $$arch "Pure 64" ;\ else \ if [ "$$MULTILIB" = "1" ]; then \ printf "%-15s %-10s\n" $$arch "Multilib" ;\ else \ printf "%-15s %-10s\n" $$arch "Default" ;\ fi; \ fi; \ done help: @printf "%-25s %-20s\n" "Command" "Function" @printf "%-25s %-20s\n" "make download-list" "Create download file lists" @printf "%-25s %-20s\n" "make dump-commands" "Dump all the commands from the book" @printf "%-25s %-20s\n" "make clfs" "Make the standard multilib page book" @printf "%-25s %-20s\n" "make nochunks" "Make single html file book" @printf "%-25s %-20s\n" "make pdf" "Make pdf copy of the book" @printf "%-25s %-20s\n" "make target-list" "Get List of Architecture targets" @printf "%-25s %-20s\n" "make text" "Make a text copy of the book" @printf "%-25s %-20s\n" "make trouble" "Make a copy that's easy to troubleshoot" @printf "%-25s %-20s\n" "make validate" "Run book validation" .PHONY: clfs toplevel common render nochunks nochunk_render pdf text validate trouble dump-commands download-list \ target-list help