Custom Query (51 matches)


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Status: closed (51 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#154 /usr/lib64 created by binutils in pure64 ken task blocker CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#156 Add the lfs udev config tarball clfs-commits@… task major wontfix
#146 Address using chroot to build ix86 from i686 or x86_64 Joe Ciccone task major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#131 Binutils-2.18 Libiberty.a Placement clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#171 Build optimizations link in book links to blank page Joe Ciccone task minor CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#129 C Compiler will not compile Util-linux-ng-2.13 clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#143 CLFS 1.1.0 Status clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#155 Create /bin/echo for tst-vfork3.c in glibc-2.7 clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#125 Flex -fPIC Joe Ciccone task major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#142 GCC 4.2.4 clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#174 Gettext-0.17 Source for CLFS Version SVN-20080719-x86_64-Pure64 clfs-commits@… defect major invalid
#95 Glibc 2.5 Jim Gifford task major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#138 Glibc Broken on Sparc64 Joe Ciccone defect blocker CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#144 Inetutils - Sparc64 clfs-commits@… task critical CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#169 Installed Files clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#150 It would be nice to build df in the temp coreutils Joe Ciccone task minor fixed
#100 Lilo build command on x86_64 Pure clfs-commits@… enhancement trivial unstable fixed
#116 MD5 sum mismatch on linux- Jim Gifford defect major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 invalid
#118 Modify Testsuite Tools Introduction clfs-commits@… defect trivial fixed
#161 Multilib books and Procps command descriptions Joe Ciccone task minor CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#126 Ncurses Host System Requirement clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#152 Only ppc and ppc64 are using the glibc branch update patch in chapter 5 clfs-commits@… defect minor CLFS Standard 1.1.0 wontfix
#123 PPC: Textual blur in 10.7.4 (32bit) and 10.8.4 (Multilib) (Cfg dynlinker) Joe Ciccone enhancement minor CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#47 Packages to get updated in 1.1.0 clfs-commits@… task trivial CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#162 Patch link for lilo is not correct. clfs-commits@… defect minor CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#111 Ping broken on Alpha clfs-commits@… defect major unstable fixed
#73 Russian transaltions of vim manual page cannot be found clfs-commits@… task major unstable wontfix
#173 Section on "create CLFS-user" explains option that has been removed clfs-commits@… task trivial CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#135 Shadow 4.1.0 Joe Ciccone task major CLFS Standard 1.0.0 fixed
#72 Shadow manual pages clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 wontfix
#140 Udev clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#127 Util-Linux-ng clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#119 gcc-4.2.0 unusable on ppc64 ken defect blocker CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#168 gcc-4.2.4 unused patch not found clfs-commits@… defect major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#130 getline hack in config.cache probably not needed for temp-system findutils anymore clfs-commits@… task minor fixed
#133 glibc-2.7-branch_update-1.patch breaks build on powerpc. clfs-commits@… task major fixed
#105 gzip-1.3.10 clfs-commits@… task minor unstable wontfix
#96 iproute2-2.6.18-061002 clfs-commits@… task minor CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#153 iproute2/Sparc64 kernel header issue David task critical CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#103 lilo-static is now lilo.static ken task major unstable fixed
#151 minix tools in temporary util-linux-ng for chroot clfs-commits@… task minor fixed
#70 modprobe bug for aliases with regular expressions clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#113 nl_langinfo seems to be broken on x86_64-64 ken defect minor invalid
#110 parted installs libparted ken task minor unstable fixed
#108 powerpcutils can use the same patch in both ppc and ppc64. ken task minor unstable fixed
#107 ppc64 doesn't need glibc headers ken task minor unstable fixed
#109 ppc64 seems not to need the sed for procfs.h in glibc ken task minor unstable fixed
#167 shadow-4.1.2 don't need the installation of libshadow.* Joe Ciccone task major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#170 udev 64 override of 32 clfs-commits@… task major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#132 util-linux-ng and /sbin/agetty clfs-commits@… defect major CLFS Standard 1.1.0 fixed
#104 x86_64 gettext no longer needs sed to pass the tests ken task minor unstable fixed
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